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Mrs. Tucker's Math Goals 1. You will learn to persevere and enjoy being challenged. REACH YET 2. You will become a problem solver who doesn't just know.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs. Tucker's Math Goals 1. You will learn to persevere and enjoy being challenged. REACH YET 2. You will become a problem solver who doesn't just know."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs. Tucker's Math Goals 1. You will learn to persevere and enjoy being challenged. REACH YET 2. You will become a problem solver who doesn't just know how to get an answer, but knows WHY the particular strategy worked to get the answer. 3. You will be capable of reading word problems critically, organizing information neatly, and using multiple strategies to solve the problem. 4. You will continue to develop number sense (math common sense) which you will use to determine if your answers are reasonable. 5. You will be fluent in your math facts. 6. You will talk and write about your mathematical thinking using your math vocabulary.

2 How can my child have a successful year? Be organized (write in Agenda, have correct materials for class, everything in its place, work area neat) Be responsible (with homework, materials, management of time, absences) May not go back to backpack for supplies Be focused and engaged in learning (ask questions, participate in class discussions, participate fully at task at hand) Be a self advocate (if you need help – ask); study groups on Thursdays Effort – every day, your child should be working harder than we are Be here! Have a growth mindset Bottom Line: Support and encourage; don’t solve all problems for your children.


4 3 Ways!


6 Math Tests (40%) Quizzes (30%) Classwork/Homework (15%) Projects (15%) Math 4 Today quizzes provide a spiral review of 5 th Grade Content - weekly Tests and other quizzes are on current content Classwork/Homework Grades taken occasionally – timed tests (best score), homework (completion grade), iReady may be assigned Projects – one at home per quarter (Survival Math); one in class per quarter Accelerated

7 Textbooks The math notebook is your child’s textbook! GoMath! (Grade 6) – used occasionally – available online MANY other resources are used!

8 Daily Structure Check homework Mini-Lesson in Notebook Formative Assessment Practice (meeting with small groups and individuals) Math Menu or Rotations

9 Got It! Don’t Get it YET Bump it Up Sort of Get It Name: ____________

10 Grades Coming Home All Tests will need to be signed, returned, and have corrections attached Other grades will be sent home as graded – under 80% sign and return Check your child’s math notebook occasionally – it is their textbook!

11 Reasons for Math Mistakes R = Reading Error Read the problem wrong Didn’t understand what the question was asking Misunderstood certain vocabulary S = Silly Mistake Missed a basic fact which led you to the wrong answer Wrote down the wrong final answer due to messy work or not being careful Subtracted or added wrong M = Math Mistake Did not understand how to do the math needed to answer the problem

12 Math Fluency/Timed Tests Baseline letter with information was sent home last Friday! If not at mastery (90% or above), daily practice is needed

13 2A 1A 2A Criteria: Teacher recommendation 95% cumulative math average 95% cumulative math test average 3.75 cumulative GPA in core classes Top FSA Math and Reading Scores Qualifying score on Algebra Readiness Test in May

14 Thanks for coming! Sign up for the Remind App to get class messages

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