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Scientific case: Galactic bar kinematics and stellar abundances UB + IAC + UNAM + ESA + ESO 8 th September 2014 WEAVE group meeting, Teruel.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific case: Galactic bar kinematics and stellar abundances UB + IAC + UNAM + ESA + ESO 8 th September 2014 WEAVE group meeting, Teruel."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific case: Galactic bar kinematics and stellar abundances UB + IAC + UNAM + ESA + ESO 8 th September 2014 WEAVE group meeting, Teruel

2 Working group on Galactic Dynamics of the Red Española de Explotación científica de Gaia: Abedi, Hoda (ICC-UB/Spain) Aguilar, Luís (IAUNAM/México) Antoja, Teresa (ESA, The Netherlands) Cabrera-Lavers, Antonio (IAC/Spain) Compère, Paul (IAC/Spain) Figueras, Francesca (ICC-UB/Spain) Garzón, Francisco (IAC/Spain) González Fernández, Carlos (IoA/UK) Hammersley, Peter (ESO) López Corredoira, Martín (IAC/Spain) Terry Mahoney (IAC/Spain) Martínez-Valpuesta, Imma (IAC/Spain) Roca, Santiago (ICC-UB/Spain) Romero-Gómez, Mercè (ICC-UB/Spain) Valenzuela, Octavio (IAUNAM/México)

3 Scientific case: Galactic bar kinematics and stellar abundances  Goals: Chemical and kinematical characterization of MW bar(s)  Origin and dynamics of the COBE/DIRBE and long bar  Targets: Red Clump stars: 6D components + stellar abundances  in well defined directions  Data: Proper motions from Gaia precision of about 10-20km/s at the end of the bar  IR distances (precision of about 10% from APOGEE)  Radial velocity from WEAVE  precision required 2-4km/s, achieved with R=5000 and S/N>10px  Stellar abundances from WEAVE  precision required 0.2dex up to V~19 achieved with R=20000

4 Stellar abundances: The Vertical Metallicity Gradient WEAVE 0.2dex accuracy Enough to detect the gradient González et al (2013) from VVV and 2MASS: The metallicity map of the bulge revealed a clear vertical metallicity gradient of ∼ 0.04 dex/deg ( ∼ 0.28 dex/kpc), with metal rich stars ([Fe/H] ∼ 0) dominating the inner bulge in regions closer to the Galactic plane (|b| < 5). Martinez-Valpuesta & Gerhard (2013)

5 Dynamical characterization of the galactic bar(s) How the manifolds are changing with the bar potential (looking at the structure in the configuration space) Romero-Gómez et al., 2011

6 Dynamical characterization of the galactic bar(s) Radial Velocity Kinematic trace for different bar potentials: WEAVE

7 Model vs Data An example: The Giraffe Inner Bulge Survey (GIBS) Zoccali et al., 2014

8 1 - L=27º 2 - L=15º 3 - L=10º Observability of the Bar/bars of the MW

9 Specific directions About 10 fields from l=25º to l=32º and with |b|<2 to disentangle a kinematic and metallicity gradient Fields at (27º,+1º) and (27º,–1º) end of the long galactic bar 2x10 3 RC stars per square degree up to V=20 (ideal WEAVE) Gaia proper motions accuracy range 30-120  as/yr Blue: RC stars at r=[5,6] kpc (from BGM) RV for V=[17-20] are requiered (WEAVE)

10 Specific directions About 10 fields from l=25º to l=32º and with |b|<2 to disentangle a kinematic and metallicity gradient

11 Specific directions Fields at 20º>l>15º with b<2º to characterize the COBE/DIRBE bar population RC stars in a 3D barred potential using test particle simulations 19<l<20 & 0<b<2 Romero-Gomez et al (2014, submitted).

12 Specific directions Simulation of RC stars in a 3D barred potential using test particle simulations, Romero-Gomez et al (2014, submitted). We choose a line of sight: 19<l<20 & 0<b<2

13 Specific directions


15 Tests required/methods used Test particle simulations with one bar and two bars with an angular separation. Moments of the Velocity Distribution: mean, dispersion, skewness, kurtosis to look for differences at the end of the bar region. We need good distances and proper motions and radial velocities of the order of 1-2km/s (as required for WEAVE). Romero-Gómez et al. In preparation

16 Thank you

17 GIBS: The Giraffe Inner Bulge Survey ESO-VLT with multifiber spectrograph FLAMES, ~5000 RC giants in 24 bulge fields, R=6500, CaT region Stellar abundances (mainly [Fe/H]) in low and high resolution in future papers. Zocalli et al (2014)

18 GIBS: The Giraffe Inner Bulge Survey


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