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Bellringer 1. 1.What is “serology”? 2. 2.What body fluids do you think would fall under this study?

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer 1. 1.What is “serology”? 2. 2.What body fluids do you think would fall under this study?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer 1. 1.What is “serology”? 2. 2.What body fluids do you think would fall under this study?

2 Serology Objectives: 2.0 Explain ways to collect and preserve evidence from a crime scene. 2.1 Distinguishing between physical evidence and witness evidence 2.5 Describing ways to identify hair, fiber, and blood evidence 4.0 Describe presumptive and confirmatory tests. Examples: blood type comparison, DNA testing. 5.0 Describe the importance of genetic information to forensics.

3 Bodily Fluids Blood Saliva Tears Perspiration Pus Semen Human milk Which 2 bodily fluids do you think are most common at crime scenes?

4 DANGER!!! What would be potential dangers of working with bodily fluids? What precautions should be taken?

5 Secretors vs. nonsecretors From what fluids can blood type be determined? 65-80% of the population can be blood typed from their body fluids. These people are known as secretors. What body fluid (other than blood) is easiest to blood type?

6 Components of Blood 1. 1.RBC’s – 1. 1.Red blood cells 2. 2.Transport oxygen and carbon dioxide 2. 2.WBC’s – 1. 1.White blood cells 2. 2.fight infection 3. 3.Platelets – help in clotting 4. 4.Plasma – contains salts and proteins

7 Blood Types? Based on proteins: – – Antigens – on surface of RBC’s – – Antibodies – in plasma A B AB O Additional subgroups (proteins on RBC’s) Which type is most common? Which is least common?

8 Blood Types 1. 1.Type A has: 1. 1.A antigens on RBC surfaces and 2. 2.B antibodies in plasma 2. 2.Type B has: 1. 1.? 2. 2.? 3. 3.Type AB has: 1. 1.A and B antigens 2. 2.NO antibodies 4. 4.Type O has: ???

9 Rh Factor Blood Grouping Rh factor is another antigen found ____________. Rh+ means you have the antigen. Rh – means ??? Rh – DOES NOT mean you have Rh antibodies in the ________, but you may develop antibodies if you receive Rh+ blood. Rh + people can receive Rh- blood with no problems.

10 Blood Groupings On a separate sheet of paper: 1. 1.List all the possible blood groups. 2. 2.Tell which blood types can receive blood from each blood type.

11 Favorite College Teams Alabama (U) Auburn (A) If you like U, you DON’T like ____. If you like A, you DON’T like ____.

12 Favorite College Teams, continued….. If you like A, you are ANTI- ____. If you like U, you are ANTI- ____. Some fans will actually FIGHT fans of the other team. (antibodies)

13 Favorite College Teams, continued….. A new twist: A new twist: You can be for U or A, and indifferent to Florida (F) - although I can’t understand that kind of mentally. You can be for U or A, and indifferent to Florida (F) - although I can’t understand that kind of mentally. HOWEVER, how do you feel about F if they are playing your team in the SEC championship game? HOWEVER, how do you feel about F if they are playing your team in the SEC championship game?

14 Favorite College Teams “Blood Types” Assignment Identify the following and give 1-letter symbols: 1. 1.Favorite team 2. 2.“Enemy” team 3. 3.A “neutral” team 4. 4.A 2 nd -favorite team

15 Favorite College Teams “Blood Types” Assignment Write the symbols for each combination of “blood type” you can make from these teams, and what each symbol means.

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