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Assessor Training Conference Call December 16, 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Assessor Training Conference Call December 16, 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessor Training Conference Call December 16, 2014
Vijay Krishna Director, Personnel Credentialing Accreditation Programs

2 Liam Jethro Holmes born on 12/13/14 at 12:56 AM.
Title | Location

3 New addition to the ANSI team!
DeMario Hardmon-Fort Title | Location

4 New Program Accredited in 2014
1. American Institute of Constructors Associate Constructor Certified Professional Constructor 2. Crane Institute Certification Crane Operator: Large Telescoping Boom Crane, Over 75 Tons Crane Operator: Lattice Boom Crawler/Truck Crane, Tons Crane Operator: Medium Telescoping Boom Crane, Tons Crane Operator: Small Telescoping Broom Crane, Under 21 Tons 3. Institute of Certified Construction Industry Financial Professionals Certified Construction Industry Financial Professional 4. International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management Certified Registered Central Service Technician 5. National Elevator Industry Educational Program* Certified Signal Person and Rigger Level 1 Certified Signal Person and Rigger Level 2 Title | Location

5 New Applicants in 2014 1. Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation Biomedical Equipment Technicians 2. Global Institute for Risk Management Standards- G31000, North America, C31000 ISO Risk Management Professional (Foundations Level) 3. National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy™ Wound Care Certified 4. Innovative Learning/Qualified Applied Behavior Analyst Certification Board Applied Behavior Analysis Technician ™(ABAT™) Qualified Autism Service Practitioner ™(QASP ™) 5. International Association of Privacy Professionals Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Certified Information Privacy Professional/E (CIPP/E) Certified Information Privacy Professional/United States (CIPP/US) Certified Information Privacy Technologist (CIPT) Title | Location

6 New scope extensions in 2014
Cisco Systems Institute for Energy Management Professionals Institute of Hazardous Materials Management Global Information Assurance Certification National Commission for Certification of Crane Operators Professional Evaluation and Certification Board Title | Location

7 Transition to ISO/IEC 17024:2012
Deadline to transition to ISO 17024: 2012 is July 1, 2015, which means transition process cannot go beyond this date. In order to complete the transition by this date, we need to complete the assessment prior to the cut-off date based on the new standard. Any non-conformity identified should be cleared before the end of the transition. We cannot issue accreditation to 17024:2003 beyond July 1, 2015. Title | Location

8 Progress towards 17024:2012 compliance
ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 completed ISO/IEC 17024: 2012: 2012 in progress ISO/IEC 17024: 2012: 2012 in first quarter of 2014 22 20 9 Title | Location

9 Progress towards 17024:2012 compliance
ISO/IEC 17024: 2012 completed ISO/IEC 17024: 2012: 2012 in progress ISO/IEC 17024: 2012: 2012 in first quarter of 2014 22 20 9 23 NCRs 55 NCRs Title | Location

10 Requirements generating most NCs
4.3 Management of impartiality 4.3.6 The certification body shall identify threats to its impartiality on an ongoing basis. This shall include those threats that arise from its activities, from its related bodies, from its relationships, or from the relationships of its personnel. Title | Location

11 Requirements generating most NCs
9.6 Recertification process 9.6.3 The recertification period shall be based upon the scheme requirements. The rationale for the recertification period shall take into account, where relevant, the following: regulatory requirements; changes to normative documents; changes in the relevant scheme requirements; the nature and maturity of the industry or field in which the certified person is working; the risks resulting from an incompetent person; ongoing changes in technology, and requirements for certified persons; requirements of interested parties; h) the frequency and content of surveillance activities, if required by the scheme. Title | Location

12 Requirements generating most NCs
9.6.5 In accordance with the certification scheme, recertification by the certification body shall consider at least the following: on-site assessment; professional development; structured interviews; confirmation of continuing satisfactory work and work experience records; examination; checks on physical capability in relation to the competence concerned. Title | Location

13 Requirements generating most NCs
Management review Review Input Review Output Title | Location

14 Announcement of launching 17024 program by NCCA
Title | Location

15 Hot topics for discussion!
Title | Location

16 Annual assessor training
Baltimore Jan 20-22, 2015 Title | Location

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