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Differences from Ancient Egypt and Now… By: Alex.

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1 Differences from Ancient Egypt and Now… By: Alex

2 Difference #1 Clothing My Clothing Today I wear, jeans, cords, sweat pants, tee shirts, long sleeves, sweat jackets, sneakers, ect. And they’re all factory made. Ancient Egyptian Clothing Back in ancient Egypt, children ran around naked until puberty. But, they did wear a lot of jewelry. A lot of girls wore hair ornaments. (I’m so glad I didn’t live in ancient Egypt )

3 Difference #2 Education My Education Things I learn at school today are mathematics, social studies, geography, language arts, reading, writing, P.E, music and science. Both boys and girls can go to school, starting at age five. Ancient Egyptian Child’s Education Things ancient Egyptian children would learn are mathematics, reading and writing. Only boys from wealthier families could go to school. Children from non-wealthy families would be taught how to do work around the house.

4 Difference #3 Toys & Games/Activities My Toys, Games & Activities Some toys, games and activities that I do are dancing, playing piano, volleyball, tamagotchis and pixel chix. Ancient Egyptian Toys, Games & Activities Toys, games that they’d play with are dogs, cats, lions, monkeys, ducks, pigeons, dolls with real hair knotted into the head, leather and wooden balls.

5 Difference #4 Houses My House My house is in a subdivision. It is built out of wood, brick and gyprock. It has about 9-10 rooms. 3 bedrooms, a living room, a kitchen, a wreck room and sometimes a play room, a family room and a garage. Ancient Egyptian’s House Ancient Egyptian houses are built out of mud bricks packed together with sun baked clay. Their houses don’t have any rooms. They just have areas, a sleeping area for the children and a sleeping area for adults. Mostly all ancient Egyptians lived on farms.

6 The End!!! Gr. 5 J/P By Alex Feb. 2 nd 2006 (02/02/06)

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