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From Cairo to Accra; The Cairo Declaration and Beyond Facing Our Common Challenges Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Egypt.

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Presentation on theme: "From Cairo to Accra; The Cairo Declaration and Beyond Facing Our Common Challenges Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Egypt."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Cairo to Accra; The Cairo Declaration and Beyond Facing Our Common Challenges Ministry of Communications and Information Technology Egypt

2 From Cairo To Accra; One Continent … A Common Challenge * Kyoto 2008 * London 2008 * Quito 2009 * Seoul 2009 * Cairo 2010 Accra 2011

3 Cairo Roadmap ICTs and Environmental Sustainability Step 1: Share best practices and raise awareness about the benefits associated with the use of green ICTs Stipulating the wide sharing of best practices and exchange of information to maximize the diffusion of green ICTs and smart ICT solutions in the public and private sector, Promoting green ICT related education, and widespread development and adoption of standards based on a life cycle assessment of ICT goods and ICT solutions. Step 2: Demonstrate success and feasibility Encouraging the development of methodologies for assessing the environmental impact of ICT as well as indicators, using compatible assessments to evaluate the potential of smart ICT solutions and management practices and using pilots and flagship demonstration projects.

4 Cairo Roadmap ICTs and Environmental Sustainability Step 3: Engage the private sector, civil society and academic community Encouraging ICT Sector to invest in appropriate ICT based applications, Implementing effectively the net polluter pays principle, Observing the existing obligations under the Multilateral Environment Agreements and National Regulations pertaining to e- waste and hazardous wastes, namely the Prior Informed Consent before exportation, ensuring that the importing countries has the technical capacity to recycle and dispose, Promoting coherent environment-friendly and socially responsible R&D, design, production, use and disposal of ICTs, and extending their working life wherever environmentally efficient.

5 Cairo Roadmap ICTs and Environmental Sustainability Step 4: Promoting national, regional and international cooperation Promoting co-operation and exchange of knowledge between ICT and non- ICT firms, international organizations, Seeking ways to integrate ICT policies as part of the ongoing dialogue on climate change within international organizations such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Seeking ways to integrate ICT policies within the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), encouraging national, regional and international ICT cooperation for environmental sustainability, enhancing partnerships between developing countries, and between developed and developing countries to address global environmental challenges, Making available adequate financial resources to build the capacity of developing countries to better use ICTs to protect the environment.

6 Cairo Roadmap ICTs and Environmental Sustainability Step 5: Integrating ICT, climate, environment and energy policies Bridging the gap between ICT, environment and energy experts and policy makers, to allow the integration of ICT into environment and energy, Integrating the use of ICT in national adaptation plans to make use of ICTs as an enabling tool to address the effects of climate change, Minimizing the environmental impact of public administration through green ICT approaches, policies, applications and services, Setting transparent policy objectives and targets to improve government strategies, Monitoring and evaluating the enforcement of policies on a regular basis to set clear responsibilities and improve accountability.

7 Cairo Roadmap ICTs and Environmental Sustainability Step 6: Develop and implement a National Pro-Growth Green ICT strategy A readiness assessment to help understand ICT use at the national level and in the environment sector; A situation analysis assessing the use of ICTs for environmental research, management and planning; Identifying key players and stakeholders; Identify gaps and obstacles faced during the formulation of the strategy and in the implementation phase, and report success stories in dealing with such challenges; Looking at some key issues, such as how countries are meeting their obligations under the various international and regional conventions and agreements; A feasibility report.

8 Egyptian Green ICT Strategy Raising Community awareness Sustainable life cycle management of E-waste ICT Solutions for sustainable future ICT Solutions for sustainable future A National Example The Egyptian Green ICT Pro- Growth ICT Strategy

9 Step 1; Sharing best Practices and Awareness Raising Leveraging existing capabilities, working for and with the community to raise awareness on Green ICT. Developing Green ICT skills& forming local Cadres.

10 Step 2; Demonstrate success and feasibility Life Cycle Sustainable management of ICT Resources with special focus on E-waste… Seeking ICT solutions For a sustainable future. MCIT to be a green certified building

11 Public sector International Organizations Academic partners Step 3; Engaging the Private Sector, Civil Society and Academic Community

12 Private Sector

13 Step 4: Promoting Regional and International Cooperation ITU; hosting 5 th ITU symposium on ICT, the environment and climate change in 2010 and conducting study on assessing the potential of ICTs in saving energy and decreasing the green house gas emissions of the building environment in Egypt. World Bank; MoU for the development of Green ICT strategy, design of e- waste pilot project, design of awareness, information dissemination and the knowledge development campaign on e-waste management. OECD; Exchange within the WPIE UNFCCC; participation in COP 15 and joining UNGCC public private work stream on transformation to low carbon economy. Identifying common concerns for Africa and coordinating accordingly especially in e-waste.

14 Step 5; National Climate Change Datacenter (NCCD) Objectives: Mapping national and international entities collecting and hosting climate change adaptation related data and information as well as national experts in this field. Monitoring of all activities related to Climate Change and other related organizations (Including the Annual Work Plan) Dissemination of data to beneficiaries and related organizations. Used as a reference for preparing data/information on the web. Used as a reference for preparing presentations of any impacts on climate change and environment in Egypt. Connecting the Web GIS in EEAA for presenting Climate Change projects and others. Storing different reports with suitable classifications regarding Climate Change and other Related Organizations Used as a tool for evaluation of Lessons Learned.

15 ITU- T SG5- Question 23; A Step Forward Towards Helping Developing Countries in Adapting to Climate Change What are the standardization requirements for ICTs to enable adaptation to climate change? How can ICTs, in particular fiber submarine cable networks, be used more effectively to monitor the global environment/ecosystem and what new standards are required? How can ICT standards be used and adapted to more effectively disseminate information on both natural and man-made disasters (early warning) to communities (e.g. supporting GDACS under the UN framework? Identification if new ICT standards are needed to address food security, water transportation and supply in close collaboration with D sector.

16 SG5/Q23 How can ICT standards better enable water management under accelerating climate change conditions to improve the overall efficiency of water use, leading to a more sustainable use of water resources? How can ICTs be used to reduce CO2e emissions by better waste management through a cradle to cradle, i.e. closed loop approach whereby more efficient recycling means fewer raw materials need to be mined? How can ICTs be used in education and to raise awareness on climate change and what standards development is required? What e-health standards are needed for more effective healthcare, as diseases spread due to changing climatic conditions, and to ensure interoperability?


18 Survey of the Types of ICT and Standards Available to Enable Countries to Adapt to Climate Change The survey categorizes the types of ICT and standards as follow: 1. Survey of ICT and standards used to gather data to monitor climate change Satellite systems Airborne systems Terrestrial systems (fixed and mobile) Subsea systems 2. Survey of ICT and standards used to analyze climate change Supercomputers Personal Computers Microcomputers

19 The e- Waste Issue in Africa

20 Setting the right priorities for our Continent Thank You Egypts Green ICT Team Nevine Tewfik

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