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Click to edit Master subtitle style BRIEFING ON THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN ZIMBABWE Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 22 June 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style BRIEFING ON THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN ZIMBABWE Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 22 June 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style BRIEFING ON THE LATEST DEVELOPMENTS IN ZIMBABWE Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 22 June 2011


3 INTRODUCTION Our presentation will focus on the latest developments in Zimbabwe paying particular attention to: Political, election roadmap; economic, issue of sanctions, South Africa’s strategic position.  The political situation however remains polarized due to the slow movement in the implementation of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) which signed by the three political parties in September 2008. 33

4 POLITICAL SITUATION  President Zuma with his Facilitation Team continues to work with the parties assisting them to implement the GPA. This includes undertaking frequent visits to Zimbabwe to meet with the parties.  He regularly reports to SADC on the progress in the implementation of the GPA. 44

5 Political situation contd  President Zuma’s latest report was presented to the SADC Extra-Ordinary Summit that was held on 12 June 2011 in Sandton.  The Summit commended President Zuma and the Facilitator for the Zimbabwe Political Dialogue for his efforts towards the full implementation of the Global Political Agreement. The Summit also urged the Organ Troika to remain seized with the implementation of the Global Political Agreement in Zimbabwe. 55

6 Political situation contd  The current process includes:  The development of elections roadmap.  The negotiators of the three parties have developed and agreed on a draft election roadmap which is now being considered by their Principals (Pres Mugabe, Prime Minister Tsvangirai, Deputy Prime Minister Mutambara).  The Facilitation Team to be joined by officials from the Organ Troika (Mozambique and Zambia) is closely working with Joint Monitoring and Implementation Committee (JOMIC). JOMIC is provided in the GPA and is entrusted with the monitoring of the GPA implementation. 66

7 PROGRESS ON THE ROADMAP TOWARDS ELECTIONS The roadmap is key in creating a conducive environment for holding a referendum and an election. The objectives of the roadmap are to:  Inspire confidence in the people of Zimbabwe;  Address the concerns of the people of Zimbabwe  Ensure institutions (e.g the Electoral Commission to successfully execute its role pre, during and after elections)  Create a conducive environment for a referendum and elections to ensure that the election outcome will be accepted by all and is not contested. 77

8 CONSTITUTION MAKING PROCESS  The constitution making process is espoused in the GPA as a process towards the holding of legitimate elections. The steps in this process include the following steps:  the constitution outreach programme  Drafting of the constitution on the basis of data collected during outreach process  the tabling of a draft constitution to parliament  a referendum  elections 88

9 CONSTITUTION MAKING PROCESS Contd  Only the first step has been completed to date, namely outreach programme which was completed on 31 October 2010.  The Constitutional Parliamentary Select Committee (COPAC) is now drafting a new constitution based on the inputs received during the outreach process.  COPAC had set September 2011 for a referendum on the draft constitution; however it is unlikely to meet this deadline due to continuous delays, making it highly unlikely to have elections in 2011 as some parties demand. 99

10 ECONOMIC SITUATION  A rehabilitated and functioning Zimbabwean economy is critical for the SADC’s regional economic integration.  Economic recovery is well under way in Zimbabwe. In its latest economic forecast, the IMF predicts that the Zimbabwean economy will grow by 7.3% this year. 1010

11 TRADE COOPERATION WITH SOUTH AFRICA 1111 Traditionally, South Africa trades more with Zimbabwe than any other country on the Continent. The economy of Zimbabwe is linked to that of South Africa: Here are trade statistics for 2008, 2009 & 2010.  In 2008, South Africa exported goods worth R 7,012,455,  In 2009 exports amounted to R 11,720,284  In 2010, goods worth R 13,724,747 were exported, making Zimbabwe one of the top three trading partners in Africa. The trade balance is hugely in South Africa’s favour.

12 SANCTIONS  In 2009, the SADC and AU following the formation of the Inclusive Government and the development of the Zimbabwe economic recovery programme resolved to call for the lifting of sanctions on Zimbabwe.  The political situation in Zimbabwe is different from the situation under which these sanctions were imposed. The continued existence of the sanctions now serves as a source of tension in the Inclusive Government, as other members of cabinet travel freely while others are not able to do so.  SADC continues to engage those countries who have imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe. 1212

13 KEY ISSUES  Full implementation of the GPA  Finalisation of the Constitution making Process  Finalisation of the Roadmap  Holding of a Referendum on the new Constitution  Holding of Elections 1313

14 SOUTH AFRICA’S POSITION  South Africa as a SADC mandated Facilitator remains seized with the situation in Zimbabwe, assisting the political parties to resolve all outstanding issues in the implementation of the GPA.  The focus is on the creation of a conducive environment for credible, peaceful, free and fair elections. 1414

15 THANK YOU 1515

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