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An Introduction to The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and MyPlate Revised 09/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "An Introduction to The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and MyPlate Revised 09/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Introduction to The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and MyPlate Revised 09/2013

2 The Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 2

3 Introduction to the DGA, 2010 What are the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010? Why are the Dietary Guidelines important? 3

4 Introduction to the DGA, 2010 Target audience The DGA were produced by: – US Department of Agriculture (USDA) – Health and Human Services (HHS) Revision of the DGA, 2010 4

5 Dietary Guidelines for Americans History 1980 – 2010 5 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

6 Dietary Guidelines, 2010 at a Glance Executive Summary Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Chapter 3: Foods and Components to Reduce Chapter 4: Foods and Nutrients to Increase Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns Chapter 6: Helping Americans Make Healthy Choices Appendices 6

7 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Executive Summary 7

8 Describes purpose, uses and major concepts Includes individuals at high risk of chronic disease new Identifies two overall concepts new – Maintain calorie balance over time to achieve and sustain a healthy weight – Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and beverages Lists all Key Recommendations (23) 8

9 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 1: Introduction 9

10 Describes 2010 DGA development Identifies DGA uses Explains their importance for health promotion and disease prevention Provides a “roadmap” to the rest of the document Explains strength of the evidence Defines several key terms 10

11 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 1: Introduction “Nutrient Dense” – Provide vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances and relatively few calories without: Solid fats in the food or added to it Added sugars Added refined starches Added sodium – Retain naturally occurring components (dietary fiber) 11

12 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 1: Introduction Nutrient dense and Non-Nutrient Dense Forms of Sample Foods 12

13 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight 13

14 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Epidemic of overweight and obesity in all segments of our society new – Environmental factors contribute to weight gain Calorie balance over time is key Important factors that affect body weight: – Calories consumed in foods and beverages – Calories expended in physical activity Strong evidence for no optimal proportion of macronutrients for weight loss 14

15 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Top Sources of Calories Among Americans 2 Years and Older 1. Grain-based desserts 2. Yeast breads 3. Chicken and chicken mixed dishes 4. Soda/energy/sports drinks 5. Pizza 15 Source: NHANES 2005-2006, Available at

16 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Top Sources of Calories by Age Group – Adults: Alcoholic beverages – Adolescents: Sodas and pizza – Younger children: Milk 16

17 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight Principles for Promoting Calorie Balance: 1.Monitor food and beverage intake, physical activity, and body weight 2.Reduce portion sizes 3.When eating out, make better choices 4.Limit screen time 17

18 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 2: Balancing Calories to Manage Weight 18

19 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 3: Foods and Food Components to Reduce 19

20 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 3: Foods and Food Components to Reduce Sodium Fats – Saturated fatty acids – Trans fatty acids – Cholesterol Calories from solid fats and added sugars Refined grains Alcohol 20

21 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 3: Foods and Food Components to Reduce 21

22 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 4: Foods and Nutrients to Increase 22

23 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 4: Foods and Nutrients to Increase While staying within calorie needs, increase intake of – Vegetables – Fruits – Whole grains – Milk – Seafood, in place of some meat/poultry new – Oils Nutrients of public health concern – Potassium – Fiber – Calcium – Vitamin D 23

24 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 4: Foods and Nutrients to Increase 24

25 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 4: Foods and Nutrients to Increase 25

26 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns new 26

27 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns new Research on overall eating patterns – DASH diet – Mediterranean diet – Vegetarian diet Common elements of healthy eating patterns identified To promote health, follow USDA Food Patterns or DASH Eating Plan – Similar to each other and to the healthful eating patterns identified in the research Follow food safety recommendations 27

28 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns new Comparison of “Consumption” versus “Recommendations” 28

29 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns new Vegetarian adaptations – Lacto-ovo and vegan Two food groups renamed – “Meat & Beans” became “Protein Foods” – “Milk” became “Dairy Products” Milk for 4- to 8-year-olds increased by ½ cup per day At least 8 oz per week of seafood for adults 29

30 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 5: Building Healthy Eating Patterns new 30

31 31 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 6: Helping Americans Make Healthy Choices new

32 Current food and physical activity environment is influential—for better and for worse All elements of society have a role to make America healthy Individuals and families Communities Business and industry All levels of government Work together to improve the Nation’s nutrition and physical activity 32

33 33 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Chapter 6: Helping Americans Make Healthy Choices new

34 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Appendices Guidance for Specific Population Groups Key Consumer Behaviors and Potential Strategies for Professionals to use in Implementing the 2010 Dietary Guidelines new Food Safety Principles and Guidance for Consumers Using the Food Label new Nutritional Goals for age-gender groups new Estimated Calorie Needs USDA Food Patterns, Vegetarian Adaptations new, and DASH Eating Plan EPA, DHA, and mercury content of seafood new Food sources of nutrients of concern Glossary 34

35 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Additional Content Topics covered in sidebars – Definitions for overweight and obesity – Water – Fluoride – Food allergies and intolerances – Explanatory text Beans and Peas Whole and Refined Grains Seafood 35

36 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Summary Evidence-based nutritional guidance – Promote health – Reduce the risk of chronic diseases – Reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity Integrated set of advice for overall eating pattern Consumer-friendly advice and tools coming 36

37 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 Resources – Policy Document – Advisory Committee Report – Public Comments Database 37

38 What questions do you have about the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010? 38

39 39 MyPlate and Your Healthy Lifestyle Presentation modified with permission from Linda B. Bobroff, Ph.D., RD Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences, UF IFAS Extension

40 Key Lifestyle Messages Build a healthy plate Cut back on foods high in solid fats, added sugars, and salt Eat the right amount of calories for you Be physically active your way 40

41 Build a Healthy Plate Make half your plate fruits and vegetables. Switch to skim or 1% milk. Make at least half your grains whole. Vary your protein food choices. Keep your food safe to eat. 41

42 Cut Back on Foods High in Solid Fats, Added Sugars, and Salt Choose foods and drinks with little or no added sugars. Look out for salt (sodium) in foods you buy – it all adds up. Eat fewer foods that are high in solid fats. 42

43 Eat the Right Amount of Calories for You Enjoy your food, but eat less. Cook more often at home. When eating out, choose lower calorie menu options. Write down what you eat to keep track of how much you eat. If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so sensibly. 43

44 Be Physically Active Your Way Pick activities that you like. Start slowly, at least 10 minutes at a time. Every bit adds up. Health benefits increase as you spend more time being active. 44

45 Food Choices within the Food Groups 45

46 Vary Your Veggies Includes weekly recommendations for: – Dark green vegetables – Orange and red vegetables – Legumes – Starchy vegetables – Other vegetables 46

47 Vary Your Veggies Buy fresh veggies in season. Select high potassium veggies. Use more fresh or frozen, less canned (except low sodium). Have salad with dinner often. Add veggies to casseroles, pasta sauce, quick breads, etc. Select fast food salad rather than fries. Choose dark salad greens over iceberg. 47

48 Focus on Fruits Use fruits in salads, toppings, desserts, and for snacks. Keep dried fruit handy for snacks. Put fruit on cereal, pancakes, and waffles. Include canned and frozen fruits. Select fruits and juices high in potassium. Buy in season. Choose fruit more often than juice. 48

49 Make Half Your Grains Whole Check ingredient lists on labels. Look at dietary fiber on Nutrition Facts. Select 100% whole grain breads and cereals. Substitute whole grains for refined in recipes (start with half). Be adventurous; try quinoa, bulgur, kasha, and other grains. Add whole grains to mixed dishes. 49

50 Get Your Calcium-Rich Foods Drink fat-free or low-fat milk with meals and snacks. Choose low-fat cheeses. Use milk to make hot cereals. Have low-fat yogurt as a snack. Use lactose-free products if needed. Select non-dairy high-calcium foods and beverages if desired. 50

51 Go Lean With Protein Select leanest cuts of meat. Trim fat and remove skin from poultry. Prepare with no added fat. Eat beans in place of meats often. Select omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish more often Include nuts in snacks, salads, and main dishes. 51

52 Oils: Tips for Healthy Choices Use vegetable oils rather than solid fats. Substitute nuts for meat or cheese as snack or in a meal. Use Nutrition Facts to select foods low in saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol. Select foods prepared with little or no fat or oil. Select lean or low-fat foods most often. 52

53 Using MyPlate in Your Life Estimate your daily calorie needs. – Use chart in handout or go to – Your personal calorie needs may be more or less. Build your eating plan. Follow recommendations to make healthy choices within each food group. 53

54 Estimate Daily Calorie Needs This chart gives an estimate of calorie needs for specific age and gender groups. Calorie ranges are based on physical activity level. CALORIES Activity Level:SedentaryModerateActive FEMALES 31-50 years1,8002,0002,200 51-60 years1,6001,8002,200 61+ years1,6001,8002,000 MALES 36-40 years2,4002,6002,800 41-45 years2,2002,4002,800 46-55 years2,2002,4002,600 56-60 years2,2002,4002,600 61-65 years2,0002,4002,600 66-75 years2,0002,2002,600 76+ years2,0002,2002,400 54

55 Daily Amount of Food from Each Food Group Calorie level1600180020002200 Fruits1½ cups 2 cups Vegetables2 cups2½ cups 3 cups Grains5 oz-eq6 oz-eq 7 oz-eq Protein Foods5 oz-eq 5½ oz-eq6 oz-eq Dairy3 cups Oils5 tsp5½ tsp6 tsp6½ tsp 55

56 56

57 Resources - official website of USDA’s food guidance system - federal portal to reliable nutrition and health websites - nutrition information and resources for consumers and professionals – UF IFAS downloadable publications - UF IFAS Extension website – information and resources in all program areas 57

58 What questions do you have about MyPlate? 58

59 Comments/Suggestions on this Presentation? Do you have feedback that you would like to with the state team? Please share your comments at the following SurveyMonkey: Thank you!! 59

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