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Unit 4: Banking Section 4: Making bank technology work for you.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 4: Banking Section 4: Making bank technology work for you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 4: Banking Section 4: Making bank technology work for you

2 I CAN: Explain the pros and cons of ebanking Describe how to safely ebank and use ATMs

3 Advantages and Disadvantages of E-Banking Increased risk of fraud and identity theft if consumers are not careful with their personal information 24-hour access Fast transactions Paperless transactions Convenience Worldwide access  Regulation E was established to combat the security issues of electronic banking  Covers all EFT’s including transfers occurring through an electronic terminal, computer, telephone, or magnetic tape

4 E-Banking Safety If a consumer feels his or her funds have been accessed without permission Report the problem immediately to the depository institution involved To take full advantage of e-banking:  Keep personal security as your first priority  Know how to protect your personal information

5 When using an ATM, be safe by… Never give out your pin #, EVER Don’t share your card Go to the ATM privately (especially in walk up ATMs Take your receipt Be sure you are totally logged out before you go!

6 CAN I? Explain the pros and cons of ebanking Describe how to safely ebank and use ATMs

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