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The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services.

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Presentation on theme: "The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services

2 Drive up quality Reduce variations in service delivery Help deliver The NHS Plan, Building for the Future Purpose of National Service Frameworks (NSFs):

3 Strategic context of NSFs – national quality standards will be: Set by NICE, SCIE and NSFs National Minimum Standards for Care Delivered locally by clinical governance underpinned by professional self regulation Monitored by CHI, SSIW & Joint Review, NHS & LASS Performance Assessment Frameworks

4 NSFs will: Set national standards and define service models Put in place programmes to support implementation Establish performance measures that will indicate progress within agreed time scales

5 NSF for Children - developed as a partnership between: Social care Health Close links to education, voluntary sector and other stakeholders (including parents/ carers, children & young people)

6 Consultation: Disabled children - NCH/ Barnardos Children in special circumstances - Funky Dragon/ Dynamix Questionnaires to secondary schools Parents and carers - CaF/ NCT - Fostering Network Professional stakeholders

7 Children’s NSF - overarching aim: “All children and young people achieve optimum health and well being and are supported in fulfilling their potential.”

8 Services for children & young people should be:

9 Children’s NSF - Scope: All children & young people from pre-conception to 18th birthday for whom NHS Wales and local social services authorities have a responsibility Special consideration for transition management beyond 18th birthday for those receiving support services

10 Children’s NSF- Method of Approach - 7 modules: Acute and chronic illness or injury Chair: Dr Huw Jenkins (Director of Healthcare Services for Children and Young People) Improving health & well being of all children & young people Chair: Prof. Laurence Moore Disabled children & young people Chair: Joe Howsam Children & young people in special circumstances Chair: Jane Stacey Mental health & psychological well being Chair: Alison Cowell Maternity Chair: Cathy Dowling Medicines Chair: Rowena McArtney

11 Supporting groups: Workforce Development group Performance Development Group Communication Strategy Group

12 Children’s NSF - Template for Standards Aim Standard Rationale/ evidence base Interventions and service models Milestones for service delivery Exemplars using care pathways Performance/ outcome measures

13 Process for development of Children’s NSF:

14 Delivery of the Children’s NSF needs: Ambitious but realistic programmes Recognition that change requires time if it is to be sustainable Considered as an evolving process Determined and effective approach to reshaping clinical and social work practice A commitment to leadership - within and between agencies, local communities, patients, service users and their carers

15 The National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services

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