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BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines1 Administrative Declarations submission guidelines Borislav M. Rackov BR/TSD/TPR RRC06 BR DPT.

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Presentation on theme: "BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines1 Administrative Declarations submission guidelines Borislav M. Rackov BR/TSD/TPR RRC06 BR DPT."— Presentation transcript:

1 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines1 Administrative Declarations submission guidelines Borislav M. Rackov BR/TSD/TPR RRC06 BR DPT

2 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines2 AD submissions principles During the Conference, submission of the Administrative Declarations (AD) will be always based on the set of AD recorded for preceding iteration ADM_AD (i-1) (where i indicates number of the current iteration). The ADM_AD i will be published on the BR DPT web page after full validation against current reference situation and against ADM_DR i set of Digital requirements for current iteration. A set of Administrative Declarations (AD) submitted for the current iteration after being validated, will be linked to the ADM_DR i set. After linking with the ADM_DR i, the AD will become ADM_AD i. The new AD may contain ADDitions, MODifications and SUPpressions, always related to the ADM_AD (i-1) set. Identifying elements uniquely identifying an Administrative Declarations are the following: Notifying Administration Fragment in which the digital requirement / assignment can be found AUID of a digital requirement or BR AssignID of an assignment recorded in the reference situation Administration concerned (involved in the declaration) Fragment in which the digital requirement / assignment of concerned administration can be found AUID of a digital requirement or BR AssignID of an assignment of concerned administration recorded in the reference situation Recapitulation: AD, ADM_AD (i-1), ADM_ADi, fragment, AUID, BR AssignID

3 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines3 ADD An ADDition must not have a target AD with identical set of identifying elements in the ADM_AD (i-1) set. Fail to this rule will convert ADD into MOD. The submitting administration (ADM) will be informed about it through posting of next ADM_AD i set on the ITU web page. MOD A MODification must have a target AD in ADM_AD (i-1) set. Fail to this rule will convert MOD into ADD. The submitting administration (ADM) will be informed about it through posting of next ADM_AD i set on the ITU web page. Note 1 – a MODification in the sense of Administrative Declarations may affect only the conditionality and remarks, all other fields remain untouched. SUP A SUPpression must have a target AD in ADM_AD (i-1) set. Fail to this rule will mark this AD as void and it will be discarded. The submitting administration (ADM) will be informed about it through posting of next ADM_AD i set on the ITU web page. Note 2 – a SUPpression of Administrative Declaration of ADM AAA which involves a symmetrical AD of ADM BBB will automatically (even without request from ADM BBB) SUPpress the symmetrical AD during mandatory parity check. Note 3 – a SUPpression of digital requirement will automatically (even without request from ADM) SUPpress the relating AD during mandatory check for existence, and consecutively all symmetrical AD during parity check. Recapitulation: ADD, MOD, SUP, conditionality, remarks, parity check, check for existence AD ADD / MOD / SUP

4 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines4 AD submissions principles …continued 1 In order to create its AD submission, ADM will download from the BR Data Processing Team (BR DPT) web page ( reg/rrc06/index.html ) the ADM_AD (i-1) set pertinent to this ADM. reg/rrc06/index.html When downloading, the user will be prompted for TIES account password. However, using TIES password, the ADM will be able to download all necessary data including the data from other administrations ADM will correct their own data contained in the ADM_AD (i-1) file and create its own set of ADDs, MODs and SUPs. ADM must take all precautions to notify only MODs, SUPs and ADDs. Resubmission of the whole file with all intents set to ADD is possible, however, the ADM must clearly indicate that the current submission replaces the previous one. After having received such an instruction, the BR DPT will neglect previous submission and proceed with the validation without merging with previous submission. ADs relating to all kind of digital requirement notices and all types of reference situation assignments can be ADDed, MODified and/or SUPpressed. Recapitulation: BR DPT, ADM_AD (i-1)

5 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines5 AD submissions principles …continued 2 After having correctly created AD submission file, ADM will have a csv format text file containing only ADDitions, MODifications and SUPpressions. No notices with intent other than ADD, MOD or SUP must be contained in this text file. During all the time reserved for AD creation, validation and submission, the BR DPT will be at disposal to the ADM, on the second level of the CICG, in front of the room 14 (above CICG restaurant) for all help and guidance relative to AD correctness. The help and guidance to be obtained from the BR DPT will be limited only to the creation of valid AD file. No help or guidance relative to planning principles or network concepts can be sought from BR DPT. After having verified the content and validated AD, the ADM will submit the file to the BR DPT using appropriate AD web submission system. To see how to use BR DPT AD web submission system click here!To see how to use BR DPT AD web submission system click here After having received the AD submission BR DPT will publish on the web the AD set as received. After having validated all AD submissions, the BR DPT will publish on the web new set of ADM_ADi Recapitulation: BR DPT AD web submission system

6 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines6 AD submissions timing A set of ADM_AD (i-1) for each individual ADM will be posted at the same time with the results of planning iteration (i-1), Monday 12:00 hours, at BR DPT site. The ADM will be able to download its own set of ADM_AD (i-1), as well as the ADM_AD (i-1) sets of other ADMs. On the basis of its own ADM_AD (i-1) set the ADM will be able to create the modification AD set containing only ADDs, MODs and SUPs. The submission of AD can be done only from Thursday, 18:00 to Friday, 18:00 hours! Before submission of the modification AD set, the ADM can contact BR DPT for all questions relating to the format of submission and to perform pre-validation of the AD set, Monday to Thursday (08:30 - 17:30). After Friday, 18:00 hours the AD web submission system will be closed by special program and no submission can be received after that moment. No member of the BR DPT will have the privilege to override deadline set by the system. After having received the AD submission BR DPT will start publishing on the web the AD set as received as acknowledgement of receipt. After having validated all AD submissions, the BR DPT will publish on the web new set of ADM_ADi by Monday 12:00 hours Recapitulation: Monday 12:00, from Thursday, 18:00 to Friday 18:00, Monday to Thursday (08:30 - 17:30)

7 BR DPT - RRC06 AD submission guidelines7 END OF PRESENTATION

8 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system8 BR DPT AD web submission system To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here Borislav M. Rackov BR/TSD/TPR RRC06 BR DPT

9 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system9 RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system During the Conference, submission of the Administrative Declarations (AD) can be done only through BR DPT AD web submission system (AD_wss). No file submitted to the,, or can be taken into account for the planning iterations. Only the delegates designated by the ADM (appointed submitter ADM_AS) will have the privilege to submit AD on behalf of the ADM. The access to the AD_wss can be found at the BR DPT web page: Recapitulation: AD_wss, ADM_AS, BR DPT web page To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here Click here for log-in to AD web submission system

10 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system10 RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system To log to the AD_wss, ADM_AS must supply his last name as it appears in the list of participants, his personal identification number (Registration ID, to be found on registration confirmation returned to each delegate) and administrations password (handed personally to the head of delegation at Room 14, 2 nd floor). In addition, ADM_AS must be officially announced by the administration prior to beginning of the registration. AD_wss will be open for submissions of AD only from Thursday 18:00 to Friday, 18:00 Friday 18:00 hours the AD_wss will be closed by the control program. After that time it will not be possible to enter into the system any AD requirement set. The BR DPT staff will have no possibility to enter any data into the system after expiry of the deadline. Recapitulation: Registration ID, Administrations password, Thursday 18:00 to Friday 18:00 To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

11 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system11 RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system (2) This is the Log-in screen of the AD_wss To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

12 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system12 RRC06 AD submission form Please verify the e-mail address given in this box. The acknowledgement of receipt will be sent to this address Document title given by the ADM General remarks and messages to the BR DPT (will not be stored in the database) 1 2 3 4 Click here to upload To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

13 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system13 RRC06 AD submission process To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

14 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system14 RRC06 AD submission process To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

15 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system15 RRC06 AD submission process Acknowledgement of receipt sent to the e-mail given in the front page To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

16 BR DPT - RRC06 BR DPT AD web submission system16 END OF PRESENTATION To return to AD_submission_guidelines click here

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