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Exploring the Internet with IE51 Chapter 1 Welcome to Cyberspace: The Internet And The World Wide Web By Gretchen Marx.

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2 Exploring the Internet with IE51 Chapter 1 Welcome to Cyberspace: The Internet And The World Wide Web By Gretchen Marx

3 Exploring the Internet with IE52 Objectives  Describe the Internet and its history.  Explain how to access the Internet using your campus network.  Describe the World Wide Web; describe hypertext and hypermedia.  Distinguish between a Web server and a Web client.  Explain the difference between an ISP and an online content provider.  Use Internet Explorer to access the World Wide Web.  Describe several similarities between Internet Explorer and other Windows applications.

4 Exploring the Internet with IE53 Objectives (Cont.)  Define a URL and give several specific examples; describe how to enter a Web address in Internet Explorer.  Describe the various buttons on the Internet Explorer toolbar.  Describe how data travels through the Internet using TCP/IP protocols.  Explain how to create and organize your favorites.  Explain how to mark a favorite for offline browsing.  Describe some of the issues involved in online content and universal access to the Web.

5 Exploring the Internet with IE54 The Internet  Network of networks  Each computer/node is independent of others  Message travels different path each time it is sent  Started as U.S. DOD experiment called ARPAnet  1994 Act of Congress opened Internet to commercial use

6 Exploring the Internet with IE55 Capabilities of the Internet  Instantaneous world-wide information retrieval  World-wide communication  Interactive  User-determined

7 Exploring the Internet with IE56 What’s On the Internet?  Documents  Graphics  Weather  TV/Movie Listings  Music and Art  Chat Rooms  Businesses  Mailings Lists  E-mail  Hotel/airline reservations  Auctions  Shopping

8 Exploring the Internet with IE57 The World Wide Web  Subset of the total Internet  Hypertext and/or hypermedia documents  Hyperlinks allow instant access to next site or document  Client requests documents from Web server using hyperlinks

9 Exploring the Internet with IE58 HyperText Transfer Protocol  Data travels from client to server using the HTTP standards  A browser allows you to access Web documents IE5 Netscape Navigator  Start at site’s home page; click hyperlinks to jump to other Web pages  Many sites include advertising

10 Exploring the Internet with IE59 Hyperlinks  Provide text, graphics, sound or video links  Blue underlined fonts are unexplored  Magenta links have been previously accessed

11 Exploring the Internet with IE510 Web Browsing Example  Start at, click Autos

12 Exploring the Internet with IE511 Web Browsing Example (cont.)  Click CarPoint

13 Exploring the Internet with IE512 Web Browsing Example (cont.)  Click Sports Cars, then select Corvette from drop-down list

14 Exploring the Internet with IE513 Web Browsing Example (cont.)  Corvette information is displayed

15 Exploring the Internet with IE514 The Uniform Resource Locator (URL)  Address bar shows URL (location) of the document Document Path (directory or folder) Web site (address of Web server) Means of access (HTTP)

16 Exploring the Internet with IE515 Connecting to the Internet  Connect through a LAN Typical of college or business access Faster than dial-up access System configuration created and maintained for you

17 Exploring the Internet with IE516 Connecting to the Internet  Dial in Requires Internet Service Provider (ISP) and modem ISP may or may not provide content Subscriber dials ISP Internet Backbone ISP creates connection to Internet backbone

18 Exploring the Internet with IE517 ISPs  AOL  MSN  Prodigy  AT&T @Home  6,700 others!

19 Exploring the Internet with IE518 Hands-on Exercise 1: Introduction to the WWW  Start IE5  Explore the New York Times  Print a Web page  View the source code  Surf the Net

20 Exploring the Internet with IE519 IE5  Menu bar  Standard button toolbar  Address bar  Links  Status bar

21 Exploring the Internet with IE520 Returning to a Previous Site  Favorites List  History List

22 Exploring the Internet with IE521 Hands-on Exercise 2: Finer Points of IE5  Turning graphics off and on  Adding a favorite  Viewing the favorites list  The Help menu  The History list

23 Exploring the Internet with IE522 How the Internet Works  The backbone is operated by commercial providers such as Spring, AT&T, MCI  When you click a hyperlink, your request goes to your ISP, through a router to the backbone.

24 Exploring the Internet with IE523 TCP/IP  Messages broken into packets  TCP/IP sends packets by best available route and reassembles at destination Message reassembled by recipient’s client Message broken into packets and sent on multiple paths

25 Exploring the Internet with IE524 Internet Architecture Layers

26 Exploring the Internet with IE525 How Big is the Internet?  No one knows!  It’s expanding geometrically

27 Exploring the Internet with IE526 Become a More Proficient User  Organize your favorites  Work with Web pages offline

28 Exploring the Internet with IE527 Issues in Cyberspace  Universal Web access Access for the disabled Access for communities with limited resources  Indecent materials on the Web Child pornography Filters Protecting free speech while protecting children

29 Exploring the Internet with IE528 Hands-on Exercise 3: Toward More Efficient Browsing  Organize your favorites  Add a favorite to a folder  Return to a favorite  Save a page for offline viewing  Work offline  Tracert  Explore the issues

30 Exploring the Internet with IE529 Summary  The Internet is a network of networks  The WWW is a subset of the Internet consisting of hypertext and hypermedia documents  Hypermedia documents are produced in HTML.  The Web uses client/server technology and HTTP to send documents.

31 Exploring the Internet with IE530 Summary (cont.)  User enters URL in browser (IE5 or Netscape) on PC to request document from remote site  Access can be via dial-in or LAN connection  TCP/IP breaks messages into packets and sends through router to best available route

32 Exploring the Internet with IE531 Practice With The Internet  Visit a National Park  News on the Net  Sports on the Web  The Census Bureau  The Top 100  Buying a PC  Movies on the Web  Travel on the Web

33 Exploring the Internet with IE532 Cases  Access to the Internet  It’s the URL, Not the Browser  The Concept of Cache  Is a Picture Worth a Thousand Words?  Our Favorite Bookstore  Security on the Web  Visit Microsoft

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