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World Meteorological Organization 15th Congress Geneva, May 11 2007 The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Manuela Chiapparino.

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Presentation on theme: "World Meteorological Organization 15th Congress Geneva, May 11 2007 The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Manuela Chiapparino."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Meteorological Organization 15th Congress Geneva, May 11 2007 The Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) Manuela Chiapparino The World Bank GFDRR focal Point for Europe

2 World Bank efforts in Disaster Risk Reduction and Recovery Making disaster risk a standard feature of relevant CASs and PRSPs Assisting clients to develop proactive national strategies for risk reduction Capacity building and Knowledge management Developing lending programs that build capacity for effective risk reduction and risk financing Partnerships for reducing vulnerability to hazards Lending operations: 1.Vietnam Natural Disaster Mitigation project 2.Colombia Disaster Vulnerability Reduction 3.Gujarat Emergency Earthquake Reconstruction Program AAA/ESW 1.Global Hotspots Study 2.Damage and Needs Assessment guidelines Global partnerships 1.Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery 2.ProVention Consortium List of Pipeline Hotspot Countries Click on the map to access the Hotspots Mapping Tool GFDRR Power Point Presentation Link Global disaster hotspots

3 What is GFDRR? Multi-Donor facility funded by World Bank (DGF-$5M) and other donors (approx $60M); projected Annual budget of $15- 20M. A partnership in the ISDR system for accelerated implementation of Hyogo Framework for Action Provides oversight to Rapid Response for Natural Disasters Platform for greater donor coordination in disaster risk reduction Provides TA for mainstreaming risk reduction in CASs and PRSPs, and building national capacities for disaster prevention and climate change adaptation Building disaster resilience and adaptive capacities in changing climate Reverse the increasing trend in disaster vulnerabilities of population and infrastructure Stimulate greater investment in disaster prevention and emergency preparedness

4 Key milestones in GFDRR World Bank Board approval in June 06 First Donors Conf on 29 September, 2006 Track I : $ 5 million by WB provided to ISDR UK contribution($ 8 million) in October 2006 in Track II Commencement of Track II operations in five countries in October06 Second Donors Conference on February 23, 2007 Partnership Charter adopted on February 23, 2007 Additional countries for Track II operations to begin in July07

5 How does GFDRR work? Some examples… Country disaster risk assessment and mitigation frameworks to be completed in 25 natural disaster hotspot countries by July 08 Regional programs for disaster risk reduction will be operational in Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, South Asia, Central America, South Eastern Europe, and the Middle East by July 08 Bring in together all sectors and specialties from finance and planning to meteorology and civil protection and preparednnes

6 TRACK 1- Supports ISDR to develop a coherent and coordinated approach to risk reduction TRACK 2 - Assists natural disaster hotspot countries to mainstream disaster risks in development strategies TRACK 3 - Supports disaster-stricken low income countries immediate recovery needs before medium and long term recovery programs are formulated and launched Track Financing

7 Track 1 A partnership between the World Bank and the Inter-agency Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR) ISDR lead Partner engaging with regional & sub-regional organizations widening dialogue especially with private sector, media, academic & research organizations promoting standardization and harmonization of hazard risk management tools, methodologies and practices.

8 Track 2 : Country level deliverables in partnership with governments and development partners in low and middle income countries* low and middle income countries Mainstreaming disaster resilience and climate change adaptation in development strategies (risk identification, early warning systems, risk mitigation strategies……) Learning, research, and knowledge management for current and future risks (e.g. documenting lessons and experiences) Developing frameworks to catalyze investment in hazard prevention, mitigation and preparedness Ex-ante disaster risk financing strategy and plans (e.g. Cat Funds, Insurance, Weather derivatives, MDTFs..) * 86 natural disaster hotspot countries + small island states

9 Track 3 is a Standby Recovery Financing track, that would support disaster-stricken low income countries immediate recovery needs before medium and long term recovery programs are formulated and launched.

10 SOUTH EASTERN EUROPE DISASTER RISK MANAGEMENT INITIATIVE (SEEDRMI) Objectives. Aims at reducing the vulnerability of the countries of South Eastern Europe to the risks of disasters. incorporates three focus areas: (i) hydro-meteorological forecasting (with WMO and ISDR), to promote a coordinated approach and data sharing in hydromet services in SEE (ii) coordination of disaster mitigation, preparedness, and response; and (iii) financing of disaster losses, reconstruction and recovery, and disaster risk transfer (disaster insurance). The initiative will build on the existing cooperation that already exists in the region, and will complement the activities promoted by the EU, the Council of Europe, the UN, the Stability Pact, WMO, and others to promote more effective disaster mitigation, preparedness and response.

11 How can GFDRR and WMO cooperate? Expand SEEDRMI to other regions (ex. Sub-Saharan Africa) Evaluate specific needs of NMHS in view of existing capacities and clients and stakeholders situations in the 86 country at risk and roll out relevant support programs Give particular attention to socio-economic benefits analysis of NMHS in order to prioritize governments and partners investments in this area Build communication and coordination capacities of NMHS in less developed countries for better integration within risk management decision making and better service delivery to potential users' communities Assist less developed member countries to access and operationalize warning systems

12 Thank You For more information, visit our website or contact us: Programme Manager: Saroj Kumar Jha Focal Point for Europe: Manuela Chiapparino

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