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Future session, 25 July 2003 International Telecommunication Union Future Q.6 Rapporteur.

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Presentation on theme: "Future session, 25 July 2003 International Telecommunication Union Future Q.6 Rapporteur."— Presentation transcript:

1 Future session, 25 July 2003 International Telecommunication Union Future Q.6 Rapporteur

2 Furture session, 25 July 2003 2 Contents 1. Continuation of current issue 2. New study issue

3 Furture session, 25 July 2003 3 Study items and Recs. Higher Layer (e.g. application) Y.TCPperf. Y.1540 & Y.1541 (IP) Y.MPLSperf. Y.ETHperf. Lower Layer (e.g. PHY) Homogeneous Network (specific protocol-based) I.35x Y.800 Homogeneous, but different Overview of the relationship between Recs. Network performance for user information transfer General aspects for QoS/NP

4 Furture session, 25 July 2003 4 Continuation of current issue 1. Y.1540 & Y.1541 New performance parameters Flexible allocation with IP QoS signalling 2. Y.MPLSperf. MPLS performance objectives 3. Y.ETHperf. Ethernet performance parameters Ethernet performanc objectives

5 Furture session, 25 July 2003 5 New study issue 1. New technologies Voice over MPLS Ethernet/MPLS ATM/MPLS IP/MPLS -> Y.MPLSperf. NGN 2. New general aspects of QoS/NP New services and features on NGN

6 Furture session, 25 July 2003 6 New study issue 3. Emerging trend ATM-based xDSL Ethernet ATM PON Ethernet PON IP-based xDSL, …. ATM/MPLS IP/MPLS Ethernet/MPLS FR/MPLS, …. IP Frame Relay Ethernet ATM MPLS Hybrid network environment

7 Furture session, 25 July 2003 7 New study issue 1. ATM/MPLS (parameters & objectives) 2. Ethernet/MPLS (parameters & objectives) 3. Voice over MPLS (parameters & objectives) 4. NGN performance 5. Update general aspects of QoS/NP to include new services and features offered in NGN 6. More practical aspects of QoS/NP specification for path traversing multiple technologies

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