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Data Intensive Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs Using Cloud Computing Tools Mohammad Farhan Husain, Latifur Khan, Murat Kantarcioglu and Bhavani Thuraisingham.

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Presentation on theme: "Data Intensive Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs Using Cloud Computing Tools Mohammad Farhan Husain, Latifur Khan, Murat Kantarcioglu and Bhavani Thuraisingham."— Presentation transcript:

1 Data Intensive Query Processing for Large RDF Graphs Using Cloud Computing Tools Mohammad Farhan Husain, Latifur Khan, Murat Kantarcioglu and Bhavani Thuraisingham Department of Computer Science The University of Texas at Dallas IEEE 2010 Cloud Computing May 11, 2011 Taikyoung Kim SNU IDB Lab.

2 Outline  Introduction  Proposed Architecture  MapReduce Framework  Results  Conclusions and Future Works 2

3 Introduction  With the explosion of semantic web technologies, the need to store and retrieve large amounts of data is common –The most prominent standards are RDF and SPARQL  Current frameworks do not scale for large RDF graphs –E.g. Jena, Sesame, BigOWLIM –Designed for a single machine scenario –Only 10 million triples can be processed in a Jena in-memory(2GB) model 3

4 Introduction  A distributed system can be built to overcome the scalability and performance problems of current Semantic Web frameworks  However, there is no distributed repository for storing and managing RDF data –Distributed database system or relational databases are available  Performance and Scalability issues –Possible to construct a distributed system from scratch  A better way is to use Cloud Computing framework or generic distributed storage system –Just tailor it to meet the needs of semantic web data 4

5 Introduction  Hadoop is an emerging Cloud Computing tools –Open source –High fault tolerance –Great reliability –MapReduce programming model  We introduce a schema to store RDF data in Hadoop  Our goal is to answer SPARQL queries as efficiently as possible using summary statistics about the data –Choose the best plan based on a cost model –The plan determines the number of jobs and also their sequence and inputs 5

6 Introduction  Contributions 1.Design a storage scheme to store RDF data in HDFS * 2.Device an algorithm which determines the best query plan for SPARQL query 3.Build a cost model for query processing plan 4.Demonstrate that our approach performs better than Jena 6 HDFS – Hadoop Distributed File System

7 Outline  Introduction  Proposed Architecture  MapReduce Framework  Results  Conclusions and Future Works 7

8 Proposed Architecture  Data Generation and Storage –Use the LUBM dataset (benchmark datasets)  Generate RDF/XML serialization format –Convert the data to N-Triples to store data  One RDF triple in one line of a file  File Organization –Do not store the data in a file since  A file is the smallest unit of input to a MapReduce job  A file is always read from the disk (No cache) –Divide the data into multiple smaller files 8 administrative staff worker AdministrativeStaff rdfs:subClassOf Employee

9 Proposed Architecture  Predicate Split (PS) –Divide the data according to the predicates  Can cut down the search space if the query has no variable predicate –Name the files with predicates  e.g) predicate p1:pred go into a file named p1-pred 9 John | rdf:type | Student James | rdf:type | Professor John | ub:advisor | James John | ub:takesCourse | DB “rdf-type” file“ub-advisor” file“ub-takesCourse” file John | Student James | Professor John | Student James | Professor John | James John | DB

10 Proposed Architecture  Predicate Object Split (POS) –Split Using Explicit Type Information of Object  Devide rdf-type file into as many files as the number of distinct objects the rdf:type predicate has –Split Using Implicit Type Information of Object  Keep intact all literal objects  URI objects move into their respective file named as predicate_type –The type information of a URI object can be retrieved from the rdf-type_* files 10 “rdf-type” file rdf-type_Student“ub-advisor” file John rdf-type_Professor James URI 1 James URI 1 ub-advisor_Projessor John John | Student James | Professor URI 1 | Professor John | Student James | Professor URI 1 | Professor John | URI 1

11 Proposed Architecture  Space benefits  Special case –Search all the files having leaf types of the subtree rooted at that type node  E.g. type-FullProfessor, type-AssociateProfessor, etc. 11

12 Outline  Introduction  Proposed Architecture  MapReduce Framework  Results  Conclusions and Future Works 12

13 MapReduce Framework  Challenges 1.Determine the number of jobs needed to answer a query 2.Minimize the size of intermediate files 3.Determine number of reducers  Use Map phase for selection and Reduce phase for join  Often require more than one job –No inter-process communication –Each job may depend on the output of the previous job 13

14 MapReduce Framework Input Files Selection  Select all files when –P: variable & O: variable & O: has no type info. –O: concrete  Select all predicate files having object of that type when –P: variable & O: has type info.  Select all files for the predicate when –P: concrete & O: variable & O: has no type info.  Select the predicate file having objects of that type when –Query has type information of the object  Select all subclasses which are leaves in the subtree rooted at the type node when –Type associated with a predicate is not a leaf in the ontology tree 14 P: predicate, O: object

15 MapReduce Framework Cost Estimation for Query Processing  Definition 1 (Conflicting Joins, CJ) –A pair of joins on different variables sharing a triple pattern –Join A (Line1&Line3), Join B (Line3&Line4)  CJ (Line3)  Definition 2 (NonConflicting Joins, NCJ) –A pair of joins not sharing any triple pattern –A pair of joins sharing a triple pattern and the joins are on same variable –Join 1 (Line1&Line3), Join 2 (Line2&Line4)  NCJ 15 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4

16 MapReduce Framework Cost Estimation for Query Processing  Map Input phase (MI) –Read the triple patterns from the selected input file –Cost equals to the total number of triple patterns in each selected file  Map Output phase (MO) –No bound variable case (e.g. [?X ub:worksFor ?Y])  MO cost = MI cost ( All of the triple patterns are transformed into key-value pairs ) –Bound variable case (e.g. [?Y ub:subOrganizationOf ])  Use summary statistics for selectivity  The cost is the result of bound component selectivity estimation 16 MI :cost of Map Input phase MO :cost of Map Output phase RI :cost of Reduce Input phase RO :cost of Reduce Output phase

17 MapReduce Framework Cost Estimation for Query Processing  Reduce Input Phase (RI) –Read Map output via HTTP and then sort it by key values –RI cost = MO cost  Reduce Output Phase (RO) –Deal with performing the joins –Use the join triple pattern selectivity summary statistics (No longer used) –For the intermediate jobs, take an upper bound on the Reduce Output 17

18 MapReduce Framework Query Plan Generation  Need to determine the best query plan –Possible plans to answer a query has different performance (time & space)  Plan Generation –Greedy approach  Simple  Generates a plan very quickly  No guarantee for best plan –Exhaustively search approach (ours)  Generate all possible plans 18

19 MapReduce Framework Query Plan Generation  Plan Generation by Graph Coloring –Generate all combinations –For a job, select a subset of NCJ  Dynamically determine the number of jobs –Once the plan is generated, determine the cost using the cost model 19 1X1X 2Y2Y 4Y4Y 3 X,Y X Y Y Y A D C B Triple Pattern Graph Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 A B D C A B D C job1 job2 Join Graph

20 Outline  Introduction  Proposed Architecture  MapReduce Framework  Results  Conclusions and Future Works 20

21 Results Comparison with Other Frameworks  Performance comparison between –Our framework –Jena In-Memory and SDB model –BigOWLIM  System for testing Jena and BigOWLIM –2.80 GHz quad core processor –8GB main memory (BigOWLIM needed 7 GB for billion triples dataset) –1 TB disk space  Cluster of 10 nodes –Pentium IV 2.80 GHz processor –4GB main memory –640 GB disk space 21

22 Results Comparison with Other Frameworks  Jena In-Memory Model worked well for small datasets –Became slower as the dataset size grew and eventually run out of memory  BigOWLIM has significantly higher loading time than ours –It builds indexes and pre-fetches triples to main memory  Hadoop cluster takes less than 1 minute to start up –Excluding loading time, ours is faster when there is no bound object 22

23 Results Comparison with Other Frameworks  As the size of the dataset grows, the increase in time to answer a query does not grow proportionately 23

24 Results Experiment with Number of Reducers  As increase the number of reducers, queries are answered faster  The sizes of map output of query 1, 12 and 13 are so small –Can process with one reducer 24

25 Conclusions and Future Works  We proposed –a schema to store RDF data in plain text files –An algorithm to determine the best processing plan to answer a SPARQL query –A cost model to be used by the algorithm  Our system is highly scalable –Query answer time does not increase as much as data size grow  We will extend the work in the future –Build a cloud service based on the framework –Investigate the skewed distribution of the data –Experiment with heterogeneous cluster 25

26 Thank you Question?

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