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World War I. How did WWI start? Assassination: A leading cause of the great war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary.

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Presentation on theme: "World War I. How did WWI start? Assassination: A leading cause of the great war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary."— Presentation transcript:

1 World War I

2 How did WWI start? Assassination: A leading cause of the great war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria- Hungary Nationalism: Much of the origin of the war was based on the desire of the Slavic peoples in Bosnia and Herzegovina to no longer be part of Austria-Hungary but instead be part of Serbia.

3 How did WWI start? Mutual defense alliances -Russia and Serbia -Germany and Austria-Hungary -France and Russia -Britain and France and Belgium -Japan and Britain Militarism As the world entered the 20th century, an arms race had begun. By 1914, Germany had the greatest increase in military buildup. Great Britain and Germany both greatly increased their navies in this time period.

4 How did WWI start? Imperialism: Before World War I, Africa and parts of Asia were points of contention (argument) amongst the European countries. This was especially true because of the raw materials these areas could provide. The increasing competition and desire for greater empires led to an increase in confrontation that helped push the world into World War I.

5 World War I 1914 – World War I began, but the U.S. remained neutral (stayed out of the war). 1917 - German submarines sank ship (the Lusitania) carrying American passengers. This forces the U.S. into the war! In April, President Woodrow Wilson officially declares war against Germany.

6 World War I Zimmerman telegram: German diplomat, Arthur Zimmermann, sent a secret-code telegram to Mexico. In telegram, Germany promised to help Mexico regain its “lost territories” of Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico in exchange for its support. News reaches the U.S. and Texas; they are furious!


8 Wartime in Texas The War caused significant changes for Texas soldiers. many got health and dental care for the first time. many had never before traveled outside of Texas. many received more education and specialized training.

9 Wartime in Texas Texans encouraged to “Do your bit” at home to support troops by: buying war bonds and liberty loans buying war stamps giving to and volunteering for the Red Cross ration food/supplies

10 Wartime in Texas Businesses, industries, farmers, and ranchers prospered during the War because they produced many things for the troops. Items included: cotton and wool = tents, uniforms leather = boots cattle meat/grain = food supplies oil industry = gas, lubricants for machinery lumber industry = shipping crates, splints, etc.

11 Results of WWI -Deaths: 116,526 (U.S.) -The Allied Powers (U.S., Britain, France, Italy, Japan) defeated the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire) after four long years of fighting (1914-1918). -A League of Nations was formed to help prevent a future world war (which failed). -Independent republics of Austria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, and Turkey were formed. -The Communist Bolsheviks took power in Russia in 1917 and formed the Soviet Union.

12 Urban Texas 1920s - Texas changed from a rural, agricultural state to an urban one in which people had more leisure time. Most homes now had: * electricity, phone service * refrigerators, electric appliances * washing machines, irons, vacuums

13 Urban Texas 1)Cattle ranching, farming, agricultural jobs decreased because of new technologies and changing demands of populations. 2) Oil and gas industry jobs increased because of changes/growth in transportation and products made from petroleum. Most products today are made from a byproduct of petroleum.


15 Urban Texas 3)More people migrated from rural to urban areas for jobs in oil and gas industry. 4)Service industry jobs increased because more people were living in urban areas.

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