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Chapter 13 Monopoly.

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1 Chapter 13 Monopoly

2 Outline Market Power How a Firm Uses Market Power to Maximize Profit
The Costs of Monopoly: Deadweight Loss The Costs of Monopoly: Corruption and Inefficiency The Benefits of Monopoly: Incentives for Research and Development Economies of Scale and the Regulation of Monopoly Other Sources of Market Power

3 Introduction Since 1981 AIDS has killed over 36 million people.
In the U.S., deaths from AIDS dropped 50% due to drugs like Combivir. INGRAM PUBLISHING/VETTA/GETTY IMAGES A Combivir pill costs $0.50 to produce, but sells for 25 times higher - $12.50. 3

4 Definition Market power: Monopoly:
the power to raise price above marginal cost without fear that other firms will enter the market. Monopoly: a firm with market power.

5 Market Power GlaxoSmithKline owns the patent on Combivir.
A patent gives exclusive rights to make, use, or sell the product. GSK’s patent prevents competition. This gives GSK market power. India does not recognize the Combivir patent. In India, an equivalent drug sells for $0.50, or the marginal cost.

6 Definition Marginal revenue (MR): Marginal cost (MC):
the change in total revenue from selling an additional unit. Marginal cost (MC): the change in total cost from selling an additional unit.

7 Self-Check Market power allows a firm to raise price:
Above average cost. Above marginal cost. Above marginal revenue. Answer: b – market power allows a firm to raise price above marginal cost, without fear that other firms will enter the market.

8 Market Power MC = MR MR < P
To maximize profit, firms produce at the level of output where: A firm with market power faces a downward sloping demand curve. It must lower price to sell an additional unit. The additional revenue per unit < current price, or: MC = MR MR < P

9 Marginal Revenue When price ↓ from $16 to $14, quantity ↑ from 2 to 3 units Total revenue ↑ from $32 to $42. MR, or the change in total revenue, is $10. Figure 13-1 (13-1): Marginal Revenue

10 Marginal Revenue Price $20 Revenue loss $2 x 2 = $4 18 16
Price ↓ $16 to $14 14 12 10 MR = $10 Revenue gain 14 x $1 = $14 8 6 Demand 4 2 Quantity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MR

11 Short-Cut for Finding MR
MR begins at same point on the vertical axis as demand. MR has twice the slope. Price a Demand: P = a – b x Q 2b 1 b 1 MR = a – 2b x Q Quantity a/2b a/b

12 Self-Check For a firm with market power, marginal revenue is:
Higher than price. Equal to price. Lower than price. Answer: c – A firm with market power must drop its price to sell more units, so the marginal (additional) revenue is lower than price.

13 Using Market Power to Maximize Profit
Price ($/pill) Profit maximizing output: MR = MC at 80 million pills Profit maximizing price = $12.50 Profit per pill = $10.00 Total profit = $10 x 80 = $800 m Demand $12.50 Profit 2.50 AC // 0.50 MC Quantity (millions of pills) 80 MR

14 Elasticity of Demand and Markup
Two effects make demand for pharmaceuticals inelastic: The “you can’t take it with you” effect: People with serious illnesses are relatively insensitive to the price of life saving drugs. The “other people’s money” effect: If third parties are paying for the medicine, people are less sensitive to price. The more inelastic the demand curve, the more a monopolist will raise price above MC.

15 Elasticity of Demand and Markup
Price Price Relatively elastic demand → small markup Relatively inelastic demand → big markup P P Demand MC MC Demand QE Quantity Q Quantity MR MR

16 Costs of Monopoly: Deadweight Loss
Monopolies charge a higher price and produce less than competitive firms. Monopolies reduce total surplus (consumer surplus + producer surplus). This implies a deadweight loss - sales that do not occur because the monopoly price is above the competitive price.

17 Costs of Monopoly: Deadweight Loss
Consumers get this Consumers get this Monopolist gets this PM No one gets this (deadweight loss) PC Supply MC = AC Demand Demand MR Q Q QC QM QC Competition: P = MC Monopoly: P > MR

18 Self-Check A monopolist’s price is: Lower than a competitive firm’s.
Higher than a competitive firm’s. The same as a competitive firm’s. Answer: b – a monopolist’s price is higher than a competitive firm’s.

19 Costs of Monopoly: Corruption and Inefficiency
Many monopolies are the result of government corruption. Tommy Suharto, the Indonesian president’s son, was given the clove monopoly. He bought the Lamborghini company with the monopoly profits. PETER HARHOLDT/SUPERSTOCK

20 Costs of Monopoly: Corruption and Inefficiency
Monopolies are especially harmful if they control a good that is used to produce other goods. In Algeria a dozen or so army generals each control a key good People refer to these men as General wheat, General tire…. Each general tries to get a larger share of the economic pie. The result is greater deadweight loss, and the “pie” shrinks.

21 Benefits of Monopoly: Incentives for R&D
Drug prices are lower in India and Canada. India does not offer strong patent protection. Canada’s government controls drug prices. It costs $1 billion to develop a new drug. Patents are one way of rewarding research and development (R&D). Without patents firms would not spend on R&D, fewer new drugs would be developed.

22 Benefits of Monopoly: Incentives for R&D
Prizes can reward research and development without creating monopolies. Patent buyouts are another alternative. Reduce price without reducing R&D. Must raise taxes to pay for the patent. May be difficult to determine a price.

23 Definition Economies of Scale: Natural Monopoly:
the advantages of large-scale production that reduce average cost as quantity increases. Natural Monopoly: when a single firm can supply the entire market at a lower cost than two or more firms.

24 Natural Monopoly Monopolies can arise naturally when economies of scale allow a single firm to produce at lower cost than many small firm. Utilities such as water, natural gas, and cable television are often natural monopolies. If economies of scale are large enough, price can be lower under natural monopoly than under competition.

25 Natural Monopoly P Average costs for small firms
It is possible for PM < PC If economies of scale are large enough Competitive price PC Monopoly price PM AC MC Demand Q Monopoly Quantity QM Competitive Quantity QC MR

26 Self-Check Which of the following is most likely to be a natural monopoly: A home builder. A restaurant. A railroad company. Answer: c – a railroad company is most likely to be a natural monopoly, due to economies of scale and the high cost of duplicating tracks.

27 Price Control and Natural Monopoly
A price control can increase output. Price = MC is the optimal level of output. At P = MC, P < AC. The firm is operating at a loss and will exit the industry. Price = AC is the lowest price the firm will accept. Firm is earning zero (normal) profit. Output is higher than at monopoly price.

28 Price Control and Natural Monopoly
PM and QM are set where MR = MC Optimal quantity is where P = MC At optimal Q, firm suffers a loss Monopoly price PM AC Loss (P < AC) P = MC MC Demand Quantity QM Optimal quantity Monopoly quantity MR

29 Price Control and Natural Monopoly
At P = AC, firm has normal profit Results in some deadweight loss Monopoly price PM Deadweight Loss P = AC AC P = MC MC Demand Quantity QM Optimal quantity Monopoly quantity MR

30 Self-Check A monopolist will have normal profit when its price is set equal to: Marginal cost. Average cost. Total cost. Answer: a – a monopolist will have normal profit when P = AC.

31 Definition Barriers to entry:
factors that increase the cost to new firms of entering an industry.

32 Other Sources of Monopoly Power
Table 13-1 (13-1): Some Sources of Market Power

33 Takeaway For a monopolist, marginal revenue is less than market price (MR < P). Monopolies: Charge a higher price than competitive firms. Reduce total. Create a deadweight loss. Use market power to earn above normal profits. The markup of price over marginal cost is larger the more inelastic the demand.

34 Takeaway Patent monopolies involve a trade-off between deadweight loss and innovation, Natural monopolies involve a trade-off between deadweight loss and economies of scale. Outcomes can be improved by: Opening the industry up to competition. Regulating the monopolist.

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