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Passion Project: By Brett Minor. It all started when… I was fat. I later decided that I didn’t want to be “overweight.” At Age fourteen, I joined the.

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Presentation on theme: "Passion Project: By Brett Minor. It all started when… I was fat. I later decided that I didn’t want to be “overweight.” At Age fourteen, I joined the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Passion Project: By Brett Minor

2 It all started when… I was fat. I later decided that I didn’t want to be “overweight.” At Age fourteen, I joined the gym and attempted to get in shape. By the next summer, I met an amateur bodybuilder, (soon to be professional) who has been helping me understand the sport.

3 What is bodybuilding?  “the developing of the body through exercise and diet; specifically : the developing of the physique for competitive exhibition”  “bodybuilding.” Merriam-Webster. N.d. Web. 14 April 2013  http://www.merriam- http://www.merriam-

4  “A competitive bodybuilder typically lives the sport. You don't leave it at the gym, you don't put it back in the bag like a golf club.”  Dulin, Kerry. “ THE PHYSCHOLOGY OF BODYBUILDING (BIGOREXIA).” Lift for Life. Web. 14 April 2013  fitness-diet-health-articles/alternative- health/380-bigorexia fitness-diet-health-articles/alternative- health/380-bigorexia

5 Disciplines  Robson, David. ”10 Facts Every Bodybuilder Should Know.” Bodybuilding. 14 Jan. 2005. Web. 14 April 2013  Breakfast (8.00am): One six egg omelets with cheese. One glass of milk. One cup of oatmeal. Mid-Morning Snack (10.30am): One whey protein shake. Two bananas. Small bowl of rice. One slice of cheese (50 grams). Lunch (12.30): One chicken breast. Large bowl of rice. One glass of milk. Mid-Afternoon (3.00pm): One whey protein shake. One apple. One carrot. Two peanut butter sandwiches. Dinner (6.00pm): 350 grams of steak. One glass of milk. Two large potatoes. 200 grams of broccoli. Evening Meal (9.00pm): One whey protein shake. Small bowl of rice. Before bed (10.30; optional): One whey protein shake. Nutrition Sleep Avoiding Over Training Cardio PICTURE OF ME SLEEPING

6 Nutrition  Bodybuilding is a sport that demands extreme discipline at both the gym and the dinner table. No matter how many hours you spend a week at the gym, if you do not fuel your muscle growth with proper nutrition you will not make substantial gains in size or definition.  Haas, Ryan. “ PROFESSIONAL BODYBUIDLDING DIETS.” LIVESTRONG THE LIMITLESS POTENTIAL OF YOU. 25 April 2011. Web. 14 April 2013 professional-bodybuilding-diets/#ixzz2Qf1MpVic professional-bodybuilding-diets/#ixzz2Qf1MpVic

7  Your muscles are constantly in a state of burning energy, and they will either get their energy from a food source or from fat and muscle tissue. Bodybuilder Sean Nalewanyi states on that you need to eat every three to four hours if you are serious about bodybuilding. Waiting any longer than this triggers a catabolic response in your body, meaning that your metabolism slows down and your body begins to consume the muscle tissue you worked so hard to build. Professional bodybuilders often take this principle very far to maximize growth, eating five to seven small meals a day with a mix of food and meal-replacing shakes or supplements.  Last name, First name. "Article Title." Website Title. Day Month Year article was published. Web. Day Month Year article was accessed  diets/#ixzz2Qf1nU1bF diets/#ixzz2Qf1nU1bF

8  -emotional-effects-of-bodybuilding/ -emotional-effects-of-bodybuilding/

9 Natural Limits  “  the body cannot gain more than 1 oz. of new muscle a day.”  Ranbe. Ruri. “ HOW MUCH MUSLE CAN YOU GAIN NATURALLY?” LIVESTRONG THE LIMITLESS POTENTIAL OF YOU. 13 Oct. 2011. Web. 15 April 2013  much-muscle-can-you-gain- naturally/#ixzz2Qgw6cobQ much-muscle-can-you-gain- naturally/#ixzz2Qgw6cobQ

10  It all started when I was fat…  And now I eat success in the morning with Skim milk.

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