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EP Presentation for STREAM conference Oct 2014 Skills for Effective Engagement and Development (SEED)

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Presentation on theme: "EP Presentation for STREAM conference Oct 2014 Skills for Effective Engagement and Development (SEED)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EP Presentation for STREAM conference Oct 2014 Skills for Effective Engagement and Development (SEED)

2 The relationship between the offender and the probation practitioner can be a powerful vehicle for changing behaviour and reducing re-offending. “ SEED is based on the following principle ” 2

3 The Engaging Practitioner SEED Model Pro-Social Modelling Structuring Sessions Risk, Need and Responsivity Cognitive Behavioural Techniques 3 1:1

4 SEED Initial 3 day training content Pro-social modelling Building effective relationships Structuring sessions Collaborative Goal setting Cognitive Behavioural Techniques Problem solving Motivational Interviewing Responsivity 4

5 Principles of Desistance SEEDS Elements Realism Self Determin- ation Hope Strengths, resources MI and cycle of change: working with ambivalence lapses and relapses MI and self efficacy: service user taking responsibility for change + CBT MI: fosters belief in possibility of change. CBT: behaviour change through reframing thoughts, beliefs etc Collaborative, e.g. goals. CBT: service user self- directed; setting tasks between sessions Specific responsivity – responding to individual’s specific needs Encouraging development of community & family networks MI: build self belief and confidence. Affirming person as valued human being Pro social modelling: encouraging pro social relationships Principles of Desistance Individual- isation Social capital Recognition Relation- ships Linking SEED With Desistance

6 Follow up training content Solution focused approaches Socratic Questioning Dealing with crises Unconscious bias Observation of actual supervision session CBT/MI Practice Brain friendly approaches Mind mapping 6

7 Who is SEED suitable for?  People on probation/licence  High/low risk  Substance misuse  Most offences

8 What is different about SEED? 1 Consistently applying established approaches to practice, and learning and development Part of day to day work - not a manual to be left on the shelf A learning environment A joined up approach across the organisation –everyone has a part to play 2 3 4 8

9 Questions ???

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