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Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services Suceava, 26 April – 7 May Innovation categories in European areas Carmen Nastase University of Suceava 27 April.

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services Suceava, 26 April – 7 May Innovation categories in European areas Carmen Nastase University of Suceava 27 April."— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in Nature Based Tourism Services Suceava, 26 April – 7 May Innovation categories in European areas Carmen Nastase University of Suceava 27 April 2010

2 About me  PhD. Degree in Strategic Management  Fundamental research on Management of firms, business approach  Forecasting/Marketing research  Trainer CEFE Methods (Competency based Economies through Formation of Enterprise)  Experience in Project Management, economic data analysis, SWOT analysis etc

3 Experience in similiar project - ERASMUS IP Innovation in Rural Development 2008 – 2010 - ERASMUS IP INNOTOOLS 2007-2008 - ERASMUS IP INNOFOREST 2005-2007 - PHARE CBC Project ”Young Entrepreneurs in Bucovina - TAB” 2008 – 2009

4 Overview over Lecture Innovation concept Innovation in European areas Innovation in tourism

5 the biggest opportunity… These days, innovation is both:: … and the greatest challenge to business.

6 The unknown unknowns Vision Creativity Ideas Leadership Knowledge Innovation Transformation Change management Strategy Desired future state Design Corporate ventures Capabilities


8 Invention - Innovator Invention Creation of something that has not existed before Element of novelty Innovator Tobe able to turn an invention into an innovation, a firm normally needs to combin several types of knowledge, capabilities, skills and resources.

9 Inventor

10 Joseph Schumpeter (1912) New products New methods of production New methods of production New sources of supply New sources of supply The exploitation of new market The exploitation of new market New ways to organize business New ways to organize business

11 Peter Drucker “Change that creates a new dimension of performance” “ Invention refers to new concepts or products that derive from individual’s ideas or from scientific research. Innovation is the commercialization of the invention itself ” (Peter Drucker) “The ability to deliver new value to a customer” (Jose Campos) “Innovation is the way of transforming the resources of an enterprise through the creativity of people into new resources and wealth” (Paul Schumann)

12 European Comision An innovation is the implementation of a new or significantly improved product (good or service), or process, a new marketing method, or a new organisational method in business practices, workplace organisation or external relation. The minimum requirement for an innovation is that the product, process, marketing method or organisational method must be new (or significantly improved) to the firm.( CE 2002)

13 Innovation Product GoodsServices Process TehnologicalOrganizational

14 Level of Inovation Studies Institutional Level: administration, interest groups, research & education; b2b Level: clusters, networks, vertical/horizontal cooperation; Firm Level: entreprises Personal Level: owner, manager, employee Institutional Level: administration, interest groups, research & education; b2b Level: clusters, networks, vertical/horizontal cooperation; Firm Level: entreprises Personal Level: owner, manager, employee

15 2. The innovation to the European level The Report „European Innovation Scoreboard 2009”. The EIS 2009 includes innovation indicators and trend analyses for the EU27 Member States as well as for Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.

16 EU27 Member States fall into the following four country groups: Denmark, Finland, Germany, Sweden and the UK are the Innovation leaders Of these countries, Germany and Finland are improving their performance fastest while Denmark and the UK are stagnating.

17 Innovation followers Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia Cyprus, Estonia and Slovenia have shown a strong improvement compared to 2008, providing an explanation why these countries have moved from the Moderate innovators in the EIS 2008 to the Innovation followers.

18 Moderate innovators Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain The EIS 2009 Moderate innovators are a mix of 5 Member States which were Moderate innovators in the EIS 2008 and 5 Member States which were Catching-up countries in the EIS 2008.

19 Catching-up countries Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania All three countries are rapidly closing their gap to the average performance level of the EU27, and Bulgaria and Romania have been improving their performance.


21 Do you are ready to innovate? Each of you find a pair

22 3. Tourism sector innovation What is the level of innovation in tourism compared to other sectors? Little research undertaken Case studies rather than comprehensive overviews Possible perception of tourism not being an innovative sector?

23 Innovation in your case studies

24 Why innovation? Perceived as linked to regional and national competitiveness and development Related to firm survival Capacity to respond to external change Link to knowledge economy and interest in clusters and networks Spatial dimension - regions and destinations BUT - innovative to who?

25 Norway 2008 Norwegian study of innovation in different service sectors Leisure services: Arts, museum, entertainment, restaurant and media services 10.4% of Norwegian employment in services Share of firms with product innovation: 10% Share of firms with process innovation: 5% Share of turnover due to new services in innovators only: approx. 24%

26 Where did innovation occur? 30% - Goods or services 23% - Operational processes 40% - Total product/process 21% - Organisational or managerial process 37% - Marketing method 50% - Total innovation rate

27 Reasons for innovating 99% - Increase revenue (Overall 92%) 83% - Improve productivity (Overall 81%) 77% - Reduce costs (Overall 73%) 85% - Increase market share (Overall 71%) 53% - Increase responsiveness of customers (Overall 70%) 52% - Establish/exploit new market opportunities (Overall 61%) 20% - Improve work safety standards (Overall 46%) 18% - Replace goods or services being phased out (Overall 26%) 28% - Reduce energy consumption (Overall 22%) 28% - Reduce environmental impact (Overall 22%)

28 Importance of the firm and your case study Need to develop better understanding How organised to add value for consumption (and production)? How related to other firms and organisations in the tourism destination and customer value chain

29 Networks and alliances Tourism is a networked product - economic and knowledge relationships Using e-tools as a means of enhancing communication and collaboration - importance of inter-sectoral relationships

30 Conclusion Diversification of local economies Build on local networks and interactions Based on specific assets and challenges of tourism area Innovation a key concept in some European founding: Leader and innovation platform in our IP?

31 Short answer: A “brain box” that links lecturer, experts, students, knowledge, tools and collaborative processes in new ways. A studio for staging ideas. A collection point for collaboration for good case studies

32 The Present The Desired Future

33 The Present The Desired Future Ideea generation Brainstorming SWOT Macro screening Micro screening Use innovative tools Design is a way of taking the journey to the desired future

34 References: ion/index_en.htm ion/index_en.htm

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