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ZUMBA & HEALTH RELATED FITNESS KASSIB 2012. Health Related Fitness Components  Cardiovascular Health  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility.

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Presentation on theme: "ZUMBA & HEALTH RELATED FITNESS KASSIB 2012. Health Related Fitness Components  Cardiovascular Health  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility."— Presentation transcript:


2 Health Related Fitness Components  Cardiovascular Health  Muscular Strength  Muscular Endurance  Flexibility  Body Composition

3 Cardiovascular  The ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to bring oxygen to the skeletal muscles, allowing the body to do vigorous activity over a long period of time.

4 Muscular Strength  The amount of force that can be exerted or generated against an object by contraction of the skeletal muscle.

5 Muscular Endurance  The ability to exert force through the muscles against resistance through repeated contractions over a period of time.

6 Flexibility  The ability of a joint and muscle group to move through a range of motion

7 Body Composition  Body Fat Percentage  Body Mass Index (BMI)  Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA), which uses the resistance of electrical flow through the body to estimate body fat.  BMI = Wt in kg/(Ht in meters) 2  What is the normal range for your age group?  healthy-body-weights-for-teens/

8 Your Task 1.Work with you group to compile the list of moves you have in your routine. 2.Explain the movement and how it applies to one or more of the Health Related Fitness Components 3.Describe why it is important to work on your “Health Related Fitness” levels. 4.Discuss why Zumba is or isn’t a great activity when trying to improve your Health Related Fitness.

9 Nitty Gritty Details  You may create:  A Powerpoint  Prezzi  OR  Essay  Explaining the correlation between your Zumba Dance and Zumba in general, helps or hinders your ability to improve on the Health Related Fitness Components.

10 Nitty Gritty Continued:  Be sure to explain each Health Related Fitness Component and how it applies to YOUR dance.  Be sure that ALL GROUP MEMBERS are working TOGETHER! This is not for just one person to do while the rest of you chill or go practice your dance!  You MUST include your SOURCES!  Email me your presentation when you have finished:  Presentations are due to me by Tuesday at 5pm.  BE READY TO MOVE & GROVE AND SHOW OFF YOUR ZUMBA ROUTINES ON WEDNESDAY!


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