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Towards establishing a SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in the Philippines.

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1 Towards establishing a SUN Civil Society Alliance (CSA) in the Philippines


3  2010: World Bank launched the ‘Framework for Scaling Up Nutrition’  SUN is a multi-stakeholder movement that brings together over 100 organizations and governments committed to working together to fight hunger & undernutrition  It focuses on implementing & expanding proven nutrition interventions & supports the integration of nutrition into national streams of work in agriculture, social welfare, education & other sectors.  To date, 54 countries have joined the movement.  2010: World Bank launched the ‘Framework for Scaling Up Nutrition’  SUN is a multi-stakeholder movement that brings together over 100 organizations and governments committed to working together to fight hunger & undernutrition  It focuses on implementing & expanding proven nutrition interventions & supports the integration of nutrition into national streams of work in agriculture, social welfare, education & other sectors.  To date, 54 countries have joined the movement.


5 In joining the SUN movement, the PH is expected to commit the following:  Identifying the high-level SUN Government focal point, responsible for the coordination of internal & external assistance  Establishing a multi-sectoral platform, preferably leveraging and expanding on existing forums, through which stakeholders connect  Creating an implementable, evidence-based strategy for improving nutritional outcomes  Investing their own resources, alongside support from other stakeholders


7 The SUN Civil Society Network  SUN CSN (Civil Society Network) is led by a Steering Group.  Chair of SUN CSN Steering Group: Milo Stanojevich, Country Director, Care Peru  Vice-chair: Marie Rumsby, Head of Hunger and Nutrition, Save the Children  Coordinator: Claire Blanchard, Save the Children UK.

8 SUN Civil Society Approach  Important that efforts are aligned to national priorities  Multi-sectoral  Multi-stakeholder  Multi-level


10 Broad Constituency  Social movements  Human Rights advocates  National and International NGOs  Women’s groups, Youth Associations  Research Entities  Consumer groups  Trade Unions


12 Preparatory Activities  Meetings with various stakeholders prior to attendance based on agenda  The SUN Global Gathering will focus on working sessions around the various Communities of Practice it is developing to help strengthen capacity to deliver and respond to country needs.  There will be a market place space where country actors can present and expose key resources and document.


14 In SUN countries, CSOs such as PHILCAN Coalition Members promote the roll-out of the initiative by participating in national consultations, experience-sharing, priority setting in nutrition and fostering direct relations with national focal points and donors involved in the SUN.

15 Updates in the SUN Movement 1. The Philippines participated in the 2 nd and 3 rd SUN teleconferences for the year 2014. Topics discussed are: 17 June Thematic Discussion: “Contribution of agriculture, food security and social protection in nutrition” 3 September Thematic Discussion: “Strengths and Challenges of the SUN Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and the Self-Assessment Workshops” 15

16 Updates in the SUN Movement 2.The Philippines, through the 1 August TechCom meeting, identified its delegation to the SUN Global Gathering on 16-18 November 2014 at FAO, Rome. The delegation will be composed of: NNC: Ms. Ms. Maria Lourdes A. Vega PhilCAN: Ms. Filomena Portales (WVI) DOH: to be identified Funding for the delegation is yet to be determined. NNC wrote a letter of request to UNICEF for possible support. 16

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