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Ancient Egypt By Chloe and Kalantha. contents Pharaohs page 3,4,5 Fashion page 6 and 7 Glossary page 8.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Egypt By Chloe and Kalantha. contents Pharaohs page 3,4,5 Fashion page 6 and 7 Glossary page 8."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ancient Egypt By Chloe and Kalantha

2 contents Pharaohs page 3,4,5 Fashion page 6 and 7 Glossary page 8

3 Pharaohs are Egyptian kings. Tutankhamen was a Pharaoh but he was not important. Tutankhamen became ruler at nine years old. He was a Pharaoh for nine years but then died at the age of eighteen years old.

4 Pharaohs Howard Carter discovered Tutankhamen's tomb. Lord Carnarvon died a month later because he was cursed by Tutankhamen's sarcophagus. Tutankhamen's sarcophagus was made of solid gold and weighed 110 kilograms that is 242 pounds!

5 Pharaohs Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. Tutankhamen's tomb was still full of gold when the archaeologists found it, over 3000 years later!

6 Fashion It is very hot in Egypt so the clothing was light and loose fitting. All clothes were made of Linen. For a man, the basic was linen loin cloth or a simple kilt, wrapped around the waist and tried in a knot. Women wore long, tunic.

7 Fashion The Egyptians had all sorts of jewellery they had lucky charms earrings, beautiful necklaces, bracelets, anklets and rings. Most women have short hair because of the hot climate.

8 glossaryglossaryglossaryglossary Archaeologist-A scientist that discovers amazing things Linen- A type of cloth Pharaoh-Egyptian king Sarcophagus-a coffin for a pharaoh.

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