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Telecommunication Security

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1 Telecommunication Security
SOURCE: ITU-T TITLE: Telecommunication Security AGENDA ITEM: CONTACT: [Insert Document File Name] Telecommunication Security Herbert Bertine Chairman, ITU-T Study Group 17

2 Standards Cooperation Awareness

3 ITU-T Study Groups SG 2* Operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance SG Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunications economic and policy issues SG 4* Telecommunication management SG Protection against electromagnetic environment effects SG Outside plant and related indoor installations SG Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission  SG 11* Signalling requirements and protocols SG Performance and quality of service SG 13* Next generation networks SG Optical and other transport network infrastructures SG 16* Multimedia terminals, systems and applications SG 17** Security, languages and telecommunication software SG Mobile telecommunication networks * Significant security work ** Lead Study Group on Security

4 Network Management Security (M.3000-series)
ITU-T Security Building Blocks Network Management Security (M.3000-series) Security Architecture Framework (X.800-series) Security Techniques (X.841,2,3) Systems Management (X.733,5,6, X.740,1) Telecommunication Security (X.805, X.1000-series) New Protocols (X.273,4) Facsimile (T-series) NGN Security (Y.2700-series) New Televisions and Cable Systems (J-series) Directory Services and Authentication (X.500-series) Message Handling Systems (MHS) (X.400-series) Security in Frame Relay (X.272) Multimedia Communications (H-series)

5 Study Group 17: Security, languages and telecommunication software
SG 17 is the Lead Study Group on telecommunication security - It is responsible for coordination of security across all study groups. Subdivided into three Working Parties (WPs) WP1 - Open systems technologies; WP2 - Telecommunications security; and WP3 - Languages and telecommunications software Most (but not all) security Questions are in WP2 Summaries of all draft new or revised Recommendations under development in SG 17 are available on the SG 17 web page at

6 Working Party 2/17 Work Program
Telecom Systems Users Q.8/17 Telebiometrics * Multimodal model framework * System mechanism * Protection procedure Q.7/17 Q.5/17 Telecom Systems Security Management * ISMS-T * Incident management * Risk assessment methodology Security Architecture and Framework * Architecture, * Model, * Concepts, * Frameworks Secure Communication Services * Secure mobile communications * Home network security * Web services security Q.9/17 Cyber Security * Vulnerability information sharing… * Incident handling operations * Identity management Q.6/17 Countering spam by technical means * Technical anti-spam measures Q.17/17 Q.4/17 Communications System Security Project *Vision, Project, Roadmap, …

7 Examples of recently approved security Recommendations
Security for the management plane: Overview, Security requirements, Security services, Security mechanism, Profile proforma X.509 Information technology – Open Systems Interconnection – The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks X.805 Security architecture for systems providing end-to-end communications X.893 Information technology – Generic applications of ASN.1: Fast infoset security X.1035 Password-authenticated key exchange (PAK) protocol X.1051 Information security management system - Requirements for telecommunications (ISMS-T) X.1081 The telebiometric multimodal model - A framework for the specification of security and safety aspects of telebiometrics X.1111 Framework for security technologies for home network X.1121 Framework of security technologies for mobile end-to-end communications X.1122 Guideline for implementing secure mobile systems based on PKI X.1141 Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML 2.0) X.1142 eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML 2.0) Y.2701 Security requirements for NGN release 1

8 Extract from current SG 17 security work program (~50 items total)
Q. Acronym Title or Subject 5 X.akm Framework for EAP-based authentication and key management 6 X.1205 Overview of cybersecurity X.idmf Identity management framework X.gopw Guideline on preventing worm spreading in a data communication network 7 X.1051 (Revised) Information security management guidelines for telecommunications based on ISO/IEC 27002 X.rmg Risk management guidelines for telecommunications 8 X.bip BioAPI interworking protocol X.tai Telebiometrics authentication infrastructure 9 X.homesec-2, 3, 4 Certificate profile for the device in the home network, User authentication mechanisms for home network service, Authorization framework for home network X.msec-3 General security value added service (policy) for mobile data communication X.p2p-1 Requirements of security for peer-to-peer and peer-to-multi peer communications X.websec-3 Security architecture for message security in mobile web services 17 X.csreq Requirement on countering spam X.fcsip Framework of countering IP multimedia spam

9 Study Group 13 - Question 15/13 NGN Security: work in progress
Y.IdMsec NGN identity management security Y.NGN AAA AAA application for implementation of network and service security requirements over NGN Y.NGN Authentication NGN Authentication Y.NGN Certificate Management NGN certificate management Y.SecMechanisms NGN Security mechanisms and procedures Y.SecReqR2 Security requirements for NGN release 2

10 Security standardization Collaboration is key
Specific Systems, Services, Applications Security in ITU-T are developed by SG 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 19 Core Technology and Common Security Techniques in ITU-T are developed by SG 17 JTC 1 SC 27, 37... IETF ATIS, ETSI, OASIS, etc.

11 Security standardization Collaboration is key
World Standards Cooperation (WSC) ISO, IEC, ITU Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) Regional, National SDOs and ITU-T, ITU-R exchange information between participating standards organizations to facilitate collaboration and to support the ITU as the preeminent global telecommunication and radiocommunication standards development organization Resolution GSC-11/17 Cybersecurity Security Standardization Exchange Network (SSEN) an informal association of individual security practitioners with direct experience of, or strong interest in, security standardization facilitate the informal exchange of information on security-standards-related matters to increase overall awareness of issues of common interest with the intention of helping to advance the development of needed standards and minimizing overlap and duplication of effort in security standards development

12 Security standardization Collaboration is key
ISO/IEC/ITU-T Strategic Advisory Group on Security (SAG-S) Terms of Reference To oversee standardization activities in ISO, IEC and ITU-T relevant to the field of security To provide advice and guidance to the ISO Technical Management Board, the IEC Standardization Management Board and the ITU-T Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group (TSAG) relative to the coordination of work relevant to security, and in particular to identify areas where new standardization initiatives may be warranted To monitor implementation of the SAG-S Recommendations International workshop on security topics planned in conjunction with each SAG-S meeting International Workshop on Transit Security, Washington DC, 4-5 October 2007 Security portal under development

13 Focus Group: Security Baseline for Network Operators (FG SBNO) Established October 2005 by SG 17 Objectives: Define a security baseline against which network operators can assess their network and information security posture in terms of what security standards are available, which of these standards should be used to meet particular requirements, when they should be used, and how they should be applied Describe a network operator’s readiness and ability to collaborate with other entities (operators, users and law enforcement authorities) to counteract information security threats Provide meaningful criteria that can be used by network operators against which other network operators can be assessed, if required Achieved Surveyed network operators by means of a questionnaire Next step: Develop text to be proposed to SG 17 for progressing as an ITU-T publication

14 Focus Group: Identity Management (FG IdM) http://www. itu
Established December 2006 by SG 17 The objectives of the FG IdM are to perform requirements analysis based on uses case scenarios, in order to identify generic IdM framework components, so that a standards gap analysis can be completed, in order to identify new standards work and the bodies (ITU and other SDOs) that should perform the work Working Group structure Ecosystem and Lexicon Working Group Use Cases Working Group Requirements Working Group Framework Working Group Aggressive schedule Meetings held: February, April and May 2007; WG meeting June Meetings planned: July and August 2007

15 ICT Security Standards Roadmap http://www. itu
Part 1 contains information about organizations working on ICT security standards Part 2 is the database of existing security standards Part 3 is a list of standards in development Part 4 identifies future needs and proposed new standards Part 5 includes security best practices European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the Network and Information Security Steering Group (NISSG) are collaborating with ITU-T in the development of the Roadmap

16 ICT Security Standards Roadmap http://www. itu
Part 2 currently includes ICT security standards from ITU-T ISO/IEC JTC 1 IETF IEEE ATIS ETSI OASIS Data is available in a database format to allow searching by organization and topic and to allow organizations to manage their own data We invite you to contribute content to the Roadmap, provide feedback and help us develop it to meet your needs

17 Other projects Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology (ITU-T Security manual) Overview of existing ITU-T Recommendations for secure telecommunications Third edition of June 2006 to be available in the six official languages of the ITU Security compendium Catalogue of approved ITU-T Recommendations related to telecommunication security Extract of ITU-T approved security definitions Summary of ITU-T Study Groups with security-related activities

18 The ITU Global Cybersecurity Gateway
LIVE at: Provides an easy-to-use information resource on national, regional and international cybersecurity-related activities and initiatives worldwide.

19 Observations Security is everybody's business Collaboration with other SDOs is necessary Security needs to be designed in upfront Security must be an ongoing effort Systematically addressing vulnerabilities (intrinsic properties of networks/systems) is key so that protection can be provided independent of what the threats (which are constantly changing and may be unknown) may be

20 Some useful web resources
ITU-T Home page Study Group Recommendations ITU-T Lighthouse ITU-T Workshops

21 Supplemental Information on Security Work in ITU-T
Study Group 17 - Security, languages and telecommunication software Study Group 4 - Telecommunication management Study Group 11 – Signalling requirements and protocols Study Group 13 - Next generation networks Study Group 16 - Multimedia terminals, systems and applications

22 ITU-T SG 17 work on security
Q.4/17 - Communications systems security project Q.5/17 - Security architecture and framework Q.6/17 - Cyber security Q.7/17 - Security management Q.8/17 - Telebiometrics Q.9/17 - Secure communication services Q.17/17 - Countering spam by technical means

23 ITU-T SG 17 Question 4 Communications Systems Security Project
Overall Security Coordination ICT Security Standards Roadmap Security Compendium Focus Group on Security Baseline For Network Operators ITU-T Security manual Efforts of Q.4/17 are covered in the main part of the presentation

24 ITU-T SG 17 Question 5 Security Architecture and Framework
Brief description of Q.5 Milestones Draft Recommendations under development

25 Brief description of Q.5/17
Motivation The telecommunications and information technology industries are seeking cost-effective comprehensive security solutions that could be applied to various types of networks, services and applications. To achieve such solutions in multi-vendor environment, network security should be designed around the standard security architectures and standard security technologies. Major tasks Development of a comprehensive set of Recommendations for providing standard security solutions for telecommunications in collaboration with other Standards Development Organizations and ITU-T Study Groups. Maintenance and enhancements of Recommendations in the X.800 series: X.800, X.802, X.803, X.805, X.810, X.811, X.812, X.813, X.814, X.815, X.816, X.830, X.831, X.832, X.833, X.834, X.835, X.841, X.842 and X.843

26 Q.5/17 Milestones ITU-T Recommendation X.805, Security Architecture for Systems Providing End-to-end Communications Approved in 2003 ISO/IEC Standard , Network security architecture Developed in collaboration between ITU-T Q.5/17 and ISO/IEC JTC 1 SC 27 WG 1. It is technically aligned with X.805 Published in 2006 ITU-T Recommendation X.1035, Password-authenticated key exchange (PAK) protocol Specifies a password-based protocol for authentication and key exchange, which ensures mutual authentication of both parties in the act of establishing a symmetric cryptographic key via Diffie-Hellman exchange Approved in 2006

27 ITU-T Recommendation X.805
X.805 defines a network security architecture for providing end-to-end network security. The architecture can be applied to various kinds of networks where the end-to-end security is a concern and independently of the network’s underlying technology.

28 Q.5/17 Draft Recommendations 1/2
Applications and further development of major concepts of ITU-T Recommendation X.805 X.805+, Division of the security features between the network and the users Specifies division of security features between the networks and users. It provides guidance on applying concepts of the X.805 architecture to securing service provider’s, application provider’s networks and the end user’s equipment X.805nsa, Network security assessment/guidelines based on ITU-T Recommendation X.805 Provides a framework for network security assessment/guidelines based on ITU-T Recommendation X.805, Security Architecture for Systems Providing End-to-End Communications

29 Q.5/17 Draft Recommendations 2/2
Standardization in support of Authentication Security Dimension (defined in X.805) X.akm, Framework for authentication and key management for link layer security of NGN Establishes a framework for authentication and key management for securing the link layer. It also provides guidance on selection of the EAP methods. Standardization of network security policies X.spn, Framework for creation, storage, distribution, and enforcement of security policies for networks Establishes security policies that are to drive security controls of a system or service. It also specifies a framework for creation, storage, distribution, and enforcement of policies for network security that can be applied to various environmental conditions and network devices.

30 ITU-T SG 17 Question 6 Cyber Security
Motivation Objectives Scope Current area of focus Draft Recommendations under development

31 Q.6/17 Motivation Network connectivity and ubiquitous access is central to today’s IT systems Wide spread access and loose coupling of interconnected IT systems is a primary source of widespread vulnerability Threats such as: denial of service, theft of financial and personal data, network failures and disruption of voice and data telecommunications are on the rise Network protocols in use today were developed in an environment of trust Most new investments and development is dedicated to building new functionality and not on securing that functionality An understanding of cybersecurity is needed in order to build a foundation of knowledge that can aid in securing the networks of tomorrow

32 Q.6/17 Objectives Perform actions in accordance with Lead Study Group (LSG) responsibility with the focus on Cybersecurity Identify and develop standards required for addressing the challenges in Cybersecurity, within the scope of Q.6/17 Provide assistance to other ITU-T Study Groups in applying relevant cybersecurity Recommendations for specific security solutions. Review project-oriented security solutions for consistency Maintain and update existing Recommendations within the scope of Q.6/17 (this includes E.409) Coordinate security activities with other ITU-T SGs, ISO/IEC JTC 1 e.g., SC 6, SC 27 and SC 37), and consortia as appropriate Provide awareness on new security technologies related to Cybersecurity Provide an Identity Management Framework that defines the problem space, representative use case scenarios and requirements. This includes leveraging other on-going Identity Management activities Collaborate with Next Generation Networks activities in ITU-T in the areas of Cybersecurity and Identity Management

33 Q.6/17 Scope Definition of Cybersecurity
Security of Telecommunications Network Infrastructure Security Knowledge and Awareness of Telecom Personnel and Users Security Requirements for Design of New Communications Protocol and Systems Communications relating to Cybersecurity Security Processes – Life-cycle Processes relating to Incident and Vulnerability Security of Identity in Telecommunication Network Legal/Policy Considerations

34 Q.6/17 Current Area of Focus 1/2
Work with SG 2 on the definition and requirements of Cybersecurity Collaborate with Q5,7,9,17/17 and SG 2 in order to achieve better understanding of various aspects of network security Collaborate with IETF, OASIS, ISO/IEC JTC1, W3C, APEC-TEL and other standardization bodies on Cybersecurity Work with OASIS on adopting the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol V1.1 as an ITU-T Recommendation Work on framework for secure network operations to address how telecommunications network providers secure their infrastructure and maintain secure operations Work on Recommendation for standardization of vulnerability data definition Work on network security management framework to address how telecommunications operators operate uniformly various kind of security functions Study new Cybersecurity issues – How should ISPs deal with botnets, evaluating the output of appropriate bodies when available

35 Q.6/17 Current Area of Focus 2/2
Work on Recommendations on Identity Management (IdM) addressing the following areas: An umbrella Recommendation that determines IdM security requirements from ITU-T prospective An umbrella Recommendation that defines a framework and architecture(s) for IdM after identifying IdM security mechanisms that needs to be addressed An umbrella Recommendation that assesses security threats and vulnerabilities associated with IdM Collaborate with Q.15/13 on NGN IdM issues Develop guidelines on the protection of personal information and privacy Call for contributions for the outstanding questions identified in the revised scope Promote the wide adoption of IdM through the IdM Focus Group that considers the challenges and issues associated with IdM across various SDO and consortia

36 Q.6/17 Draft Recommendations 1/5
Overview of Cybersecurity (X.1205, formerly X.cso) Provides a definition for Cybersecurity and a taxonomy of security threats from an operator point of view. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities and threats are presented and discussed at various network layers. Various Cybersecurity technologies that are available to remedy the threats include: Routers, Firewalls, Antivirus protection, Intrusion detection systems, Intrusion protection systems, Secure computing, Audit and Monitoring. Network protection principles such as defence in depth, access and identity management with application to Cybersecurity are discussed. Risk Management strategies and techniques are discussed including the value of training and education in protecting the network. A discussion of Cybersecurity Standards, Cybersecurity implementation issues and certification are presented. A vendor-neutral framework for automatic checking of the presence of vulnerabilities information update (X.vds) Provides a framework of automatic notification on vulnerability information. The key point of the framework is that it is a vendor-neutral framework. Once users register their software, updates on the vulnerabilities and patches of the registered software will automatically be made available to the users. Upon notification, users can then apply.

37 Q.6/17 Draft Recommendations 2/5
Guidelines for Internet Service Providers and End-users for Addressing the Risk of Spyware and Deceptive Software (X.sds) Provides guidelines for Internet Service Providers (ISP) and end-users for addressing the risks of spyware and deceptive software. The Recommendation promotes best practices around principles of clear notices, and users’ consents and controls for ISP web hosting services. The Recommendation also promotes best practices to end-users on the Internet to secure their computing devices and information against the risks of spyware and deceptive software. Identity Management Framework (X.idmf) Develops an Identity Management Framework that leverages the use case scenarios as it applies to Telecommunications and includes non- Telecom applications when (i.e., the orchestration of business processes that include supply change management, client resource management, enterprise resource management, location, presence, and other services). The framework enables service providers to provide entities with reliable, trusted and secure IdM services over distributed networks, through the appropriate use of authorization, authentication, access control mechanisms, and policy management mechanisms.

38 Q.6/17 Draft Recommendations 3/5
Identity Management Requirements (X.idmr) Develops use case scenarios and requirements for the Identity Management Framework Recommendation (X.idmf). The developed use cases cover Telecommunications and non-Telecom scenarios (i.e., the orchestration of business processes that include supply change management, client resource management, enterprise resource management, location, presence, and other services). Identity Management Security (X.idms) Performs security analysis on the identity Management Framework as developed in X.idmf. The Recommendation develops guidelines and best practice approach for ensuring that security is maintained when the Identity Management Framework is used as the vehicle for providing Telecommunications and non-Telecom IdM solutions.

39 Q.6/17 Draft Recommendations 4/5
Common Alerting Protocol (CAP v1.1), (X.1303, formerly X.cap) Specifies the common alerting protocol (CAP) which is a simple but general format for exchanging all-hazard emergency alerts and public warnings over all kinds of networks. CAP allows a consistent warning message to be disseminated simultaneously over many different warning systems, thus increasing warning effectiveness while simplifying the warning task. CAP also facilitates the detection of emerging patterns in local warnings of various kinds, such as might indicate an undetected hazard or hostile act. And CAP provides a template for effective warning messages based on best practices identified in academic research and real-world experience. This Recommendation is technically equivalent and compatible with the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol, v.1.1 standard. ASN.1 specification for the Common Alerting Protocol (CAP v1.1), (X , formerly X.cap2) The common alerting protocol (CAP) is specified in ITU-T Rec. X.1303, which is technically equivalent and compatible with the OASIS Common Alerting Protocol, V1.1 standard. This Recommendation provides an equivalent ASN.1 specification that permits a compact binary encoding and the use of ASN.1 as well as XSD tools for the generation and processing of CAP messages. This Recommendation enables existing systems, such as H.323 systems, to more readily encode, transport and decode CAP messages.

40 Q.6/17 Draft Recommendations 5/5
Privacy guideline for RFID (X.rfpg) Recognizes that as RFID greatly facilitates the access and dispersion of information pertaining specifically to the merchandise that individuals wear and/or carry; it creates an opportunity for the same information to be abused for tracking an individual's location or invading their privacy in a malfeasant manner. For this reason the Recommendation develops guidelines and best practices regarding RFID procedures that can be used by service providers to gain the benefits of RFID while attempting to protect the privacy rights of the general public within national policies. Network Security Management Framework (X.nsmf) Defines the framework for security management to address how telecom-operators can uniformly operate various kinds of security functions. Guideline on preventing worm spreading in a data communication network (X.gopw) Describes worm spreading patterns and scenarios in a data communication network. In addition, it specifies countermeasures to prevent from worm spreading. This Recommendation can be used as a guideline to network designers, network operator, and end users for preventing Worm spreading.

41 ITU-T SG 17 Question 7 Security Management
Tasks Plan on Recommendations Revised Recommendation X.1051

42 Q.7/17 Tasks Information Security Management Guidelines for telecommunications (Existing X.1051, Information security management system – Requirements for telecommunications (ISMS-T)) Maintain and revise Recommendation X.1051, “Information Security Management Guidelines for telecommunications based on ISO/IEC27002”. Jointly develop a guideline of information security management with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 (ISO/IEC =.Recommendation X.1051). Risk Management Methodology Study and develop a methodology of risk management for telecommunications in line with Recommendation X.1051. Produce and consent a new ITU-T Recommendation for risk management methodology. Incident Management Study and develop a handling and response procedure on security incidents for the telecommunications in line with Recommendation X.1051. Produce and consent a new ITU-T Recommendation for incident management methodology and procedures.

43 Q.7/17 plan on Recommendations
X.1050: To be proposed X.1051: In revision process Information Security Management Guidelines for Telecommunications based on ISO/IEC 27002 X.1052: To be proposed X.1053: To be proposed (Implementation Guide for Telecommunications) X.1054: To be proposed (Measurements and metrics for Telecommunications) X.1055: In the first stage of development Risk Management Guidelines for Telecommunications X.1056: In the first stage of development Security Incident Management Guidelines for Telecommunications X.1057: To be proposed (Identity Management for Telecommunications)

44 Information security management guidelines for Telecommunications (Revised X.1051)
Information Assets for Telecom Security policy Organising information security Asset management Human resources security Physical & environmental security Communications & operations management ISMS Process Access control CONTROL CONTROL CONTROL Implementation requirements for Telecom Implementation guidance Implementation guidance for Telecom Information systems acquisition, development and maintenance Other information Other information Information security incident management Existing X.1051 (2004) ISO/IEC (2005) Revised X.1051 Business continuity management Approach to develop the revised Recommendation X.1051 Compliance

45 ITU-T SG 17 Question 8 Telebiometrics
Objectives Study areas on biometric processes Recommendations

46 Q.8/17 Objectives To define telebiometric multimodal model framework To specify biometric authentication mechanism in open network To provide protection procedures and countermeasures for telebiometric systems

47 Q.8/17 Study areas on Biometric Processes
Sensors X.1081 X.Physiol Safety conformity Matching Application Yes/No Score NW Extraction NW:Network Decision Storage X.tai: Telebiometrics Authentication Infrastructure X.bip: BioAPI Interworking Protocol X.tsm: Telebiometrics System Mechanism X.tpp: Telebiometrics Protection Procedure Acquisition (capturing)

48 Q.8/17 Recommendations 1/3 X.1081, The telebiometric multimodal model framework – A framework for the specification of security and safety aspects of telebiometrics Defines a telebiometric multimodal model that can be used as a framework for identifying and specifying aspects of telebiometrics, and for classifying biometric technologies used for identification (security aspects). X.physiol, Telebiometrics related to human physiology Gives names and symbols for quantities and units concerned with emissions from the human body that can be detected by a sensor, and with effects on the human body produced by the telebiometric devices in his environments. X.tsm-1, General biometric authentication protocol and profile on telecommunication system Defines communication mechanism and protocols of biometric authentication for unspecified end‑users and service providers on open network.

49 Q.8/17 Recommendations 2/3 X.tsm-2, Profile of telecomunication device for Telebiometrics System Mechanism (TSM) Defines the requirements, security profiles of client terminals for biometric authentication over the open network. X.tai, Telebiometrics authentication infrastructure Specifies a framework to implement biometric identity authentication with certificate issuance, management, usage and revocation. X.bip, BioAPI interworking protocol Common text of ITU-T and ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 37. It specifies the syntax, semantics, and encodings of a set of messages ("BIP messages") that enable BioAPI-conforming application in telebiometric systems.

50 Q.8/17 Recommendations 3/3 X.tpp-1, A guideline of technical and managerial countermeasures for biometric data security Defines weakness and threats in operating telebiometric systems and proposes a general guideline of security countermeasures from both technical and managerial perspectives. X.tpp-2, A guideline for secure and efficient transmission of multi-modal biometric data Defines threat characteristics of multi-modal biometric system, and provides cryptographic methods and network protocols for transmission of multi-modal biometric data.

51 Secure Communication Services
ITU-T SG 17 Question 9 Secure Communication Services Focus Position of each topic Mobile security Home network security Web services security Secure applications services

52 Develop a set of standards of secure application services, including
Q.9/17 Focus Develop a set of standards of secure application services, including Mobile security Under study Home network security Under study Web services security Under study Secure application services Under study Privacy protection for RFID Under study Multicast security Under study Multimedia content protection To be studied Security Authentication - to know who is accessing your data Privacy - to protect your data from intrusion Encryption - to secure the data from misuse or abuse Biometrics - 'what you are‘ replace ‘what you know' - items, such as PIN numbers augment 'what you have‘ - forms of identification, such as cards X.509 Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks X.842 Guidelines for the use and management of Trusted Third Party services X.843 Specification of TTP services to support the application of digital signatures Recommendation X.509 Information technology - The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks This Recommendation defines a framework for public-key certificates and attribute certificates. These frameworks may be used to profile application to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Privilege Management Infrastructures (PMI). Also, this Recommendation defines a framework for the provision of authentication services by Directory to its users. It describes two level of authentication: simple authentication, using a password as a verification of clamed identity; and strong authentication, involving credentials formed using cryptographic techniques. Approved Information technology – Security techniques – Guidelines for the use and management of Trusted Third Party services This Recommendation provides guidance for the use and management of Trusted Third Party (TTP) services, a clear definition of the basic duties and services provided, their description and their purpose, and the roles and liabilities of TTPs and entities using their services. This Recommendation identifies different major categories of TTP services including time stamping, non-repudiation, key management, certificate management, and electronic notary public. Q13/7 Information technology – Security techniques – Specification of TTP services to support the application of digital signatures This Recommendation defines the services required to support the application of digital signatures for non repudiation of creation of a document. Since this implies integrity of the document and authenticity of the creator, the services described can also be combined to implement integrity and authenticity services.

53 Position of each topic Web Services security
Application Server Privacy protection for RFID Home Network Mobile Terminal Mobile Network Open Network Home network security Mobile security Secure application services Multicast security

54 Q.9/17 - Mobile Security X.1121, Framework of security technologies for mobile end-to-end data communications Approved 2004 X.1122, Guideline for implementing secure mobile systems based on PKI X.msec-3, General security value added service (policy) for mobile data communication Develops general security service as value added service for secure mobile end-to-end data communication X.msec-4, Authentication architecture in mobile end-to-end data communication Constructs generic authentication architecture for mobile data communication between mobile users and application servers, Correlative reacting system in mobile network Develops the generic architecture of a correlative reactive system to protect the mobile terminal against Virus, worms, Trojan-Horses or other network attacks to both the mobile network and its mobile users

55 Q.9/17 - Home network security
X.1111, Framework for security technologies for home network Framework of security technologies for home network Define security threats and security requirements, security functions, security function requirements for each entity in the network, and possible implementation layer Approved 2007 X.homesec-2, Certificate profile for the device in the home network Device certificate profile for the home network Develops framework of home network device certificate. X.homesec-3, User authentication mechanisms for home network service User authentication mechanisms for home network service. Provides the user authentication mechanism in the home network, which enables various authentication means such as password, certificate, biometrics and so on.

56 Q.9/17 - Web Services security
X.1141, Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) Adoption of OASIS SAML v2.0 into ITU-T Recommendation X.1141 Define XML-based framework for exchanging security information The security information expressed in the form of assertions about subjects, where a subject is an entity (either human or computer) that has an identity in some security domain Approved 2006 X.1142, eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Adoption of OASIS XACML v2.0 into ITU-T Recommendation X.1142 Provides an XML vocabulary for expressing access control policies and the syntax of the language and the rules for evaluating policies X.websec-3, Security architecture for message security in mobile Web Services Develops a guideline on message security architecture and service scenarios for securing messages for mobile Web Services

57 Q.9/17 - Secure applications services, Guideline on strong password authentication protocols Guideline on secure password-based authentication protocol with key exchange Defines a set of requirements for password-based protocol with key exchange and a selection guideline by setting up criteria that can be used in choosing an optimum authentication protocol for each application., Secure communication using TTP service Secure end-to-end data communication techniques using TTP services Specifies secure end-to-end data communication techniques using TTP services that are services defined in X.842 or other services X.p2p-1, Anonymous authentication architecture in community communication Requirements of security for peer-to-peer and peer-to-multi peer communications Investigates threat analysis for P2P and P2MP communication services and describes security requirements for secure P2P and P2MP communication services X.p2p-2, Security architecture and protocols for peer to peer network Security architecture and protocols for peer to peer network Describes the security techniques and protocols in the P2P environment

58 Q.9/17 – m-RFID security and Multicast security
X.rfidsec-1, Privacy protection framework for networked RFID services New work item 2006 Privacy infringements for networked RFID service environment Requirements for privacy protection and privacy protection services based on a user privacy policy profile X.mcastsec-1, Security framework and requirement in the multicast environment New work item 2007 Requirements of security for multicast communications Investigates threat analysis for multicast communications services and describes security requirements for multicast communications services

59 ITU-T SG 17 Question 17 Countering Spam by Technical Means
Objectives Recommendations

60 Q.17/17 Objectives The aim of this Question is to develop a set of Recommendations on countering spam by technical means for ITU-T, taking into account the need for collaboration with ITU-T other Study Groups and cooperation with other SDOs. The Question focuses particularly on technical requirement, frameworks and new technologies for countering spam. Guidelines on countering spam by technical means are also studied.

61 Requirement on countering spam (X.csreq) Draft
Q.17/17 Set of Recommendations Guideline on countering spam (X.gcs) Draft Framework Recommendations: IP multimedia application area TBD Technical framework for countering spam (X.fcs) Draft Overview of countering spam for IP multimedia application (X.ocsip) Draft Technology Recommendations: Technical means for countering spam (X.tcs) TBD Other SDOs Requirement on countering spam (X.csreq) Draft Technical means for countering IP multimedia spam (X.tcs) TBD

62 Q.17/17 Brief Summaries of draft Recommendations 1/3
X.gcs, Guideline on countering spam Specifies technical issues on countering spam. It provides the current technical solutions and related activities from various SDOs and relevant organizations on countering spam. The purpose of the Recommendation is to provide useful information to the users who want to find technical solutions on countering spam and it will be used as a basis for further development of technical Recommendations on countering spam. X.ocsip, Overview of countering spam for IP multimedia applications Specifie basic concepts, characteristics, and effects of spam in IP multimedia applications such as IP telephony, video on demand, IPTV, instant messaging, multimedia conference, etc. It will provide technical issues, requirements for technical solutions, and various activities on countering spam for IP multimedia applications. It will provide basis and guideline for developing further technical solutions on countering spam.

63 Q.17/17 Brief Summaries of draft Recommendations 2/3
X.csreq, Requirement on countering spam Requirements on countering spam are clarified in this Recommendation. There are many types of spam, such as spam, mobile messaging spam and IP multimedia spam. Various types of spam may have both common and specific requirements on countering it. For one type of spam, the requirement in different entities should also be clarified. X.fcs, Technical framework for countering spam Specifies the technical framework for network structure for countering spam. Functions inside the framework are defined. It also provides universal rules of distinguishing spam from other s and the common methods of countering spam. X.tcs, Technical means for countering spam Communication network is evolving, more services are emerging, and capability of spammers is stronger. Moreover, no single technical means has perfect performances on countering spam currently. It may be necessary to propose new technical countermeasures.

64 Q.17/17 Brief Summaries of draft Recommendations 3/3
X.fcsip, Framework of countering IP multimedia spam Specifies general architecture of countering spam system on IP multimedia applications such as IP telephony, instant messaging, multimedia conference, etc. It will provide functional blocks of necessary network entities to counter spam and their functionalities, and describe interfaces among the entities. To build secure session against spam attack, User Terminals and edge service entities such as proxy server or application servers will be extended to have spam control functions. Shown are interfaces between these extended peer entities, and interfaces with other network entities which can involve for countering spam. X.tcs-1, Interactive countering spam gateway system Specifies interactive countering spam gateway system as a technical mean for countering various types of spam. The gateway system enables spam notification from receiver’s gateway to sender’s gateway, prevents spam traffic from going across the network. This specification defines architecture for the countering spam gateway system, describes basic entities, protocols and functions, provides mechanisms for spam detection, countering spam information sharing, and countering spam actions of the gateway systems.

65 ITU-T SG 4 work on security

66 SG 4: Security Management Systems
To complement the M.3016 series on Security of the Management Plane which is focused on interfaces, SG 4 has initiated new work on Security Management Systems (SMS). It is viewed as a key addition to support NGN Management. Based on equivalent work in ATIS TMOC, M.sec-mgmt-sys is expected to Draw on security concepts from X.800 and X.805 Describe the logical SMS architecture to be realized in one or more physical systems Describe the managed network elements supported by SMS Specify the SMS functional requirements As with the M.3016 series, a proforma will be provided as a template for other SDOs and forums to indicate for their membership what parts of M.sec-mgmt-sys are mandatory or optional

67 ITU-T SG 11 work on security

68 SG 11: Security signaling protocol draft Recommendation in progress
Draft Recommendation Q.3201 (formerly Q.NGN-nacf-sec), EAP-based security signaling protocol architecture for network attachment Describes the security signalling requirements and protocol architecture for supporting access security aspect of network attachment in NGN environment. Basic threats and security requirements for the attachment of NGN access networks are analyzed, and a model of an EAP-based security signalling protocol architecture accommodating heterogeneous multi-links in NGN access environment is presented. Based on it, three feasible scenarios for authentication signalling in NGN network attachment control function are developed.

69 ITU-T SG 13 work on security
Q.15/13 All SG 13 Recommendations have a section on security

70 Q.15/13 NGN Security Y.2701, Security requirements for NGN release 1
Y.NGN Authentication Y.NGN Security Mechanisms, NGN Security Mechanisms and Procedures Y.NGN, Certificate Management Y.NGN AAA, The Application of AAA Service for network access control in UNI and ANI over NGN Y. IdMsec, NGN Identity Management Security

71 Y.2701, Security requirements for NGN release 1 (pre-published)
Provides security requirements for Next Generation Networks (NGNs) and its interfaces (e.g., UNIs, NNIs and ANIs) by applying ITU-T Recommendation X.805, Security architecture for systems providing end-to-end communications to ITU-T Recommendation Y.2201, NGN release 1 requirements and ITU-T Recommendation Y.2012, Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN. Specifies a trust model that is based on network elements (physical boxes) that support the functional entities defined in ITU-T Recommendation Y.2012. Specifies requirements, which should be treated as a minimum set of security requirements. The NGN network providers are encouraged to take additional measures beyond those specified in the Recommendations for NGN security.

72 Y.NGN Authentication 1/2 Specifies authentication and authorization requirements for Next Generation Networks (NGNs) based on the ITU-T NGN release 1 Requirements and NGN Architecture (FRA). This includes requirements for one-way and mutual authentication and authorization across the User-to-Network Interface (UNI), the Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) and the Application-to-Network Interface (ANI). The scope of this Recommendation covers: Authentication and authorization of users for network access (e.g., authentication and authorization of an end user device, a home network gateway, or an enterprise gateway to obtain access or attachment to the network) Service provider authentication and authorization of users for access to a service/application (e.g., authentication and authorization of an user, a device or a combined user/device where the authentication and authorization applies to NGN service/application access)

73 Y.NGN Authentication 2/2 Service provider authentication and authorization of users for access to a specific service/application (e.g., ETS and TDR- specific authentication and authorization) User authentication and authorization of a network (e.g., user authenticating the identity of the NGN network or of the service provider) User peer-to-peer authentication and authorization (e.g., authentication and authorization of the called user (or terminating entity), authentication and authorization of the originating entity, or data origin authentication as network functions) Mutual network authentication and authorization (e.g., authentication and authorization across NNI interface at the transport level, or service/application level) Authentication and authorization of a 3rd party service/application Provider Use of a 3rd party authentication and authorization service

74 Y.NGN Security Mechanisms, NGN Security Mechanisms and Procedures
Describes specific security mechanisms that should be used to realize the requirements of Y.2701, Security Requirements for NGN release 1. It covers the following security subjects: Identification and authentication Media security Audit trail, trapping, and logging systems Transport security for signalling and OAMP (Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning) CPE (Customer Premises Equipment) provisioning

75 Y.NGN, Certificate Management
Defines procedures for managing the X.509 certificates used for providing NGN security Specifies the use of X.509 certificates for authentication of the NGN network elements based on policy and business agreements

76 Y.NGN AAA, The Application of AAA Service for network access control in UNI and ANI over NGN
Specifies the authentication and authorization procedures for the NGN. It is based on the principles established in ITU-T Recommendations Y.2701, Security requirements for NGN release 1 and Y.2012, Functional requirements and architecture of the NGN. Y.NGN AAA provides recommendations on authentication and authorization across the User-to-Network Interface (UNI) and the Application-to-Network Interface (ANI)

77 Y.IdMsec, NGN Identity Management Security
Describes the fundamental concepts associated with NGN Identity Management Provides a framework for Identity Management that is based on the NGN Functional Requirements and Architecture (FRA) release 2. This IdM framework is applicable to all NGN entities (e.g., service providers, network providers, network elements, users and user’s equipment) Outlines the threats and risks to Identity Management within an NGN environment Describes trust models for Identity Management within an NGN environment Specifies security objectives and requirements for NGN Identity Management

78 Q.15/13’s Major Contributions on Security to the Work of other Questions and Study Groups
Q.15/13 led the development of the Security Considerations and Requirements section of ITU-T Recommendation Y.2111, Resource and admission control functions in Next Generation Networks (Y.2111 was developed by Q.4/13) Q.15/13 participated to the development of the ITU-T Recommendation EAP-Based Security Signaling Protocol Architecture for Network Attachment (the Recommendation is being developed by Q.7/11)

79 ITU-T SG 16 Work on Security

80 Q.25/16 “Multimedia Security in Next-Generation Networks” (NGN-MM-SEC)
Study Group 16 concentrates on multimedia systems. Q.25/16 focuses on the application-security issues of MM applications in next generation networks Standardizes multimedia security So far Q.25/16 has been standardizing MM-security for the “1st generation MM/pre-NGN-systems”: H.323/H.248-based systems H.235 sub-series Recommendations provide a framework and a set of requirements for multimedia systems

81 Evolution of H.235 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Initial Draft H.323V2 H.323V4 H.235V1 approved Core Security Framework Engineering Consolidation Improvement and Additions 1st Deployment 2003 H.235V2 Annex D Annex E Annex F H.530 consent H.235V3+ Annex I Security Profiles started 2004 H.235V3 Amd1 + Annex H H.235V3 Amd1 H.235 Annex G H.323V5 1996 2005 H.235V4 H.235.0 ~ H.235.9 Reorganization H.323V1 H.323V6 2006

82 H.235 V4 sub-series Recommendations
Major restructuring of H.235v3 Amd.1 and annexes in stand-alone sub-series Recommendations H.235.x sub-series specify scenario-specific MM-security procedures as H.235-profiles for H.323 Some new parts added Some enhancements and extensions Incorporated corrections Approved in September 2005

83 H.323 Security Recommendations 1/4
H.235.0, Security framework for H-series (H.323 and other H.245-based) multimedia systems Overview of H.235.x sub-series and common procedures with baseline text H.235.1, Baseline Security Profile Authentication & integrity for H signaling using shared secrets H.235.2, Signature Security Profile Authentication & integrity for H signaling using X.509 digital certificates and signatures

84 H.323 Security Recommendations 2/4
H.235.3, Hybrid Security Profile Authentication & integrity for H signaling using an optimized combination of X.509 digital certificates, signatures and shared secret key management; specification of an optional proxy-based security processor H.235.4, Direct and Selective Routed Call Security Key management procedures in corporate and in interdomain environments to obtain key material for securing H call signaling in GK direct-routed/selective routed scenarios enhanced extended

85 H.323 Security Recommendations 3/4
H.235.5, Framework for secure authentication in RAS using weak shared secrets Secured password (using EKE/SPEKE approach) in combination with Diffie-Hellman key agreement for stronger authentication during H signaling H.235.6, Voice encryption profile with native H.235/H.245 key management Key management and encryption mechanisms for RTP enhanced modified

86 H.323 Security Recommendations 4/4
H.235.7, Usage of the MIKEY Key Management Protocol for the Secure Real Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) within H.235 Usage of the MIKEY key management for SRTP H.235.8, Key Exchange for SRTP using secure Signalling Channels SRTP keying parameter transport over secured signaling channels (IPsec, TLS, CMS) H.235.9, Security Gateway Support for H.323 Discovery of H.323 Security Gateways (SG = H.323 NAT/FW ALG) and key management for H signaling NEW NEW

87 Other SG16 MM-SEC Results
H (2003), H Directory Services Architecture for H.235 An LDAP schema to represent H.235 elements (PWs, certificates, ID information) H.530 (Revision 2003), Symmetric security procedures for H.323 mobility in H.510 Authentication, access control and key management in mobile H.323-based corporate networks Draft H (Jan. 2007), Security protocol negotiation Negotiate security protocols (IPsec or TLS or others) for H.323 signaling

88 Q.5/16 (H.300 NAT/FW Traversal) Results 1/2
H (Sep. 2005), Traversal of H.323 signalling across FWs and NATs H.323 protocol enhancements and new client/server proxies to allow H.323 signalling protocols traverse NATs & FWs; H.323 endpoints can remain unchanged H (Sep. 2005), NAT & FW traversal procedures for RTP in H.323 systems Uses multiplexed RTP media mode and symmetric RTP in conjunction with H as a short-term solution

89 More Q.5/16 Results 2/2 Technical Paper (2005), Requirements for Network Address Translator and Firewall Traversal of H.323 Multimedia Systems Documentation of scenarios and requirements for NAT & FW traversal in H.323 Technical Paper (2005), Firewall and NAT traversal Problems in H.323 Systems An analysis of scenarios and various problems encountered by H.323 around NAT & FW traversal

90 New Q.25/16 items under current study 1/2
Study Anti-DDoS (Denial-of-Service) countermeasures for (H.323-based) NAT/FW proxy and MM applications Security for MM-QoS ( MM security aspects of Vision “H.325” Advanced Multimedia Systems (AMS) Goal: MM-security for “H.325”, MM security for Audiovisual on Demand services, Multimedia Conferencing, Distant learning,..

91 New Q.25/16 items under current study
Study Multimedia-Security aspects of Digital Rights Management (MM-DRM) What does MM-DRM mean? Understand DRM security needs for MM content of MM applications (e.g. IPTV,…) Contributions are solicited Which other groups are active/interested in this area? Draft H.proxy Goal: Specify proxy-aided NAT/firewall traversal mechanism as a NAT traversal solution for H.323 multimedia systems Intended for Consent in July 2007

92 The work continues in the scope of NGN-Multimedia Security
SG 16: Summary Multimedia systems and applications as being studied by SG 16 face important security challenges: MM-security and NAT/FW traversal Q.25/16 and Q.5/16 are addressing these issues and have provided various Recommendations The work continues in the scope of NGN-Multimedia Security

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