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CS 006 Effective Use of WWW Fall 2007 WeeSan Lee

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1 CS 006 Effective Use of WWW Fall 2007 WeeSan Lee

2 2 Schedule Lectures  Tue & Thur (TR)  Engr2 143  9:40-11am*  Office hours TR 11-12pm @ Engr2 110 or by appt Labs  Wed  Engr2 127  Sessions 8:10-11am 11:10-2pm 6:10-9pm*  Office hours TBA

3 3 Course Management Moodle   CS6

4 4 Policy NO CHEATING  Do your own work  Plagiarism is an act of presenting someone else’s ideas as your own  Cheating will result an ‘F’ in the class Cite and reference resources  Readers can find the information you used

5 5 Policy (cont) Attendance to the class and lab is mandatory Absent with a doctor note will be excused Turn off your cell phone or beeper

6 6 Course Overview A detailed, non-technical introduction to the Internet, covering Web tools, e-communities, e-commerce, power searching, and verification of information, privacy, and other legal and societal issues.

7 7 Topics Bits & Bytes Basic Computer Terminology Basic Computer Network Internet Services Search Email & SPAM E-commerce

8 8 Topics (cont) Computer Security News groups, mailing lists, blogging Realtime communication File sharing Copyright issues The impact of the Internet

9 9 Textbook  Internet Effectively: A Beginner's Guide to the World Wide Web By Tyrone Adams and Sharon Scollard ISBN: 0321304292 Reference (optional)  Web 101 (3rd Edition) By Wendy G. Lehnert and Richard L. Kopec ISBN: 0321424670

10 10 Grading Homework10% Labs20% Quiz 110% Quiz 210% Final20% Final Project30%

11 11 Grading - Homework (10%) Given at the end of each Thur’s lecture  Except for the week of Thanksgiving and last week Due on the following Mon @ 11:55pm  Except for the 1 st homework which dues on Wed @ 11:55pm For example  Read an article and post your opinion on the article  Screen-dump submission

12 12 Grading - Labs (20%) Web page construction  Using text editor, eg. Notepad HTML Attendance is mandantory Ask your TA to check you off before leaving

13 13 Grading - Quiz & Final (10%+10%+20%) Multiple choices Short answers

14 14 Grading - Final Project (30%) “Reinventing the Internet”  Email vs. webmail  Mailing list vs. googlegroups/yahoogroups  IRC/Talk vs. IM  BBS vs. Blog  Netmeeting vs. Skype  Search engines: altavista vs. google  Netscape vs. IE  Social Networks: Myspace vs. Facebook  …

15 15 Grading - Final Project (cont) Team project  4-5 members (~12 teams in total)  Research a topic  Write a report  Present your report Audiences are the VC with millions of $$$  Get to vote if each team gets funded or rejected Extra credits for the best team

16 16 Grading - Final Project (cont) Grading  Journal Log5%  Proposal5%  Presentation5%  Peer Review5%  Final Report10%

17 17 Bottom Line Enjoy geek-only parties Power Internet users Effective use of the Internet Learn something new Q&A

18 18 Homework Read RFC2555  List all the names of the people appeared in the RFC Submit the list via Moodle by next Wed (Oct 3) @ 23:55pm

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