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Do NOW: What does this picture mean to you? There are two categories of compounds: Organic Inorganic.

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3 Do NOW: What does this picture mean to you?

4 There are two categories of compounds: Organic Inorganic

5 Substances that are formed by the chemical combination of two or more elements Most abundant compound on Earth is ___________ water

6 Elements have very different properties “actions/appearances” than the compounds that they form. H = Hydrogen = gas O = Oxygen = gas H 2 O = water = liquid

7 Are expressed through formulas 1.Chemical formulas 2.Structural formulas C 12 H 22 O 11 C 6 H 12 O 6

8 The attraction of atoms that cause element to form compounds

9 is any member of a large class of chemical compounds whose molecules contain carbon and hydrogen Found in all living things Examples C 6 H 12 0 6 CH 4

10 Is any member of a large class of chemical compounds of molecules that contain earths elements Not capable of creating life, no combination makes life Examples NaCl H 2 O CO 2

11 Compounds Organic Inorganic Contains Carbon & Hydrogen always together! Example: C 6 H 12 O 6 glucose (sugar) Contains the earth’s element Example: H 2 O water




15 Organic Compounds can combine to produce macromolecules!!! Macromolecules “giant molecules” that are made of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of smaller molecules.

16 1. Nucleic Acids   Importance: stores cellular information in the form of a code   Elements: C, H, O, N, P   Subunits : Nucleotides   Each nucleotide contains: Nitrogenous base Phosphorus 5 Carbon Sugar   Examples: DNA and RNA

17 Structural formula

18 2.Carbohydrates Building blocks: Monosaccharide's Aka simple sugars

19 Chemical Formulas: C 6 H 12 O 6 Glucose C 12 H 22 O 11 Sucrose (table sugar) Ratio 1:2:1

20 Source of short term & long term ENERGY and FOOD STORAGE Carbohydrate Functions

21 Carbohydrates come in many forms that are classified into three categories:





26 Summary simple sugars, only A sample of food containing one type of a large molecule was treated with a specific digestive enzyme. Nutrient tests performed on the resulting products showed the presence of simple sugars, only. Based on these test results, the original large molecules contained in the sample were molecules of…… STARCH!

27 PART 2

28 In plants, simple sugars are least likely to be 1. linked together to form proteins 2. broken down into carbon dioxide and water 3. used as a source of energy 4. stored in the form of starch molecules

29 ?

30 3.Lipids Building blocks : One Glycerol molecule and three Fatty Acid molecules

31 Chemical Formulas: C 57 H 110 O 6 C 54 H 99 O 6 Ratio is greater than 1:2:1

32 Lipid Functions include energy storage, acting as structural components of cell membranes, insulation, and participating as important signaling molecules

33 Lipids make up fats, oils and waxes  Lipids can be found in butter, olive oil, peanut oil, cheese, milk, animal fat.  TOO MUCH IN YOUR DIET CAN LEAD TO A FAILURE OF HOMEOSTASIS: HEART DISEASE


35 Types of fats Saturated Fats Unsaturated Fats Type of bonds of SINGLE bond Consist of SINGLE bond least 1 DOUBLE bond Consist of at least 1 DOUBLE bond Recommended consumption Not more than 10% of total calories per day Not more than 30% of total calories per day Health Effects Excessive consumption is not good because of their association with atherosclerosis and heart diseases. Unsaturated fats are considered good to eat if you are watching your cholesterol. Also high in antioxidants.

36 Greater than 2:1 ratio -OSE ending Ring shaped Final Summary 1. How can determine a lipid by chemical formula? 2. How can we identify a carbohydrate by name? 3. What is the usual structural shape of a carbohydrate molecule?


38 What substance could be represented by the letter X in the diagram below? 1. carbohydrates 2. ozone 3. carbon dioxide 4. water

39 Organic compounds, such as proteins and starches, are too A to diffuse into cells. Proteins are digested into B and starches are digested into C. 1. A-large, B-simple sugars, C-amino acids 2. A-small, B-simple sugars, C-amino acids 3. A-large, B-amino acids, C-simple sugars 4. A-small, B-amino acids, C-simple sugars



42 There are 20 different sorts of amino acid, each with slightly different properties Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids, and are often folded up into a ball shape.

43 An 'average' protein has about 250 amino acids in its chain. How many different combinations are there of 250 amino acids? Although there are billions and billions of possible combinations, actually there are less than 100,000 used in the human body according to the best estimates of the scientists.


45 Structural component (most abundant organic material in the cell) Cell communication (hormones) Growth and repair Control rate of chemical reactions enzymesenzymes) Immune defense (antibodies) Energy source





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