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World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO CGMS Evolving Baseline and Global Contingency.

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO CGMS Evolving Baseline and Global Contingency."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization Working together in weather, climate and water WMO OMM WMO CGMS Evolving Baseline and Global Contingency Plan Jérôme Lafeuille WMO Space Programme Rapporteur of CGMS WG on Contingency Planning

2 WMO OMM Workshop objectives Advancing the understanding of GCOS continuity requirements building on the GCMPs and of risks associated with planning and implementing a robust global satellite-based climate observing capability Engaging the climate community to consider in some depth continuity priorities in relation to individual, and collections of, ECVs Using this analysis to specify architectural enhancements that will enable the GOS to better meet the needs for sustained climate observation from space.

3 WMO OMM Talking points About CGMS The « old » CGMS baseline architecture The proposed new CGMS baseline architecture Contingency Planning issues

4 WMO OMM Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites Established in 1972 Operational or R&D satellite operators contributing to WMO and WMO-supported programmes (e.g. WWW, GAW, GCOS, JCOMM..) WMO and IOC representing global user communities JMA CMA Roshydromet IMD NOAA NASA CNSA JAXA Roscosmos ISRO CNES UNESCO-IOC

5 WMO OMM Scope of CGMS Technical coordination Orbits, sensors, calibration Data formats, downlink frequencies Dissemination standards and techniques Cooperative mission planning and mutual back-up in case of system failure Operational observation architecture: baseline configuration, contingency plan, standards and best practices Coordinates efforts on e.g.: Products (with science groups) User training (through Virtual Laboratory) IROWG

6 WMO OMM The « old » CGMS baseline architecture

7 WMO OMM Summary of the « old » baseline 6 geostationary satellites with: - multispectral VIS/IR imagery - IR sounding - data collection and dissemination - other missions as appropriate (ERB) 4 SSO satellites (2 AM and 2 PM) with: - multispectral VIS/IR/MW imagery - IR/MW sounding - direct broadcast Contingency plans using back-up satellites in a cooperative way

8 WMO OMM The proposed new CGMS baseline architecture Includes more « climate » missions A step towards implementation of the «Vision of GOS in 2025» Implementation target : 2015 Under review for adoption by CGMS-39 ( October 2011)

9 WMO OMM Updated Baseline : (1) Geostationary At least 6 geostationary satellites at evenly distributed locations, with redundancy, and performing: a)Multispectral Vis/IR imagery every 15 min b)IR sounding (some of them hyperspectral) c)Lightning detection d)Data collection e)Other missions as appropriate, e.g. ERB, high spectral resolution UV sounding, Space Environment Monitoring, data dissemination. Routine intercalibration against reference instruments or calibration sites

10 WMO OMM Updated Baseline: (2) Sun-synchronous (SSO) A constellation of operational SSO satellites deployed around 3 orbital planes and performing : f)Visible, Infrared and Microwave imagery g)Microwave sounding h)Infrared hyperspectral sounding (at least am and pm) i)Wind scatterometry over oceans j)Radio-occultation sounding (at least am-pm, plus dedicated constellation) k)Broadband VIS/IR for Earth radiation balance (at least am-pm) l)Total Solar Irradiance (at least one spacecraft) m)Space environment monitoring n)Data collection o)Direct Broadcast p)Other missions as appropriate, e.g. atmospheric composition Routine intercalibration against reference instruments or calibration sites

11 WMO OMM Updated Baseline : (3) Other LEO missions The following missions shall be performed on an operational basis by Low Earth Orbit satellites on appropriate orbits: r)Ocean surface topography reference mission (high-precision, inclined orbit, in addition to the 2 altimeters on SSO) s)Radio-Occultation sounding (constellation of sensors on appropriate orbits) t)Narrow-band VIS/NIR imagers (at least one SSO am spacecraft) for ocean colour, vegetation, aerosol monitoring u)High-resolution multi-spectral VIS/IR imagers (constellation of SSO satellites, preferably in am) for land surface imaging v)Infrared imagery for reference high-accuracy SST (one am spacecraft) All passive instruments should be inter-calibrated on a routine basis against reference instruments or calibration sites.

12 WMO OMM Continuity requirements and implications on architecture Baseline should define for each mission : nominal coverage (spatial/temporal sampling ) back-up provisions if relevant (contingency planning) First thing is to secure long-term funding and nominal planning Contingency planning approach Risk analysis: for each mission, impact of degraded or no data? –Criteria for contingency situation ? –Mitigation strategy ? –Cooperative decision framework for mutual support ?

13 WMO OMM Contingency planning

14 WMO OMM Current Global Contingency Plan (1/2) Recalls baseline GEO/LEO configurations for « weather missions » Risk management recommendations for programme implementation –Including back-up provisions Contingency criteria based on critical mission continuity requirements –GEO imagery –LEO sounding and imagery –Data access, Tropical Cyclone regions Framework for mutual support in case of contingency on GEOs –« Help-your-neighbour ! » –Complemented by bilateral agreements

15 WMO OMM Current Global Contingency Plan (2/2) Climate missions are addressed in the plan but in generic terms only No globally agreed baseline No clear contingency criteria Mainly refers to GCOS Climate Monitoring Principles for satellites –Avoid drifting ECTs of sun-synchronous missions –Launch on schedule to provide overlap –Calibration and ground-truth –Etc.

16 WMO OMM Different « continuity » approaches (a) Classical « operational » continuity with on-orbit back-up

17 WMO OMM Different «continuity» approaches (a) Classical « operational » continuity with on-orbit back-up (b) Launch upon failure Launch readiness Launch

18 WMO OMM Different «continuity» approaches (a) Classical « operational » continuity with on-orbit back-up (b) Launch upon failure (c) Overlap for cross-calibration and product validation

19 WMO OMM Different «continuity» approaches (a) Classical « operational » continuity with on-orbit back-up (b) Launch upon failure (c) Overlap for cross-calibration and product validation (d) Consecutive missions with reference for consistent calibration Reference

20 WMO OMM Different «continuity» approaches (a) Classical « operational » continuity with on-orbit back-up (b) Launch upon failure (c) Overlap for cross-calibration and product validation (d) Consecutive missions with reference for consistent calibration (e) Recurrent missions as anchor observations for model validation Modelling supported by recurrent space missions

21 WMO OMM Conclusions CGMS is updating the baseline configuration reflecting its committment to implement WMO Vision for 2025 –Includes larger contribution to sustained climate observations Different approaches possible for « continuity of observation » of ECVs –Needs precise understanding of continuity requirements to define baseline with appropriate level of back-up capabilities


23 Some CGMS milestones 1972: Creation of the Coordination of Geostationary Meteorological Satellites 1978: First Global GARP Experiment involves a constellation of 5 GEO First contingency relocation of a satellite (over Indian Ocean) 1979-89: India (79), EUMETSAT (87), China (89), joined CGMS 1984-2003: Satellite back-up operations in 84, 91, 92, 98, 03 1992: LEO satellite coordination transferred to CGMS ( after IPOMS ) 2000: CGMS & WMO establish the Virtual Laboratory for Training 2003-05: CNES, ESA, JAXA, KMA, NASA, ROSCOSMOS joined CGMS 2005: CGMS & WMO establish GSICS First issue of the Global Contingency Plan 2006 : Joint WMO-CGMS response to GCOS IP and Satellite Supplement 2007: Updated GEO/LEO baseline and Contingency Plan (including Chinese missions)

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