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Mortgage Backed Securities and Capital of Life Insurers: Was the Industry prepared for the Credit Crunch of 2007-2008? Dr. Etti G. Baranoff Virginia Commonwealth.

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Presentation on theme: "Mortgage Backed Securities and Capital of Life Insurers: Was the Industry prepared for the Credit Crunch of 2007-2008? Dr. Etti G. Baranoff Virginia Commonwealth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mortgage Backed Securities and Capital of Life Insurers: Was the Industry prepared for the Credit Crunch of 2007-2008? Dr. Etti G. Baranoff Virginia Commonwealth University Thomas W. Sager The University of Texas at Austin

2 IIS Taiwan 20082 Objectives U.S. life insurance industry: What was the exposure to MBS? Were the risks of MBS anticipated? What capital adjustments would accommodate the risks of MBS? Benchmarking tool for individual insurers

3 IIS Taiwan 20083 Exposure to MBS

4 IIS Taiwan 20084 Exposure to MBS

5 IIS Taiwan 20085 Risk Recategorization of MBS Risk assessment measure RAR (Regulatory Asset Risk) Based on C-1 component of life insurer Risk- Based Capital “Penalty” weights for risky assets –Bond 1 = 0.3% - Bond 4 = 9% –Bond 2 = 1% - Bond 5 = 20% –Bond 3 = 4% - Bond 6 = 30% ------------------------------------------------ –Stocks = 30%, etc.

6 IIS Taiwan 20086 Recategorization Scenarios RAR1 = 25% of MBS from 1 to 5,6 equally RAR2 = RAR1 + 12.5% of MBS from 2 to 5,6 equally RAR3 = RAR1 + 25% of MBS from 2 to 5,6 equally RAR4 = 50% of MBS from 1 + 25% from 2 to 5,6 equally RAR5 = 75% of MBS from 1 + 25% from 2 to 6

7 IIS Taiwan 20087 Effect of Recategorizations on Asset Risk (2006) Median RAR i / SCENARIOMeanSt dev 25th %-ileMedian 75th %-ileMedian RAR0 RAR0 (no recateg.)2.59%4.27%0.47%1.14%2.57%100% RAR13.02%4.25%0.85%1.79%3.24%157% RAR23.26%4.28%0.90%2.07%3.69%182% RAR33.48%4.32%0.96%2.37%3.99%208% RAR43.93%4.48%1.06%2.83%4.88%248% RAR54.74%4.96%1.19%3.56%6.40%312%

8 IIS Taiwan 20088 Were MBS Risks Anticipated? Capital structure model Log Capital = a + b 0 log RAR0 + b i (log RARi – logRAR0) + ERM control variables b i > 0 implies prudent anticipation b i < 0 implies “irrational exuberance”

9 IIS Taiwan 20089 ERM Control Variables Product risk – life, health, annuities writings Regulation – RBC ratio Operations – ROC, use of derivatives Structure – stock vs mutual, affiliated group member Size – total assets, writings, liabilities --------------------------------------------------- Dropped insignificant control vars

10 IIS Taiwan 200810 Capital Model for 2006 (Table 4 Summary – Residential MBS only)

11 IIS Taiwan 200811 Adaptations to MBS Risks Capital structure model Log Capital = a + b log RAR0 + ERM control variables Capital adjustment controlled by b and change in RAR risk Adjustment ratio = (new RAR / old RAR) b

12 IIS Taiwan 200812 Adaptations to MBS Risk (2006 – Residential MBS only) For 2006, b = 0.10967 (p-value < 0.0001) ------------------------------------------------------------ Ex: Insurer A has RAR = 1.14% of invested assets; recategorizes MBS risk per scenario 1 => new RAR = 1.79%. Cap adjustment ratio = (1.79/1.14) 0.10967 = 1.0507 – a 5% increase in total capital. ------------------------------------------------------------ Ex: Insurer B has RAR = 1.14% of invested assets; recategorizes MBS risk per scenario 4 => new RAR = 2.83%. Cap adjustment ratio = (2.83/1.14) 0.10967 = 1.10486 – a 10.5% increase in total capital.

13 IIS Taiwan 200813 Benchmarking

14 IIS Taiwan 200814 Benchmarking Ex: Insurer A has (Residential) MBS = 20% of bond portfolio in 2006, scenario 1 cap adjustment of 1.3% vs. adjustment of 9% for its peer group Ex: Insurer B has (Residential) MBS = 20.4% of bond portfolio in 2006, scenario 1 cap adjustment of 19.4% vs. adjustment of 9% for its peer group

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