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The Structure of American Government By Your Teacher.

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1 The Structure of American Government By Your Teacher

2 The Three Branches on the Federal Level What are the three branches on the state level? Local level?

3 Congressional Structure Number of members: House: 435 Senate: 100 Term of Office: House: 2 Yrs. Senate: 6 Yrs.

4 Congressional Floor Leaders Senate Majority Leaders Daschle (D- SD) and Lott (R-MS) House has majority and minority leaders too. Party Whips: Count votes on bills pending before either house.

5 The Executive Branch The Cabinet: Each department head advises the president on area of expertise.

6 The Presidency The President carries out the laws made by Congress. He can propose bills, veto them, or issue executive orders, which have the force of law. All are subject to judicial review.

7 The Cabinet Also Pres. of Sen. Foreign affairs Armed forces The Economy Legal affairs Justice Dept Trade, Jobs, Housing & Urban Dev’p, etc. EPA, NRC, SEC Order of succession: State, Treasury, Defense, Attorney General, Homeland Security, continuing in order of creation. Cabinet members advise the president and head their department.

8 The Judicial Branch Federal and state levels have BOTH district and courts of appeals. You can tell the difference if the name of the court has the letters US in it.

9 The Supreme Court Ginsburg, Souter, Thomas, Breyer, Scalia, Stevens, Rhenquist, O’Connor, Kennedy John Roberts is now Chief Justice. Sam Alito has replaced O’Connor.

10 The Three Branches on the Federal Level What are the three branches on the state level? Local level?

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