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Presentation on theme: " Delivering AATSR data to Australian users and an application to NDVI Matt Paget and Edward King Land and Air group September 2005 CSIRO Marine."— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering AATSR data to Australian users and an application to NDVI Matt Paget and Edward King Land and Air group September 2005 CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research

2 Introduction AATSR Level 1B, ATS_TOA _1P DVDs are provided by Ian Barton, CSIRO Lots of them.. 2000+, 7.5 Tb Pic: Goal is to catalogue, index and format the data to promote uptake of AATSR in the Australian remote sensing community.

3 Ingest from DVD to Hard disk Convert to HDF format Make a browse and track map image Deliver to the web server Archive HDF, browse and track map to Tape Website and CGI scripts Generate metadata Database Table names: Spacecraft Instrument (eg, AATSR) Original media (eg, DVD) Processing Centre (eg, LRA) AATSR TOA Scene PDS file HDF file Browse scene Archived media (Tape, Hard disk) Various transform tables The processing system Automatic (excluding DVD loading) and scriptable Open-source software (Perl, C, Tcl/NAP, MySQL, GMT) Extensible to other satellite time series (eg potentially ATSR-2, MERIS).. generic

4 Conversion to HDF and Browse Images Rationale  PDS format requires specialised software (eg EnviView)  Desire a file format that is Self- documenting, Portable, and Interpretable by a variety of Users HDF satisfies this:  Widely used standard format  Attributes to explicitly define coordinate variables  Transparent missing values DayNight

5 Website.. Browse through all the passes on a daily basis View an individual pass scroll the browse image download files

6 NDVI.. Compositing (1) Re-mapped passAATSR cloud mask ATS_TOA_1POLRA20030304_004027 (mod.) CLAVR mask

7 NDVI.. Compositing (2) Multi-temporal composite Strong contrast indicates that selected pixels were imaged up to one month apart False-colour image of Australia Max. NDVI pixels and browse LUTs Reduced banding  monthly is ok Maximum Value NDVI =

8 NDVI.. Australia through 2003

9 Thank You Contact, Matt Paget and Edward King Name:Matt Paget Title:Land and Air group Phone:+61 2 6246 5786 Email: Contact CSIRO Phone:1300 363 400 +61 3 9545 2176

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