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Developing resilience at work 1 Laura Knill, Msc, C Psychol Ashley Dowlen, Msc, Chartered MCIPD

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Presentation on theme: "Developing resilience at work 1 Laura Knill, Msc, C Psychol Ashley Dowlen, Msc, Chartered MCIPD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing resilience at work 1 Laura Knill, Msc, C Psychol Ashley Dowlen, Msc, Chartered MCIPD

2 Developing resilience at work 2 Defining resilience Resilience is the process of adapting well to turbulence, adversity, uncertainty and ambiguity

3 Developing resilience at work 3 a key capability for those who wish to succeed under sustained pressure the ability to focus on capabilities, assets and positive attributes. the capacity to learn and grow from challenges and become stronger and more effective as a result. enhanced through skills that can be learned and developed by almost anyone. something you do more than something you have. also the ability to recover quickly from setbacks Defining resilience

4 Developing resilience at work 4 Defining resilience Resilience is an interactive product of attitudes, thoughts, approaches, behaviours and perhaps physiology that helps you deal better with adversity and recover more quickly following it

5 Developing resilience at work 5 Resilience – key capabilities 1.Emotional maturity 2.Problem solving 3.Self belief 4.Realistic optimism 5.Proactive flexibility 6.Interpersonal competence 7.Dependable networks 8.Purpose and perspective

6 Developing resilience at work 6 Resilience – key capabilities

7 Developing resilience at work 7 Programme outline Self awareness skills A-T-E Thinking clearly Identifying core beliefs and values Development Skills Questioning and modifying core beliefs and values Putting it in perspective Calming and focusing Looking after yourself Inner strengths (Self confidence, self esteem, self concept) Paradoxical abilities Positive uncertainty Personal development plan

8 Developing resilience at work 8 Paradoxical abilities Optimism and pessimism Extroverted and introverted Thoughtful and outgoing Serious and humorous Hardworking and lazy Self-confident and self-critical

9 Developing resilience at work 9 Highly resilient people have counterbalanced qualities CreativeandAnalytical SeriousandPlayful SensitiveandTough CautiousandTrusting UnselfishandSelfish Self-appreciatingandSelf-critical Impulsiveandthoughtful StableandUnpredictable OptimisticandPessimistic OutgoingandIntrospective

10 Developing resilience at work 10 Positive uncertainty A creative approach to decision making requires two attitudes Accept uncertainty Be positive about uncertainty It comprises four paradoxical principles 1. Be focused and flexible about what you want 2. Be aware and wary about what you know 3. Be objective and optimistic about what you believe 4. Be practical and intuitive about what you do

11 Developing resilience at work 11 Positive uncertainty 1. Be focused and flexible about what you want Know what you want but don’t be sure Treat goals as hypotheses Balance achieving goals with discovering them 2. Be aware and wary about what you know Knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss Treat memory as enemy Balance using information with imagination 3. Be objective and optimistic about what you believe Reality is in the eye and the I of the beholder Treat beliefs as prophecy Balance reality testing with wishful thinking 4. Be practical and intuitive about what you do Learn to plan and plan to learn Treat intuition as real Balance responding to change with causing change

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