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Na + /H + exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) and angiogenesis in familial breast cancer A Mangia*, A Malfettone*, C Salvatore**, B Stea*, G Simone**

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1 Na + /H + exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) and angiogenesis in familial breast cancer A Mangia*, A Malfettone*, C Salvatore**, B Stea*, G Simone** and A Paradiso* *Clinical Experimental Oncology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute-Bari ** Histopathology Unit National Cancer Institute-Bari FIRENZE 7- 9 Settembre 2009

2 BACKGROUND  Na + /H + exchanger regulatory factor 1 (NHERF1) is a scaffolding protein that recruits membrane and cytoplasmic proteins into functional complexes. Our recent evidences demonstrated that in breast cancer NHERF1 overexpression is associated with increased tumor hypoxia and poor prognosis.  Hypoxia is implicated in tumour proliferation and angiogenesis that interests neoplastic regions. In fact, the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1  ), mediating transcriptional activation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) gene, is considered the central initiator of angiogenesis activity in tumours.

3 Aim of this study is to determine NHERF1 expression on a series of familial and sporadic breast cancer patients and to examine the relationship with other tumour progression markers (HIF-1 , VEGFR 1, HER2/neu). AIM of the study

4 MATERIALS AND METHODS NHERF1, VEGFR1, HIF1α proteins expression were analysed by immunohistochemistry on a tissue microarray (TMA), including 94 familial and 93 sporadic breast tumors. Cytoplasmic, membrane and nuclear NHERF1 reactivity was analysed. Tissue specimens

5 Immunohistochemistry was performed on breast tumours distributed across the 4 TMAs utilizing standard procedure for sampling, fixation and paraffin embedded. Histological sections (4  m) were incubated with anti- NHERF1 (1:150, EBP50 PA1-090), HIF-1  (1:100, H-206), VEGFR1 (1:100, Flt-1 C-17) and HER2/neu (1:100, NCL-L CB11) overnight at 4°C. The bound antibody was visualized using a biotinylated secondary antibody, peroxidase-labelled streptavidin, and AEC substrate-chromogen (LSAB2 System- HRP;Dako). The slides were counterstained with H&E. For negative controls, the primary antibody was omitted and replaced by PBS. Immunohistochemistry

6 Clinicopathological characteristics of 94 familial and 93 sporadic breast cancer patients based on the family history of disease a Familial cases (n=94) Sporadic cases (n=93) p value Age ≤ 45 > 45 < 0.001 49 15 45 78 Tumour size T1 T2-4 Tis 0.960 38 37 59 53 3 3 Lymph node status Negative Positive b Nx 0.165 35 39 57 45 8 9 Histological grade G1-G2 G3 Not recorded 0.128 55 56 41 28 4 9 PgR ≤10% positive cells >10% positive cells 0.214 40 43 60 49 c ER ≤10% positive cells >10% positive cells 0.025 35 19 64 70 MIB1 ≤20% positive cells >20% positive cells 0.011 35 47 65 45 a) Six of 94 familial patients were bilateral tumours b) Nx, no axillary lymph node dissection c) evaluation on whole section Legend :

7 In familial patients, high levels of nuclear NHERF1 were associated with positive HIF-1α tumours (p=0.003), while cytoplasmic NHERF1 expression was associated with negative HIF-1α (p=0.002). Moreover, cytoplasmic NHERF1 overexpression was associated with VEGFR1 positivity (p=0.009). Markers of Angiogenesis cytoplasmic NHERF1 (median value = 40%) nuclear NHERF1 (median value = 0%) %p value*% HIF-1α Cells Negative (median 0%) 430.0021/ Cells Positive (median >0%) 30/70.003 VEGFR1 Cells Negative (median 0%) 33/// Cells Positive (median >0%) 440.009// * by χ2 Familial breast cancer patients

8 Immunohistochemical study on TMAs of familial tumours Cytoplasmic and nuclear NHERF1 protein expression Cytoplasmic VEGFR1 expression Nuclear HIF-1a expression A B (A= X100 magnification; B= X200)

9 In sporadic patients, nuclear NHERF1 protein is significantly correlated with positive HIF-1α expression (p=0.019), but any significant association between cytoplasmic NHERF1 and both HIF-1α and VEGFR1 was found. This is in agreement with a pivotal role of NHERF1 in more aggressive tumours such as familiar breast cancers. Interestingly, the tumours overexpressing HER2/neu showed a significant association with high cytoplasmic NHERF1 levels (p= 0.007). Markers of tumour progression cytoplasmic NHERF1 (median value = 35%) nuclear NHERF1 (median value = 0%) % p value* % HIF-1α Cells Negative (median <8.50%) //3 Cells Positive (median >8.50%) //120.019 VEGFR1 Cells Negative (median 0%) // / / Cells Positive (median >0%) /// / HER2/neu Negative (0; 1+) 28 / / Positive (3+) 410.007 // Sporadic breast cancer patients * by χ2

10 NHERF1 and HER2/neu e xpression in sporadic tumours Membranous NHERF1 protein expression HER2/neu expression A B (A= X100 magnification; B= X200) Cytoplasmic and nuclear NHERF1 protein expression

11 CONCLUSIONS  In familial breast cancers with respect to sporadic tumours, NHERF1 protein resulted strongly related with HIF-1α expression and more importantly with VEGFR1 reactivity.  In this context, we suggest an emerging role of NHERF1 in tumour angiogenesis.

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