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ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20061 The Future of Location Intelligence From Web Services to the Enterprise Definition - Web services that.

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Presentation on theme: "ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20061 The Future of Location Intelligence From Web Services to the Enterprise Definition - Web services that."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20061 The Future of Location Intelligence From Web Services to the Enterprise Definition - Web services that provide location or utilize location Five elements of the GeoWeb 1. 1.Location “Dial Tone” service 2. 2.Published base map and globe services 3. 3.The presence of GIS web services 4. 4.Syndicated, georeferenced events 5. 5.Standards that enable consumption ESRI’s Perspective GeoWeb: the Spatial Fabric of the Web

2 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20062 Information Technology Spectrum InternetMobileDesktopServerManagedServicesSDK Location Intelligence Futures 1. Location “Dial Tone” Services spanning the Information Technology SpectrumLocationServices IP GeocodingWireless Hot Spot Geocoding Wireless Network Location Services GPSAccuracyCityNeighborhood150m + 10m + ArcWeb Managed ServicesArcWeb Managed Services Oracle SpatialOracle Spatial DB2 Spatial ExtenderDB2 Spatial Extender ArcGIS ServerArcGIS Server WEA LASWEA LAS MapInfoMapInfo ArcViewArcView ArcEngineArcEngine MapXtremeMapXtreme ArcPadArcPad MS Smart PhonesMS Smart Phones Google Local WirelessGoogle Local Wireless ArcWeb ServicesArcWeb Services Google Local / EarthGoogle Local / Earth MS Live LocalMS Live Local Location Services

3 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20063 Location Intelligence Futures 2. Publishing of base maps and globes Key to basic visualization and exploration –Maps (2D) & Globes (3D) –Commercial Microsoft Live Local Google Local / Earth Yahoo Maps MapQuest ESRI ArcWeb Services –Public Federal, state, and local government NGOs Many exist today Many more will be added in the future!

4 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20064 Location Intelligence Futures 3. Presence of GIS web services GIS web services –Providing the rich capabilities of GIS via open standards and the Internet –Implemented thru Standards Examples –ESRI ArcWeb Services –Web services published by GIS organizations DOE Plume Modeling Service USGS Elevation Web & Inundation Services Many others being published Geospatial One Stop –

5 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20065 Real time information Sensor feeds –Data, audio, video…. Standards –GeoRSS Geo extension of RSS adding GML –Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Alert standards for events notification Location Intelligence Futures 4. Syndicated, georeferenced events

6 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20066 Location Intelligence Futures 5. Interoperability through standards will drive adoption GeoWeb Standards Open LS SOAP WMS GeoRSS SVG GML Open APIs / Free content & services are catalysts Supporting Standards RSS CAP WS-Security SAML Liberty Alliance BPEL

7 ESRI Presentation - Location Intelligence 20067 Location Intelligence Futures Result – A range of solutions built on the GeoWeb

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