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Branches of the U.S. Government Executive. Office of the President Leader of the most powerful country in the world. Many different jobs.

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Presentation on theme: "Branches of the U.S. Government Executive. Office of the President Leader of the most powerful country in the world. Many different jobs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Branches of the U.S. Government Executive

2 Office of the President Leader of the most powerful country in the world. Many different jobs

3 Jobs of the President Chief of the Executive Branch

4 Jobs of the President Head of State Represents to United States at international affairs with other world leaders Promotes American ideals through Needs to be visible to the American people

5 Jobs of the President Foreign Policy Leader Sets policies that affect how we interact with other countries

6 Jobs of the President Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Highest rank in the military

7 Jobs of the President Legislative Leader Works with Congress to promote compromise, etc

8 Economic Leader Proposes bills to Congress to create jobs, raise or lower taxes, balance the budget, etc.

9 Political Party Leader Endorse other members who are running for office Aid the party in raising money for campaigns

10 The Office of the President Requirements Must live in the U.S. for 14 years prior to being elected

11 The Electoral College The President is not elected by direct vote The electoral college is made up by “electors” selected by the two nominees for president The presidential nominee who wins a state is given all the electors for that state

12 Terms of Office Presidential elections are held every four years on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November The Next presidential election will take place on November 8, 2016

13 Terms of Office 4 year terms The president may serve up to 10 years if they are Vice President for 2 years before taking office

14 Presidential Succession If the president dies, steps down or is removed from office before completing a term, there is a line of succession to make sure the office is always immediately filled Vice President Speaker of the House Temporary President of the Senate After this it is members of the Cabinet, in the order the office was established

15 Presidential Succession Secretary of State Secretary of Defense Secretary of the Interior Secretary of Commerce

16 Presidential Succession Secretary of Health and Human Services Secretary of Transportation Secretary of Education Secretary of Homeland Security

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