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August 14th-15th, 2003 Logan, Utah

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1 August 14th-15th, 2003 Logan, Utah
Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations University of Colorado at Boulder University Nanosat III August 14th-15th, 2003 Logan, Utah

2 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Industry Support We would like to thank the following companies who have donated hardware and mentorship to Colorado Space Grant Students working on the DINO program at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Without their support, DINO would never leave the ground. PLANETARY SYSTEMS CORPORATION Colorado Space Grant Consortium

3 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
DINO The purpose of the student-led Deployment and Intelligent Nanosatellite Operations (DINO) mission is to determine cloud heights from space, evaluate the performance of intelligent operations, and assess deployment technologies for nanosatellites including a tether, memory composite hinges, and thin-film solar arrays. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

4 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Objectives Science and Education Stereoscopic imaging to determine cloud heights Student leadership and training Active involvement of K-12 Students Deployment demonstrations Thin-film solar array deployment Gravity-gradient tether deployment A simple deployment using memory composite hinges Intelligence Onboard evaluation of science and engineering data Autonomous response and rescheduling to optimize ops Colorado Space Grant Consortium

5 Overall Mission Timeline
DINO Deployment Overall Mission Timeline ICU Deployment Launch Mission Activation Detumble Tether Deployment FITS Deployment Aerofin Deployment Normal Science Operations Colorado Space Grant Consortium

6 Spacecraft Level Requirements
Method Status The spacecraft must not exceed a mass of 30 kg. Design, Test The spacecraft must operate on 30W or less. The spacecraft’s center of gravity (CG) shall be within 0.25” of the geometric central axis of the ICU. Design, Analysis The allowable static envelope of the spacecraft is a cylindrical right prism with a diameter of 18.7” (47.5 cm) and a height of 18.7” (47.5 cm). Design The spacecraft’s CG shall not lie more than 12” above the satellite interface plane (SIP) . The spacecraft shall have a fundamental frequency above 100 Hz given a fixed-base condition at the SIP. The spacecraft must be capable of meeting all mission objectives. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

7 Experiments and Mission Highlights
Deployables Gravity Gradient Tether (GGT) Tip Mass Communications Foldable Integrated Thin-film Solar Arrays (FITS) Elastic Memory Composite (EMC) Hinges Stereoscopic Imaging Intelligent Operations Thin-film Solar Arrays and Lithium Polymer Batteries Colorado Space Grant Consortium

8 1. Gravity Gradient Tether and Tip Mass
Requirement Method Status Tip Mass must have a mass of 5 kg. Design, Test Tether must be greater than 10 m. Design Tip mass must stay within 60º from zenith to retain gravity gradient stability during deployment and mission lifetime. Design, Analysis The Tip Mass tip-off rate should be less than 3 º/s. Analysis Complete deployment must occur in sunlight to avoid thermal snaps. The Tip Mass must have its own power supply and meet all NASA safety requirements for batteries. The Tip Mass must be able to capture a picture after each deployment and send them to the main spacecraft. The Tip Mass deployment systems must have 12V for 1 minute. The Tip Mass must not recoil at the end of the deployment. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

9 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
1. Deployment Method Open-Loop Deployment Lightband will provide kickoff velocity of 2 ft/s Deployment will take approximately 40 sec Tether will be “left-behind” by tip mass Braking system will slow tip-mass near end of travel Simple compared to a complex motor system Brake Tether Braking System Tether Z-fold Tip Mass Lightband Tether Guides Velocity Main Satellite Wheel (turning) Brake shoe (fixed) Colorado Space Grant Consortium

10 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
1. Donated Material Tether Material Tether Low-density polyethylene tape Along its length are three strands of inch thick Spectra® 1000 0.005 inch by 1 inch cross-section Heritage Flown on Advanced Tether Experiment (ATEx) mission Lightband 15 inch motorized separation system Delta V = 2 ft/s m ≈ 6.5 lbm Tip-off rate < 1º/s Flight proven Colorado Space Grant Consortium

11 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
1. Tip Mass Main Mission Provide gravity-gradient stabilization for DINO Experiment Mission Take and send pictures of the following deployments: Tether FITS Aero-fins Success Criteria A picture is taken after each deployable. These pictures are successfully sent to the main satellite and then to Mission Operations. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

12 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
1. Tip Mass Features Structure Imaging Camera trade study ongoing Communications Uses wireless LAN card on tip mass and main module Power One Lithium-polymer (same as main module) 5V DCDC converter Camera EPS Tether Box Comm Colorado Space Grant Consortium

13 1. Tip Mass Communication
interface port of WISER 2400 RS-232 serial interface port of WISER 2400 Main sat module Tip Mass Processor with a PCMCI slot for Wi-Fi card Digital camera Wi-Fi card Wiser 2400 unit (OTC wireless) air interface Serial RS232 port of camera Standard Wi-Fi LAN card Wiser 2400 interfaces wireless link with RS232 serial link from the camera Colorado Space Grant Consortium

14 2. FITS and Release Requirements
Method Status The FITS system must be preloaded to 100 lbs. Analysis The release mechanism for the FITS system must have a holding force of 200 lbs or greater. Design, Test EPS must provide a 28V line for each mechanism. Design A complete side panel must be available for each FITS system and its release mechanism. EPS must provide 25W for 30 sec for each release mechanism. Analysis, Test Colorado Space Grant Consortium

15 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
2. FITS System - Stowed Provided by Microsat Released with Frangibolts Preloaded to 100 lb Upon release deployment is almost instantaneous Stowed Envelope 12.5 x 7.25 x 1.3 in Volume = ft3/Wing Deployment Hinge Restraint Panel Separation Device Colorado Space Grant Consortium

16 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
2. Frangibolt Release Execution Memory Composite 500 lbs holding force 28V 21 seconds Increased temperature from power activates release. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

17 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
2. FITS Deployment Colorado Space Grant Consortium

18 3. EMC Hinges and Release Mechanism
Requirement Method Status 4 separation switches must be monitored by C&DH to ensure full deployment. Design, Test The composite panel aerofins cannot bear any loads. Analysis, Test EPS must provide a 28V bus for the EMC hinges and the release mechanism. Design EPS must provide 18W for 2 minutes for the release mechanism. EPS must provide 10W for 1 minute for each EMC hinge. Each pair of hinges must controlled thermally to maintain a temperature between 88°-92°C. A side panel must be kept open for each aerofin and its mechanism. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

19 3. Aerofins Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Elastic Memory Composite Hinges Provided by CTD 28V for 1 min Provided by Starsys High Output Paraffin (HOP) Actuator 28V for 2 min Colorado Space Grant Consortium

20 3. Aerofins Release Mechanism
Released Stowed Colorado Space Grant Consortium

21 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
4. Science Requirements Requirement Method Status The science system must not exceed a mass of 0.56 kg. Design, Test The system must operate on less than 11W while taking a picture. The camera used must have a field of view between degrees. Test, Analysis The camera must have sufficient resolution to determine cloud heights within 500m. Test, Analysis The shutter speed of the camera must be 1/60th of a second or faster. Design All components shall comply with NASA’s outgassing specifications Any glass components shall comply with NASA’s regulations All components shall meet NASA’s low-released mass part Colorado Space Grant Consortium

22 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
4. Imaging Summary Purpose The primary mission of DINO is stereoscopic imaging of cloud formations. Overlapping images of the same object from different angles provides a 3-dimensional photograph. Design Two cameras aimed at +/- 30° along track AIPTEK Pen Cam 1.3 Mega 41.5° FOV; x 960 max res Software converts into topographic maps Success Criteria A topographic map is sent to the ground and has been verified as correct. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

23 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
4. Science Mission Analysis of images will be performed onboard the spacecraft. Images processed and ranked for coloring and edge distinction. Image opportunities assessed from analysis of first image. Stereo images combined to form a topographic map of cloud heights for downlink. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

24 5. Intelligent Operations Requirements
Method Status The on-board data system should support the migration of autonomy through tailoring of flight applications software and updates to procedures, rules, constraints, and others. Design, Test Operational constraints, rules, target synchronization, timeline, and algorithms shall be updated by users and autonomously as the situation allows. Schedules should be automatically generated from commands users select on a website. The selection of a ground station to communicate with the satellite should be chosen autonomously. Analysis, Test Demonstrate of rescheduling a task with improved performance. Design, Analysis, Test Determine if an image is a good opportunity for a stereoscopic image and then change the schedule to take another picture. Design, Analysis Colorado Space Grant Consortium

25 5. Intelligent Operations
Virtual Mission Operations Control Center (VMOCC) will provide automated web-based spacecraft control. Spacecraft Command Language (SCL) will provide onboard schedule execution and fault detection and reaction. Real-time spacecraft data will be available via the internet for educational outreach. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

26 5. Intelligent Operations
VMOCC automated capabilities Create a schedule for the satellite from users worldwide Input orbit event data from STK into schedule Automatically initialize a radio (anywhere in the world) and send the command Accept telemetry from any radio worldwide and integrate into VMOCC model SCL capabilities Assess image opportunities Execute scheduled commands in real-time Perform onboard fault detection and reaction Maintain database for sensors, spacecraft states, and hardware performance. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

27 6. Electrical Power System
Requirement Method Status EPS must not exceed a mass of 2.25 kg Design, Test The system must be able to accept commands and execute those commands from C&DH through an RS-232 port. Battery cells will last the lifetime of the mission or longer which is approximately 6000 orbits. Design, Analysis EPS will provide a 5V, +/- 12V and 28V buses for all the subsystems to use. Analysis The operational temperature for the batteries must be kept between 0o and 40oC. Analysis, Test Satellite will be un-powered while on the Shuttle. The lithium battery system will be two fault tolerant. Design Each cell will have individual temperature monitoring for the satellite and GSE. All inhibits must be able to have status checked without the satellite powered from the GSE. 3 independent inhibits must be used for the Lithium Polymer batteries. The FITS system must be able to provide an average of 30W of power over an entire orbit for the lifetime of the mission. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

28 6. Electrical Power System
EPS Board Colorado Space Grant Consortium

29 6. Thin-Film Solar Array Summary
Beginning of Life End of Life 25° Celsius 78° Celsius – Radiation Degradation Area 1.10 m2 Voltage – String 17.4 Volts 13.0 Volts Current – String 1.4 Amps 1.27 Amps Power – Total Watts 85 Watts 64 Watts Array Efficiency 5.70% 4.60% Colorado Space Grant Consortium

30 6. Lithium Polymer Battery Design
Characteristics: 3.7 V potential, 4 A-hr capacity, 120 g each Non-flammable Prismatic internal structure Safety 2-fault tolerant Cell vents will not be oriented downward at any time during launch on the shuttle Cells will have thermistors for temperature monitoring Charging/discharging The cells will be maintained above 3.2V The stack will be nominally charged to 95% of capacity to prevent overcharge of individual cells Battery assembly will be maintained between 0° and 40°C Credit: Valence Electronics Colorado Space Grant Consortium

31 System Functional Diagram
TR1 Rate Gyro x3 ADCS Tip-Mass Cam A Cam B TR2 Imaging TM Comm PCB Battery TR3 MicroProc Sun Sensors x6 Power TM Lower LB Tether Release Mech MAG IB Prim SA TM Cam Body SA PCB MLI Blkts Thermal Mechanisms Li-Poly Battery HOP EMC Hinges x4 Therm x30 EEDS Tip-Mass Upper LB Tx Ant / Radio / TNC Ext TNC Flight Computer Interface Board Rx Ant / Radio / TNC Legend +5V Line Data Line Power Lines Comm +/-12V Line Serial / I2C Tip-Mass Ant / Modem +15V Unreg. Line USB Data Bus +28V Line Wireless Colorado Space Grant Consortium

32 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADCS Requirements Requirement Method Status The ADCS system must not exceed a mass of 2.25 kg. Design The ADCS system must operate on less than 4 W. Nadir attitude must be maintained for communication and imaging objectives. Design, Analysis Attitude must be determined to within 2 in each axis. Attitude must be controlled to within 10 in each axis. Torque Rods must lie in right hand orthogonal system. Need an I2C line from C&DH. Detumble the spacecraft within 24 hours of deployment. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

33 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADCS Summary Design Sensors Honeywell HMC2003 Magnetometer 3 Single-Axis Rate Gyros from Analog Devices 12 Single-Axis Ithaco Sun Sensors Actuators 3 Orthogonal Torque Rods w/ variable current-levels Gravity-Gradient Tether Software P-D or LQR Controller IGRF Magnetic Model Onboard Orbit Propagator Performance Torque Rods m = 3-5 A-m2, P ≈ 2.5 W Slew rate ≈ 10 min/degree Back to Block Diagram Colorado Space Grant Consortium

34 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH Requirements Requirement Method Status The C&DH system must not exceed a mass of 0.56 kg. Design The C&DH system must operate on less than 4W. The TNC must have a dedicated RS-232 serial port. The radios must have one RS-232 serial port each. There must be two USB ports for the cameras. Must be able to maintain a b link between the main satellite and the tip-mass. Design, Test C&DH must be able to communicate to EPS through a RS-232 serial port. There must be enough memory to store all of the software and all of the data. Provide an interface for all of the thermistors on the spacecraft. An Ethernet port must be available for the GSE. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

35 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH Summary Design Motorola PowerPC 823e from Embedded Planet SDRAM: 64MB FLASH: 16MB NVRAM: 128kB Real-Time Clock 3 Serial Ports 1 USB Port 1 Ethernet Port I2C Interface Board Shares USB Port Shares Serial Ports Interfaces the thermistors to the flight computer Colorado Space Grant Consortium

36 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Software Requirement Method Status The Software must not use more than 16MB of NVRAM and 16MB of RAM. Design, Test The on-board data system shall monitor the health and status of the DINO satellite and generate compressed data summaries. Design The flight data system should generate spacecraft health and status data sets for storage and/or downlink. Design, Analysis The flight software shall have the capacity to control the operational state of every hardware component like ADCS. Analysis Multiple tasks shall be operated concurrently, namely, SCL, FSW tasks, etc. Perform all Mission Operation tasks. The flight software must use Linux as the embedded kernel and operating system. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

37 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Software PowerPC Architecture Linux Operating System C++ and SCL Reusing 3CS base software Data Management and Testing Concurrent Version System (CVS) for version control, i.e. code identification CVS will tag a baseline Release Testers job to account and audit what goes into a Release All tests to be completed and satisfactory prior to each Release CVS to control access to files under CM  Back to Block Diagram Colorado Space Grant Consortium

38 Communication Requirements
Method Status The communication system must not exceed a mass of 1.3 kg. Design The communication system must operate on less than 32W when receiving and transmitting at the same time. Design, Test The communication system must operate on less than 1W while in receive mode only. Must be capable of two-way communications. A receiving antenna is required for the 2 m band uplink. A transmitting antenna is required for the 70 cm band downlink. Data transfer rates must be high enough to accommodate all data. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

39 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Comm Summary Frequencies Uplink 2m (145 MHz); Downlink 70cm (436 MHz) Design Two Kenwood TH-D7 radios: dual band 70cm / 2m, with internal TNCs (1200 baud) External Timewave PK-96 TNC (9600 baud) Antenna Trade between patch and deployable monopole Performance Data Rate: 9600 baud Required Eb/No: 13 dB Performance: 13.4 dB Data Rate: 1200 baud More reliable and proven Two-way communication Max 50 kB uplink; 25 kB per cloud topo map downlink Back to Block Diagram Colorado Space Grant Consortium

40 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Thermal Requirements Requirement Method Status The thermal system must not exceed a mass of 0.4 kg for the main satellite and 0.1 kg for the tip mass. Design, Test The thermal system must not exceed 1 W during lit portion of orbit and 0.2 W during eclipse. Design Must keep the Power system between 0 and 40C Design, Analysis Must keep the C&DH system between 0 and 70C Must keep the Comm system between -20 and 60C Must keep the ADCS system within a temperature range between -40 and 85C Must keep the Structures system between -60 and 65C Colorado Space Grant Consortium

41 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Thermal Summary Design: Passive 30 Temperature Sensors Insulation Possible MLI Blankets Radiators as needed Thermal Analysis An empty spacecraft analysis has been complete and indicates a cold spacecraft Ball Aerospace assisting with thermal modeling Colorado Space Grant Consortium

42 Structures Requirements
Method Status Entire structures with mechanisms will be less than 9.2 kg Design, Test Fixed base Natural Frequency must be greater than 100HZ at the Shuttle Interface Plane (SIP). Center of mass is to be no more than 0.25” from centerline and 12” from the SIP. Design, Analysis The completed satellite must fit within ICU envelope. Design Each component must be less than a length of 8.5” and a height of less than 11”. Structures must provide a housing for all components. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

43 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Structures Summary Design Hexagonal Al iso-grid main structure 12.5” tall, 17.76” diameter Al 6061 5.56 kg Component Boxes 9 boxes All mounted on the iso-grid Finite Element Analysis is in the first stages Colorado Space Grant Consortium

44 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Mass Budget Allocation (%) Budget (kg) Subsystems ADCS 9 2.25 C&DH 2 0.56 Comm 5 1.13 Power 8 2.06 Science Software 0.00 Solar Panels Str/Mech 36 9.00 Thermal 0.38 Cabling 3 0.75 Total 75% 18.75 kg Margin  25% 6.25 kg 100% 25.00 kg Colorado Space Grant Consortium

45 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Mass Budget Allocation (%) Budget (kg) Subsystems ADCS 0.00 C&DH Comm 8 0.38 Power 15 0.75 Science 9 0.45 Software Solar Panels Str/Mech 39 1.99 Thermal 2 0.08 Cabling 0.11 Total  75% 3.75 kg Margin  25% 1.25 kg 100% 5.00 kg Colorado Space Grant Consortium

46 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Power Budget Allocation (%) Budget (W-hr) Subsystems ADCS 13 3.9 C&DH Comm 10 2.8 Power/Power Losses 31 9.2 Science 5 1.5 Software 0.0 Solar Panels Str/Mech Thermal 3 0.9 Cabling Total  75% 22 W-hr Margin  25% 5.5 W-hr 100% 27.5 W-hr Colorado Space Grant Consortium

47 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Power Budget Allocation (%) Budget (kg) Subsystems ADCS 0.0 C&DH 2 0.2 Comm 45 4.0 Power 17 1.5 Science 11 1.0 Software Solar Panels Str/Mech Thermal Cabling Total  75% 6.7 W-hr Margin  25% 1.7 W-hr 100% 8.4 W-hr Colorado Space Grant Consortium

48 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Project Milestones Milestone Start Date End Date External PDR 8/14/03 Prototyping 8/20/03 1/16/04 Peer Review 12/8/03 Internal CDR 2/4/04 Requirements Freeze 2/11/04 System Review 4/28/04 Electrical Integration 5/24/04 8/20/04 External CDR 8/13/04 Mechanical Integration 4/7/04 11/26/04 Deliver to AFRL 1/5/05 Colorado Space Grant Consortium

49 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Risk Assessment ADCS C&DH Comm Imaging Mechanisms Power Software Structures Thermal Tip-Mass Overall Program Assessment Performance Schedule Cost Safety Testing Personnel Resources Overall Subsystem Assessment = low risk = medium risk = high risk = N/A Colorado Space Grant Consortium

50 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations

51 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Appendix Index Appendix A – Requirements Appendix B – Systems Charts Appendix C – Management and Outreach Appendix D – Subsystem Block Diagrams Appendix E – Test Plans Appendix F – ADCS Appendix G – C&DH Appendix H – COMM Appendix I – EPS Appendix J – Mechanisms Appendix K – Software Appendix L – Structures Appendix M – Tip Mass Appendix N – Thermal Colorado Space Grant Consortium

52 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix A Requirements

53 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADCS Requirements The ADCS subsystem shall provide three-axis attitude determination The ADCS subsystem shall provide three-axis attitude control The ADCS subsystem shall provide a way to slew/detumble the spacecraft to within 45 degrees of nadir-pointing and within TBD deg/s of angular rotation prior to the tether’s deployment The tether shall be deployed at a rate such that the libration angle does not increase beyond 45 degrees at any point during its deployment The ADCS subsystem shall keep the spacecraft within 5 degrees of nadir-pointing at all times after the tether’s deployment The tether shall be long enough, given the tip-mass’ mass, to provide a stable nadir-pointing configuration throughout DINO’s entire mission The gravity-gradient torque established by the boom shall be larger than the sum of all other torques experienced by the spacecraft The tip-mass shall be massive enough, given the tether’s length, to provide a stable nadir-pointing configuration throughout DINO’s entire mission The tether shall be resistant to environmental hazards for a duration of 12 months The tether material shall be resistant to micrometeoroids for 12 months The tether material shall be resistant to radiation degradation for 12 months The tether material shall be resistant to changes in the thermal environment, i.e., shall not stretch more than specified safe The tether material shall be capable of withstanding the maximum tension forces experienced during 12 months, namely, the tension experienced after entering the sunlit side of the orbit at end-of-life Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

54 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADCS Requirements The ADCS subsystem shall provide yaw-control to within +/- 10 ° degrees of a designated yaw-angle and TBD deg/s within a designated yaw-angular rate The ADCS subsystem shall have a mass less than 2.25 kg The ADCS subsystem shall operate on less than 4 Watts of power The ADCS subsystem shall operate on 5V and/or 12V power lines All ADCS subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements The ADCS components shall comply with electrical bonding regulations The ADCS wiring shall be sized according to NASA regulations The ADCS components shall comply with NASA’s outgassing regulations The tether material shall outgas within specified limits The ADCS components shall comply with NASA’s corrosion-resistance specifications All ADCS components shall meet the requirements for low-risk fracture classification Failure of any ADCS component shall not result in a catastrophic hazard to the Space Shuttle All ADCS components shall be composed of acceptable materials per NASA requirements Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

55 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH Requirements The C&DH subsystem shall provide the means for each subsystem to communicate between one another The C&DH subsystem shall support the ADCS subsystem The C&DH subsystem shall either provide continuous processor feedback to the ADCS subsystem or a microprocessor for the ADCS subsystem Given a microprocessor, the C&DH subsystem shall be capable of commanding and receiving data from the ADCS microprocessor The microprocessor shall communicate through a TBD port The C&DH subsystem shall support the Comm subsystem There shall be one dedicated RS-232 port available for the receiving Comm radio, used to initialize the radio and for all command reception There shall be one RS-232 port available for the transmitting radio, used to initialize the radio and when transmitting at 1200 baud There shall be one RS-232 port available for the external TNC to transmit science and engineering data to the ground at 9600 baud There shall be one RS-232 port available or one Ethernet port available for the CompactRF Industrial Wireless Modem Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

56 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH Requirements The C&DH subsystem shall provide a beacon for the Comm subsystem to transmit during DINO’s initial deployment phase and during any period of time that DINO is in safe-mode The spacecraft shall have a means of identifying, decoding, processing, and error-checking commands The system shall be capable of decoding TBD and provide a bit-error rate of no more than 10-5 error-bits/good-bit The spacecraft shall have a means of error-checking and encoding the science and engineering data prior to communication with ground The system shall be capable of identifying and repairing errors (?) The transmissions shall be encoded using a TBD-encoding scheme The C&DH subsystem shall support the Power subsystem C&DH will command EPS through a RS-232 serial port. The C&DH subsystem shall support the Science subsystem Commands need to be sent through two USB ports. The C&DH subsystem shall support the Structures/Mechanisms subsystem A TBD number of data lines are needed to determine If the deployments are fully deployed. The C&DH subsystem shall support the Thermal subsystem The C&DH subsystem shall either provide continuous processor feedback to the Thermal subsystem or a microprocessor for the Thermal subsystem Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

57 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH Requirements The C&DH subsystem shall provide data storage capability for all science and engineering data between ground communication opportunities The C&DH subsystem shall provide for on-board storage of flight data The C&DH subsystem shall provide the necessary operating system, memory, and storage space to operate the flight software The flight data system shall include the Linux operating systems The flight data system shall include a flight computer The flight computer should be tolerant of radiation (budget pending) The flight computer shall be able to be reset The C&DH subsystem shall be less than 0.56 kg in mass The C&DH subsystem shall operate with less than 4.0 Watts of power The C&DH subsystem shall operate on 5V and/or 12V lines The C&DH subsystem shall support the components on the tip-mass The tip-mass communication system shall have a means to check all communications for errors The primary spacecraft shall have error-checking software The tip-mass shall re-transmit all commands to the primary spacecraft to check for errors Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

58 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
COMM Requirements The Comm subsystem shall be capable of receiving commands from ground at any time during its mission The Comm subsystem shall provide a receiving antenna and radio dedicated for communication with the ground The primary receiving system shall be powered at all times The data system should support an uplink data rate of at least TBD The communication system shall be sensitive to frequencies between TBD and TBD (145 +/- 1 MHz) The Comm subsystem shall be capable of transmitting all science and engineering data to the ground The Comm subsystem shall provide a transmitting antenna and radio dedicated for communication with the ground The Comm subsystem shall provide a sufficiently large transmission rate to transmit all pertinent science and engineering data to the ground using only the available communication opportunities The data system should support a downlink data rate of at least TBD The transmissions shall be contained in the (TBD) band (436 +/- 1 MHz) Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

59 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
COMM Requirements The Comm subsystem shall have the capability of communicating with the ground at a minimal level in any attitude configuration The Comm subsystem shall be capable of two-way communication with the tip-mass experiments The tip-mass shall have at least one antenna capable of receiving commands and transmitting data to the primary satellite The spacecraft shall have at least one antenna capable of receiving data and transmitting commands to the tip-mass experiments The communication system shall transmit data at a rate of at least TBD kbps with a margin of at least TBD dB The communication system shall have a means to check all communications for errors The primary spacecraft shall have error-checking software The tip-mass shall re-transmit all commands to the primary spacecraft to check for errors The wireless communication shall comply with all communication regulations The wireless communication shall not interfere with other satellite communications The wireless communication shall comply with all ground communication regulations provided that the signals can be received on the ground The Comm subsystem shall provide a CompactRF OEM Industrial Wireless Modem for two-way communication with the tip-mass experiments The Comm subsystem shall provide at least one ground communication station The Comm subsystem shall be less than 1.13kg mass The Comm subsystem shall operate with less than 25 Watts of power while transmitting The Comm subsystem shall operate on 5V and/or 12V lines All Comm subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

60 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
EPS Requirements The power subsystem shall meet all of the spacecraft components’ power needs A power system shall be employed consisting of solar cells, batteries, converters, and buses to monitor, regulate, and distribute power to all spacecraft components The spacecraft shall have solar cells pointed toward the sun at all times when not in the Earth’s shadow. MicroSat’s 8%-efficient solar cells shall be implemented in two symmetric FITS solar array systems Higher-efficient solar cells shall be fixed to the body of the spacecraft, including the top face, the two leading faces, and the two aerofins Solar cells not pointing toward the sun shall not drain power from the system Solar cells shall meet all safety requirements Wiring harnesses shall be provided to connect DINO to each populated face The spacecraft shall have a battery system to maintain power throughout eclipse periods and safe-mode periods The battery system shall be designed to operate over 12 months, equivalent to about 5,850 orbits The battery system shall be capable of being fully charged with only the allocated power from the solar cells The battery system shall comply with all Shuttle safety requirements The spacecraft shall have buses and converters to supply regulated power to any and all of its components The power system shall have the capability to monitor the current and voltages across its buses There shall be appropriate power lines connecting each component that requires power to the power system Each wire shall comply with NASA’s wire-sizing regulations The spacecraft shall have the capability to dump excess power from its system The spacecraft shall have a safe-mode power system if the available power drops below a given threshold. All wiring and inhibits shall be derated The power subsystem shall support the ADCS subsystem The power subsystem shall support the C&DH subsystem The MPC 823e flight computer shall receive either 5 V or 3.3 V DC power and at most 1 Amp of current per C&DH hardware requirements The power subsystem shall support the Comm subsystem The transmitter shall receive V during transmissions and 90 12 V when idle The receiver shall receive 90 5 V continuously The TNC shall receive V continuously (no less) The CompactRF OEM Industrial Wireless Modem shall receive to 5.5 Volts The power subsystem shall support the Science subsystem The power subsystem shall support the Structures/Mechanisms subsystem The HOP/spring deployment of the tip-mass/tether system shall receive 10 Watts of power, preferably on a 24V or 28V line Each of the two HOP mechanisms holding the FITS solar arrays shall receive 10 Watts of power upon deployment, preferably on a 24V or 28V line Each of the EMC hinges shall receive 10 Watts of power for one minute upon deployment, either on a 24V line or, after redesigning the hinges, on a 12V or greater line Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

61 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
EPS Requirements The power subsystem shall meet all of the tip-mass components’ power needs Power to the tip-mass experiments shall be activated immediately prior to tether-deployment The tip-mass shall include sufficient battery power to provide power to all tip-mass components for the deployment-phase’s duration The tip-mass batteries shall be capable of being charged prior to tether-deployment The power subsystem shall implement MicroSat’s FITS solar panels The spacecraft shall meet the electrical design requirements listed in 6.5 of the ICU User’s Guide The Power subsystem shall be less than 2.06 kg in mass on the main satellite and less than 0.75 kg on the tip-mass The Power subsystem shall operate with less than TBD Watts of power The Power subsystem shall operate on 5V, +/-12V, and 28V lines All Power subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements The tip-mass power system shall comply with NASA’s safety regulations The tip-mass battery system shall comply with NASA’s safety regulations Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

62 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Science Requirements Cloud heights shall be measured using a stereoscopic imaging technique Cameras shall be used to image the clouds in the visible spectrum The cloud-height measurements shall have a resolution of at least 500 meters The cameras shall have a degree field of view The cameras shall have a shutter speed of 1/60th of a second or faster Ample amount of time shall be allotted for the software system to finish processing an image before another image is required Each image shall contain at least one identifiable cloud feature and at least one identifiable ground feature Each of the multiple images used to produce a topographic map of the cloud features must contain the same cloud features and the same ground features The spacecraft’s deployments shall be imaged by a camera in the tip-mass The tip-mass camera must be oriented such that it can view all deployments The tether shall not block the field of view of the spacecraft The tip-mass camera must have sufficient resolution to observe the deployments of DINO’s structures The camera shall be able to focus on the spacecraft The images shall display ample light levels and contrast to see the spacecraft and its deployables Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

63 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Science Requirements The Science subsystem shall be less than 0.56 kg on the main satellite and 0.45 kg on the tip-mass The Science subsystem shall operate with less than 11 Watts of power on the main satellite and 2.5 Watts of power on the tip-mass The Science subsystem shall operate on 5V and/or 12V lines All Science subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements There shall be no pressurized vessels in the science subsystem, including the lens of each camera All components shall comply with NASA’s outgassing specifications Any glass components shall comply with NASA’s regulations All components shall either be contained or meet NASA’s requirements to be a low-released mass part Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

64 Software Requirements
Back to Index The software team shall provide flight software to operate each subsystem The flight software shall have the capacity to control the operational state of every hardware component The flight software shall be capable of controlling the ADCS subsystem on either the flight computer or the ADCS microprocessor per ADCS/C&DH requirements The flight software shall be capable of providing a means to communicate between every subsystem via the C&DH subsystem The flight software shall be capable of operating the Comm subsystem The flight software shall initialize the receiver radio (frequency, squelch), the transmitter radio (frequency, power output), and the TNC The flight software shall be capable of encoding and constructing data packets to be transmitted to the ground The flight software shall be capable of receiving transmissions from the ground, recognizing the transmissions, checking those transmissions for errors, decoding the transmissions into their corresponding commands, and processing the commands accordingly The flight software shall be capable of acknowledging the successful receipt and/or the successful transmission of communications with the ground The flight software shall be capable of supporting the Power subsystem The flight software shall be capable of supporting the Science subsystem The flight computer shall be capable of building a topographic map out of two or more images of the same cloud features The flight software shall be capable of controlling the thermal system either on the flight computer or on the thermal microprocessor per Thermal/C&DH requirements Multiple operations shall be operated concurrently, namely, CASPER, SCL, FSW, etc… All software shall be contained in the following hardware: either 16 or 64 MB of SDRAM, either 8 or 16 MB of flash memory, and either 0 or 16 MB of NVRAM per C&DH hardware limitations Colorado Space Grant Consortium

65 Software Requirements
Back to Index The flight software shall be capable of the following requirements The on-board data system shall constraint check commands using SCL The on-board data system shall monitor the health and status of the DINO satellite The on-board data system shall provide for scheduled and interactive (immediate) control of spacecraft operations, payload operations, resource usage, and data transport On-board operational constraints, rules, sequences, and algorithms shall be updated by users On-board operational constraints, rules, sequences, target synchronization, and algorithms should be updated automatically The on-board data system should support the migration of autonomy through tailoring of flight applications software and updates to procedures, rules, constraints, etc. DINO may be able to obtain stereo measurements by determining the observation timing and instrument pointing The flight data system should be able to generate compressed data summaries The fight data system should be able to generate spacecraft health and status data sets for storage and/or downlink The on-board operations timeline should be capable of being updated The flight software shall be designed to the following requirements The flight software should be a basic system that can be tailored as the mission evolves The flight software should include reusable libraries, classes, and structures The flight software should support processing software for simple target recognition, data compression, and stereo targeting The flight software design should support modular software The flight software should try to make use of previously-existing code The flight software should try to make use of Linux as the embedded kernel and operating system, SCL for command, control, and performance evaluation and fault management. Colorado Space Grant Consortium

66 Software Requirements
The software team shall provide software for DINO’s ground support The ground data system shall receive orbit ephemeredes The ground data system shall provide for constraint checking of commands and verification of command execution The ground data system shall monitor health and status of the DINO satellite and end-to-end system (EEDS) The ground data system shall plan and schedule resource use, spacecraft operations, imaging operations, and command/data transport activities Users of the ground data system shall be able to update operational constraints, rules, sequences, displays, and algorithms The ground system should be able to autonomously update software constraints, rules, sequences, target synchronization, displays, and algorithms The ground data system should provide for the migration of autonomy from manual to supervised, to automated, and from ground to on-broad through tailoring of applications software and updates to procedures, rules, and scripts One user ground data system should be able to control operations of the DINO satellite One user ground data system should be able to monitor, evaluate performance of, and request operations for one or more flight subsystems The ground data system should be able to predict target pointing coordinates and timing; to synchronize with the satellite overpass; and to select data for downlink The ground data system shall/provide a flexible interface to the database for various applications Access to the DINO mission database should be available through www Provide ability to query the DINO database using number of search criteria Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

67 Software Requirements
The ground software shall be designed to the following requirements The ground software should support a UNIX/Linux operating system The ground software should include reusable libraries, classes, and structure The ground data systems shall plan and schedule resource use, spacecraft operations, imaging operations, and command/data transport activities Users of the ground data system shall be able to update operational constraints, rules, sequences, displays, and algorithms The ground data system should provide for the migration of autonomy from manual to supervised, to automated, and from ground to onboard through tailoring of applications, software, and updates to procedures, rules, and scripts The ground data system should be able to predict target pointing coordinates and timing; to synchronize with the satellite overpass; and to select data for downlink The ground data system shall provide a flexible interface to the database for various applications Access to the DINO mission database should be available through www The ground data system shall provide the ability to query the DINO database using a number of search criteria Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

68 Structures and Mechanisms Requirements
The Structure/Mechanism subsystem shall provide the primary structural support for DINO and its subsystems DINO’s structure shall comply with all of the structural requirements given in the ICU User’s Guide The entire spacecraft shall fit inside of the specified ICU physical envelope The allowable static envelope is defined as a cylindrical right prism with a diameter of 18.7” (47.5 cm) and a height of 18.7” (47.5 cm) The spacecraft shall have a maximum mass of 30 kg, including the bolts used to attach the spacecraft to the NSS at the SIP The spacecraft’s center of gravity (CG) shall be within 0.25 inches of the geometric central axis of the ICU. The spacecraft’s CG shall not lie more than 12 inches above the satellite interface plane (SIP) The spacecraft shall have a mechanical interface with the ICU per and in the ICU User’s Guide The spacecraft shall have a fundamental frequency above 100 Hz given a fixed-base condition at the SIP The spacecraft shall use materials with high resistance to stress corrosion cracking wherever possible per in the ICU User’s Guide The spacecraft shall be capable of handling all loads given in of the ICU User’s Guide DINO’s structure shall reduce the risks of any environmental hazard to acceptable levels The ADCS subsystem shall have structural support The magnetic torquers shall be structurally secure to the main structure The C&DH subsystem shall have structural support The MPC 823e flight computer shall be subjected to less than 2 g’s RMS of vibrations, within 20 and 2000 Hz in frequency at all times The MPC 823e flight computer shall be contained within a space with dimensions of 9.5 cm x 11 cm x 2.5 cm or greater The MPC 823e flight computer shall experience no more than 80% non-condensing humidity at all times during DINO’s mission Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

69 Structures and Mechanisms Requirements
The Comm subsystem shall have structural support The transmitter is 340 grams including the battery (unknown without the battery) The transmitter has the dimensions: 12.5 cm x 6.0 cm x 3.0 cm The receiver is 340 grams including the battery (unknown without the battery) The receiver has the dimensions: 12.5 cm x 6.0 cm x 3.0 cm The TNC is 544 grams The TNC has the dimensions: cm x 18.8 cm x 3.43 cm The two antennas shall be 50 cm and 17.5 cm in the vertical direction The Power subsystem shall have structural support The Science subsystem shall have structural support The Thermal subsystem shall have structural support DINO’s outward-facing sides shall be painted in such a way to provide an improved internal thermal environment DINO shall have an outward-facing side dedicated to radiating excess heat into space The principal inertial axes of the spacecraft shall lie as close as possible to the body-axes per ADCS requirements The body-axes are defined in the following way: 1-axis along the velocity-vector of the spacecraft 2-axis along the cross-track vector of the spacecraft 3-axis along the radial (tether) vector The radial axis (along the boom) shall be the minor axis The axis parallel to the FITS deployments shall be the intermediate axis The spacecraft shall be symmetric wherever possible per ADCS requirements The center of mass (CG) shall lie along the radial axis Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

70 Structures and Mechanisms Requirements
The Structure/Mechanism subsystem shall implement a gravity-gradient boom The tether system shall not bear any loads prior to its deployment The tip-mass shall be stowed in a fail-safe fashion The tip-mass shall be held during launch using Planetary System’s Lightband (TBD) The tip-mass/tether system shall be the first deployed structure The Structure/Mechanism subsystem shall ensure a correct deployment of the gravity-gradient boom, producing a nadir-pointing spacecraft configuration per ADCS requirement The boom shall be deployed in an open-loop fashion, i.e., spring-loaded with a slack tether The tether shall be deployed at a rate such that the libration angle does not increase beyond 45 degrees at any point during its deployment The system shall have a damping mechanism to reduce the gravity-gradient oscillations induced by the final orientation of the tether’s deployment The tether shall be securely attached to the spacecraft The tether shall be securely attached to the tip-mass The boom shall be attached to each mass along each mass’ center of gravity The tip-off rate of the tip-mass’ deployment shall not result in tether-wrapping Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

71 Structures and Mechanisms Requirements
The Structure/Mechanism subsystem shall implement FITS solar arrays The FITS solar arrays shall not bear any loads during launch The FITS solar arrays shall be securely attached to the spacecraft before and after their deployment All latching mechanisms shall be released prior to deployment Power shall be provided to release any latching mechanism that requires power Both solar arrays shall be held during launch using a Frangibolt The FITS solar arrays shall be deployed after the spacecraft is in a stable nadir-pointing configuration The Structure/Mechanism subsystem shall implement elastic memory-composite hinges to deploy the aerofin panels There shall be two EMC hinges per aerofin panel deployment The aerofins shall be securely attached to the main spacecraft before and after deployment Each panel shall be held by at least one HOPS mechanism (TBD) The aerofins shall have the capacity to be populated by body-mounted solar cells The deployment shall allow for wiring harnesses to run across the panel/satellite interface The wiring harnesses shall not apply any forces or pressure on the solar cells at any time The EMC hinges shall provide ample torque to release the aerofin panels including wire harnesses that span the body-aerofin interfaces Any solar cells integrated with the aerofin panels shall not be damaged during construction, integration, transportation, launch, and deployment All latching mechanisms on the spacecraft shall not press any set of body-mounted solar cells against any other surface Spacers shall be used, if necessary, to prevent a populated surface from coming into contact with any other surface on the spacecraft Each aerofin system shall be resistant to radiation damage for 6 months Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

72 Structures and Mechanisms Requirements
The Structures subsystem shall support the tip-mass components All of the tip-mass components shall be contained in a box for structural support and to help protect the components from environmental hazards The tip-mass experiments shall be protected from all hazardous radiation for their duration The tip-mass experiments shall be protected from all micrometeoroid hazards for their duration The Structures/Mechanisms subsystem shall be less than 9 kg for the main satellite and 2 kg in mass for the tip-mass (TBD) The Structures/Mechanisms subsystem shall operate with less than TBD Watts of power The Structures/Mechanisms subsystem shall operate on 5V, 12V and/or 28V lines All Structural/Mechanical subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements The tether material shall comply with NASA’s outgassing regulations The FITS solar arrays shall be attached in such a way that they comply with all of NASA’s structural requirements The aerofin panels shall be attached in such a way that they comply with all of NASA’s structural requirements Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

73 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Thermal Requirements The Thermal subsystem shall determine the temperature of all components of the spacecraft during all phases of DINO’s mission The Thermal subsystem shall provide Thermisters at every location where the spacecraft’s temperature needs to be determined The Thermal subsystem shall keep each component within its specified temperature range, be it an operational or non-operational mode , The Thermal subsystem shall support the ADCS subsystem The Thermal subsystem shall support the C&DH subsystem The MPC 823e flight computer shall be kept within the operational temperature range of 0°C to 70°C The Thermal subsystem shall support the Comm subsystem The transmitter shall be kept between -20°C and 60°C The receiver shall be kept between -20°C and 60°C The TNC shall be kept between -20°C and 60°C The Thermal subsystem shall support the Power subsystem The batteries shall be kept between 0°C and 40°C. The Thermal subsystem shall support the Science subsystem The Thermal subsystem shall support the Structures/Mechanisms subsystem Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

74 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Thermal Requirements The spacecraft shall meet the thermal design requirements listed in 6.4 of the ICU User’s Guide The Thermal subsystem shall be less than 0.4 kg of mass on the main satellite and 0.1 kg of mass on the tip-mass The Thermal subsystem shall operate with less than 1.0 Watts of power during the lit portions of the orbits and 0.2 Watts during eclipse The Thermal subsystem shall operate on 5V and/or 12V lines All Thermal subsystem components shall comply with NASA’s safety requirements Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

75 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix B Systems Charts

76 Deployable Power Profile
Back to Index Detumble Mode Colorado Space Grant Consortium

77 Deployable Power Profile
Tip-Mass Deployment Mode Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

78 Deployable Power Profile
Back to Index Quick Deployment Case Colorado Space Grant Consortium

79 DINO Power Consumption During a Regular Cycle
Eclipse Begins NOTE: Plot begins and ends as DINO exits eclipse Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

80 DINO Available Power Over 1 Year
Total Wattage Produced by Solar Panels for 4 Sun Positions in ISS Orbit Nominal max. Power Consumed Power Output, Watts Time, Minutes Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

81 Electrical Power System Block Diagram
COMM SCIENCE GSE HOP SW Cam 1 Battery 15V Radio 2 Cam 2 Prim SA Radio 1 Imaging Back SA Wireless TNC C&DH STRUCTURES HOP ADCS RS-232 I/O Sun Sen. EMC 1 EPS Control Card 5V TR 1 EMC 2 5V TR 2 EMC 3 28V TR 3 EMC 4 12V Mag. Boom Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

82 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Power Budget Allocation (%) Budget (W-hr) Subsystems ADCS 11 1.0 C&DH 25 2.3 Comm 16 1.5 Power/Power Losses 22 2.0 Science 0.0 Software Solar Panels Str/Mech Thermal 1 0.1 Cabling Total  75% 7 W-hr Margin  25% 1.8 W-hr 100% 8.8 W-hr Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

83 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Power Budget Allocation (%) Budget (W-hr) Subsystems ADCS 0.0 C&DH 31 3.3 Comm 9 1.0 Power/Power Losses 34 3.6 Science Software Solar Panels Str/Mech Thermal 1 0.1 Cabling Total  75% 8 W-hr Margin  25% 2 W-hr 100% 10 W-hr Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

84 Overall Mission Timeline
Normal Science Operations DINO Deployment Mission Activation Tether Deployment FITS Deployment Aerofin Deployment ICU Deployment Launch Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

85 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Launch Phase ICU Separation ICU Deployment from Orbiter System Check Launch DINO Deployment Mission Activation Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

86 Mission Activation Phase
Power System Activated Flight Computer Power Up Comm, Thermal, ADCS Power Up Mission Activation Phase Flight System Power up System Health Check Comm Initialization Beacon Transmission Ground Communication Back to Index Mission Activation ADCS Activation Communication Deployment Phase Power Up Sunlit Eclipse Colorado Space Grant Consortium Orbit

87 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Deployment Phase Tether System Health Check Attitude Stabilization Check Tip-Mass Power Up Tip-Mass Health Check Ground Communication Tether Deployment Tether System Health Check Tether Image Acquisition and Downlink Tip-Mass Power Down Ground Communication Back to Index Tether Deployment ADCS Stabilization Sunlit Eclipse Colorado Space Grant Consortium Orbit

88 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Tip-Mass Image Acquisition Deployment Phase Attitude Stabilization Check Tip-Mass Power Up Tip-Mass Health Check Ground Communication FITS Deployment Tip-Mass Image Downlink Tip-Mass Power Down Flight System Health Check Ground Communication Back to Index FITS Deployment Solar Array Activation Sunlit Eclipse Colorado Space Grant Consortium Orbit

89 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Tip-Mass Image Acquisition Deployment Phase Attitude Stabilization Check Tip-Mass Power Up Tip-Mass Health Check Ground Communication EMC Hinge Deployment Tip-Mass Image Downlink Tip-Mass Power Down Flight System Health Check Ground Communication Back to Index Aerofin Deployment Sunlit Eclipse Colorado Space Grant Consortium Orbit

90 Science Operations Phase
Attitude Stabilization Ground Communication Flight System Health Check Science Image Acquisition Battery Charging Back to Index Normal Operations Sunlit Eclipse Colorado Space Grant Consortium Orbit

91 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix C Management and Outreach

92 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
DINO Outreach The Space Grant Outreach Team will develop K-12 modules based on concepts from the DINO mission. The first module ready for prototyping will be done in early Fall 2003. A 5th grade DINO module will be prototyped at Spangler Elementary in Longmont, Colorado with students in the Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program in Fall 2003. Modules will continue to be created and prototyped with MESA students throughout the remainder to 2003 and 2004. The goal is for a complete K-6 curriculum by early 2005. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

93 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
DINO Outreach What is a Module? A module is an inquiry based, hands-on activity designed to enhance teacher’s lesson plans and student’s comprehension. Focus of DINO modules: 1) Satellites as a medium for communication, exploration, and research. 2) Engineering as an important profession that requires team work, critical thinking skills, and problem solving capabilities. 3) Space science in relation to DINO. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

94 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Schedule Colorado Space Grant Consortium

95 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Organization Chart Staff Dave Beckwith Elaine Hansen Chris Koehler Steve Wichman Project Management and Control Jen Michels (L) Jeff Parker Systems Engineering Jeff Parker (L) Anthony Lowrey ADCS Steve Stankevich (L) Jeff Parker C&DH Mike Li (L) Yosef Alyosef COMM Zach Allen (L) Hosam Gusim MOPS Steve Stankevich (L) Power Mike Wong (L) Kevin McWilliams Science Jessica Pipis (L) Anders Fornberg Mike Wong Software Cory Maccarrone Cameron Hatcher Nick Pulaski Structures Tim Shilling (L) Anthony Lowrey Jen Getz Terry Song Thermal Josh Stamps (L) Robin Hegedus Ball (I) Colorado Space Grant Consortium

96 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Contingency Plans Risk Level Responsible Party Contingency Plan FITS delivery failure High Systems Team Increase efficiency of body-mounted cells; double-deployment of aerofins EMC hinge / aero-fin delivery Med Eliminate aerofins Body-mounted solar panel delivery Power Purchase through / provided by other vendor Power system delivery Implement in-house design of power system Tether deployment failure Str/Mech Use magnetic torque rods as primary ADCS control FITS deployment failure Go into low-power mission mode Tether stability, orientation failure ADCS Go into failed-stability mission mode; cut tether Colorado Space Grant Consortium

97 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix D Subsystem Block Diagrams

98 Hardware Flow Diagram ADCS Electronics Magnetometer Rate Gyro(s)
12V and 5V supply to board ADCS Electronics Magnetometer Honeywell HMC2003 w/ 40μG resolution (3) 0-5V analog I2C data X Analog Inputs A/D Conversions Torquer Analog Outputs D/A Conversions Rate Gyro(s) 3 single-axis gyros +5V 6mA (3) 0-5V analog I2C or I/O lines Sun Sensors Possible donation by Ithaco 12 single axis Flight Computer Controller Likely a P-D or LQR Output cmds to turn rods on/off and current direction Possibly use multiple voltage levels requiring a D/A Converter Att. Det. IGRF Magnetic Model Orbit Propagator Compare Expected And actual B Fields Damp rates Torque Rods (3) 3/4’’ x max 150mA nominal 0-300mA Power Standard Commands Back to Index ADCS software running at 1 – 10 Hz Colorado Space Grant Consortium

99 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
System Block Diagram Back to Index FLIGHT COMPUTER (5V, 1A) General Purpose I/O Pins USB RESET SMC1 SMC2 I2C PCMCIA TIP-MASS RS232 Serial RS232 DRIVER (5V, 7mA) SCIENCE USB Interface 802.11b (5V, 1A) CPLD CPLD (5V, 150mA) MULTIPLEXER (5V) CPLD: Manual Resetting device (watchdog) THERMAL THERMAL INTERFACE INTERFACE BOARD Multiple Wires Wireless ADCS TNC RADIO EPS Colorado Space Grant Consortium COMM

100 Subsystem Block Diagram
All Data lines use RS-232 Serial Transmitter operates at 12 V when active, 5 V idle. Receiver operates at 5 V. External TNC: 12 V line, allows 9,600 bps link to ground. Internal TNC proven to be reliable at 1,200 bps. Antenna 5 V line voltage 90 mA 450 mW (constant) Transmitter Kenwood TH-D7 12 V line voltage (5 V when idle) 1.4 A 16.8 W transmitting (450 mW idle) Receiver Kenwood TH-D7 RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (during setup only) Internal TNC Internal TNC Legend External Terminal Node Controller (TNC) Power Line Data Line RS-232 Serial 9,600 bps (constant) 12 V line voltage 400 mA, 4.8 W (constant) Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

101 Electrical Power System Control Card Block Diagram
SA Interface FITS Body Mount Charge Control & Monitoring PMAD 5V Reg +/- 12V Reg 28V Reg Subsystem Interface Battery C&DH (RS-232) Cmd/Monitor line Power line Provides SA switch interface Provide charge control/Monitor Provides C&DH RS232 interface Provides secondary Power 5V +/-12V 28V Provides 16 load switches to the spacecraft EPS Control Card Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

102 Flow Charts – FSW Uplink
Back to Index ADCS SCI SWM POWER SCL RTE CMDBLK------ BPGEN/COMM Route_cmd I2C_mgr serialmgr usbmgr pcmcia/ 802mgr MCMD CMDIN IOBLK------ SCL DB = H/W Interface Colorado Space Grant Consortium

103 MOPS Flow Diagram Orbit Event Timeline Mission Planning Sequencing
Users Command and Control Science Product Generation ADCS Analysis Data Process and Storage Dist. Users Data Dist. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

104 MOPS Flow Diagram commands Raw Data Sequence Execution
Sequence Adjustment Command and Control S/C Subsystems Data Processing Fault Handling and Response Raw Data Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

105 Flow Charts – FSW Downlink
Back to Index ADCS I2C_mgr serialmgr usbmgr pcmcia/ 802mgr BPGEN/COMM TMOUT Return_reply IOBLK------ CMDBLK------ SCI MCMD SWM POWER SCL DB SCL RTE = H/W Interface Colorado Space Grant Consortium

106 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Flow Charts - SCL RTE FSW S/C Model Rules Scripts Outgoing data Incoming data CMDIN TMOUT database Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

107 Flow Charts – VMOCC Uplink
Back to Index Immediate Cmds Scheduled Cmds MySQL Web browser Events Cmds Pkts SCL RTE TMOUT STK Schedules Disk/ Files Schedules = H/W Interface Colorado Space Grant Consortium

108 Flow Charts – VMOCC Dowlink
Sci data H&S (All) Sensor data Web browser MySQL Pkts SCL RTE Orbit data CMDIN STK H&S (ADCS) Pictures = H/W Interface Disk/ Files Sci data (pictures) Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

109 General Layout of Tip Mass
5 V COMM Main Satellite Flight Computer 802.11b RS-232 Power Imaging-FPGA On Trigger RS-232 5 V Serial Camera Sep Switch Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

110 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix E Test Plans

111 Integration and Test Plan
Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

112 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADCS – Test Plan Control algorithm may be tested with an external power supply to electronics board, software running on a linux PC, and mock sensor inputs. Attitude determination algorithm may also be tested with linux PC and mock sensor inputs. Actual output from actuators can be measured and compared to simulations using the same mock sensor inputs. Complete testing after s/c integration is more complicated because the torque rods will not rotate the s/c in a gravity environment. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

113 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
C&DH – Test Plans ADC testing requires accompanying software. All other interface board functionality can be confirmed with logic analyzer and multimeters. Testing occurs through the Ethernet port. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

114 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
COMM – Test Plan Set up ground station in flight configuration Setup spacecraft in flight configuration (deploy antennas if necessary) Transfer files to and from spacecraft CDH system Measure throughput Adjust link as necessary Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

115 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
EPS – Test Plan Battery to be certified by either Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (BATC) or cell vendor Circuitry developed by sub-contractor Thermal-vacuum and vibration testing will be carried out by CSGC students using BATC facilities GSE developed by CSGC Verify system inhibits Verify voltage min/max Provide SA simulation Verify battery charge monitors Verify commands/monitors Perform step load testing Monitor temperatures Environmental testing Interface with monitor Exercise all inputs,outputs, and logic operations of EPS Back to Index Credit: NASA/JPL Colorado Space Grant Consortium

116 FITS Release System – Test Plan
Gravity Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

117 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Aerofins – Test Plan CTD Hinge Aerofin Structure Structure Air table Sled Sled Air table Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

118 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Software – Test Plan Test Harness for each component A suite of tests All possible input values and test for the right output Minimum and maximum inputs Day-in-the-Life (i.e. typical) outputs Typically a hardware test platform with software support Test Plan for each command Typically a software test platform with hardware support Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

119 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Structures – Test Plan FEA (Finite Element Analysis) Based on CAPE requirements Guidance provided in UN-SPEC-12311, Stress Analysis Guidelines. Envelope Verification Mass Properties Sine Sweep Test Hz at .25g Verified through modal surveys and sine sweep vibration Conducted before and after sine burst and random vibe tests Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

120 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Tip Mass – Test Plan COMM Transmit and receive from both FPGA and flight computer Structures Correct center of mass Most testing will be taken from main satellite Science Image quality for objects at 20 meter Proper communications with FPGA Power All system power test to ensure 2 hour operation Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

121 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix F Attitude and Determination Control System

122 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Magnetometer Honeywell HMC2003 12V mass < 100g -40 to 85 C operating temp. 40 μGauss Resolution $200 3 Analog Outputs (Bx, By, Bz) Set/Reset Capabilities Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

123 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Rate Gyros Analog Devices ADXRS150 Single axis rate gyros provide the rotational rate of the s/c about the output axis Microchip operating at 5V and 6mA. Single analog output -40 to 85°C operating temp $33 each Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

124 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Gravity Gradient Gravity gradient provides a restoring torque when a disturbance torque causes a movement from local vertical. The torque produced is dependent upon the s/c moments of inertia. This shall be a design concern for placement of s/c components. Maximum disturbance torque is Aerodynamic Drag Daytime during Solar max τDrag = 5.56 x 10-5 Nm Solar Radiation Pressure 4.37 x 10-6 Nm Magnetic disturbance torques are not considered as disturbances because active magnetic control will be utilized. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

125 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Magnetic Torque Rods Ferrite Material wound with wire Produces a dipole moment that interacts with Earth’s magnetic field. Will be designed in-house (unless donated) Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

126 Torque Rod Optimization
Design Common ferrite material 33 with μ=800 24 Gauge Wire 3-10 Wrappings 7”-10” long 1/2” - 3/4” diameter 0.2 – 0.4 kg each Max Power: 1.5 W each (300 mA) 0.75 W Dissipation each Complete manufacture under $100 each After detumbling normal use should not exceed 150mA The bigger the better Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

127 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
ADC Electronics Board To Torque Rods 1,2 and 3 Mag Sensor Rate Gyros Resistor Bank Multiplexer Analog Resistor Bank Multiplexer I/O from FC A/D Converter A/D Converter Resistor Bank Multiplexer To Flight Computer I2C data Back to Index 5V from Power GND 12V from Power Colorado Space Grant Consortium

128 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix G Command and Data Handling

129 Power Consumption (Watts)
Part Power Consumption (Watts) Flight Computer 3 Wireless Interface Miscellaneous Interfaces 1(max) Total 7(max) Colorado Space Grant Consortium Back to Index

130 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
RPX Lite SDRAM: 64M FLASH: 16M NVRAM: 128K Real-Time Clock Interfaces: USB RS-232 Serial PCMCIA Ethernet: 10BaseT SPI, I2C … Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

131 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
USB Interface Vcc Select +5V GND Camera0 D+ D+ D- MUX D- +5V GND Camera1 D+ D- Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

132 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Thermal Interface Flight Computer Sensor select for temperature reading Digital Temp. readings select ADC Temp. Sensor Sensors in different parts of DINO MUX 10k +5V Temp. Sensor Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

133 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix H Communications System

134 Illustration of Patch Design
~25 cm Metal Patch ~10 cm 436 MHz coax feed Dielectric Substrate r = 37 ± 1 145 MHz coax feed Mount on Nadir Plate Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

135 Analysis: Power Requirements
Daytime Operation Receiver: 0.45 W (5 V, 90 mA) always. TNC: 4.8 W (12 V, 400 mA) always. Transmitter: 16.8 W (12 V, 1.4 A) for approx. 2 minutes, otherwise same as Receiver (0.45 W). Nighttime Operation Transmitter: 16.8 W (12 V, 1.4 A) for approx. 4 seconds, otherwise same as Receiver (0.45 W). Safe Mode Same as nighttime. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

136 Analysis: Calculating Transmission Time
We need to find the transmission time in order to find the exact power requirements over the course of one day. Time needed to send one packet: 10 bits/byte * 256 bytes/packet  1200 bits/sec = sec/packet Total transmission time (assuming 25 kB per pass during daytime): 2.133 sec/packet * 25 kB/pass  256 bytes/packet = sec/pass = ~ 3.5 minutes (absolute minimum) May be approx. twice the minimum (resending, errors, etc.) This is a realizable amount of time. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

137 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Analysis: Link Budget Link Budget Form courtesy of Dr. Stephen Horan, New Mexico State University. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

138 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Link Budget (cont.) Margins for different slant angles 5 deg: 6.4 dB 12.5 deg: 9.1 dB 15 deg: 10.1 dB Diagram Reference: Vincent L. Pisacane and Robert C. Moore, Eds., Fundamentals of Space Systems. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

139 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix I Electrical Power System

140 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Switch List Function Number of Switches Amps Volts ADCS 3 0.500 5 COMM RX 1 1.500 12 Thermal 3 (TBD) (TBD) Cam-1 0.200 Cam-2 HOPS 0.643 28 Memory Hinges 4 0.357 Patch Antenna COMM TX 0.100 Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

141 FITS System - Deployed 0.439 m 0.439 m 1.257 m 1.636 m Deployed driving requirements - Power - 13 Vdc and 60 Deployed Solar Array 1.10 m2 / Wing Fold Integrated Thin Film Stiffener (FITS) Stainless Steel CIGS Array 85 Watts BOL - AMO Deployed Solar Array Meets All Requirements Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

142 Inhibits Layout Diagram
Back to Index EPS Board Main EPS uses separation switches from ICU to trigger system start-up Connect to two FETs on the high leg of the battery, one on the ground leg Method to get power into EPS with un-charged battery is via a dedicated SA string Solar Array (SA) string switches will act as SA inhibits Subsystem load switches will act as spacecraft load inhibits Colorado Space Grant Consortium

143 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Battery Schematic Lithium-Polymer cells Prismatic design 4 A-hr capacity 4 cells in series 4 flight temp monitors 4 GSE temp monitors Cell voltage to GSE Battery voltage to flight Battery Back to Index Credit: Valence Electronics Colorado Space Grant Consortium

144 Solar Array CIGS Cell Interconnects
5 Bonded CIGS PV on Stainless Steel Substrate Etched Structural Bond Area Electrically Conductive Adhesive High Strength Space Qualified Dielectric Adhesive Masked Electrical Bond Area Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

145 Blanket Configuration
X 1 Cells Y (8 Cells) String 6 Modules interconnected by MSI using reinforced Kapton tape to form a string of 48 cells. 2 strings per solar array wing. Array-Wing 2 Strings mechanically joined by MSI using reinforced Kapton to form a wing – m2 Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

146 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix J Mechanisms

147 Drag-along vs. Leave Behind
Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

148 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Tether Low-density polyethylene tape Along length are three strands of inch thick Spectra® 1000 Used for rip-stop protection, not load-bearing 0.005 inch by 1 inch cross-section Linear Density = kg/m Young’s Modulus = x 1010 N/m2 Flown on Advanced Tether Experiment (ATEx) mission Tether Material Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

149 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Braking System Back to Index Uses friction to dissipate deployment energy Brakes tip-mass in last 3 ft. of deployment Materials Wheel – Anodized Al Brake Shoe – Delrin AF Ediss = 8.22 in-lb Ff =.2284 lb Tether Wheel Brake shoe Colorado Space Grant Consortium

150 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Aerofins Mounting Cups Cones Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

151 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Cup Cones Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

152 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Release System - HOP Pin Puller Less then 120g 50 lbs of force One HOP releases 4 Deployables Total travel of HOP release Pin: .3in Activated with 28V at 18 watts for 2 minutes, which heats up the wax inside the piston, expanding it and causing the pin puller to move HOP releases rings that attach to the release system via steel cable Simultaneous release of Aerofins Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

153 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Aerofin Release Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

154 HOP Release HOP Ring Forces (lb) Coefficent of Static Friction Coefficient of Kinetic Friction Factor of Safety Min Pull Force (lb) (initial) Min Pull Force (lb) (Final) 12 0.2 0.15 2 9.6 7.2 Total (lb) Stroke Length (in) 24 0.31 Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

155 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix K Software

156 FSW Concept of Operations
The Flight Software (FSW) will take incoming commands and perform the task requested (i.e. getting sensor readings, processing images, sending files or other calculations). A command will be posted on the Software Bus (i.e. a system of message queues) by a user or by another process. All processes listening for this particular command will pick up a copy of the command and perform the task associated with that command. If the process has to talk with a piece of hardware, it will send the appropriate hardware command to the appropriate driver. If the process expects a response before proceeding, it will wait, otherwise it will continue with its tasks. The FSW is low level code that performs the tasks it is given. When done, it will return a status to the calling function. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

157 SCL Concept of Operations
The SCL Real Time Engine (RTE) will perform the high level mission operations (i.e. decisions of which tasks to run, when to retry a task, when events are supposed to happen, etc.) SCL will ask the FSW to obtain sensor readings (Health and Status) periodically throughout the mission. This data is sent to SCL via a software bus message and stored in the database. As sensors change in the database, rules will watch the values and act appropriately. If a schedule of events is provided by Mission Operators, this schedule is carried out at the prescribed times. If an event is scheduled to occur and SCL decides that there are insufficient resources to perform this task (i.e. not enough power, not enough daylight, hardware not available, etc.), SCL will choose a new time to perform this task based upon built in heuristic methods. If a science event indicates that a follow-up event should happen, this unscheduled opportunity will be acted upon within SCL. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

158 VMOCC Concept of Operations
VMOCC is a product already developed for use on two other satellite systems. It is a group of software products that is used to get data to and from the spacecraft. The software was designed to satisfy future missions such as DINO. Commands are received from users worldwide via a webpage. Commands are concatenated into a schedule. The schedule is sent to the spacecraft via the most appropriate ground station. Telemetry from the spacecraft is received via a trusted or public ground site. The telemetry requested from the spacecraft is forwarded back to the user via a webpage. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

159 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Detailed Review (FSW) ProcessTask (FSW base class) Receives cmd within the CMDBLK from route_cmd. Initial processing drops into the Process_Cmd function. Responses are sent to and received from hardware through IOBLK. Processing a response from hardware is handled though Process_Reply Returning a status for each command is through Process_Reply. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

160 Detailed Review (FSW cont)
Hardware I/O managers (i.e. serialmgr, I2Cmgr, usbmgr, pcmciamgr, 802mgr) All hardware I/O managers inherit a base IOMGR class Data passed to hardware through odata Data passed from hardware through idata Wireless devices will have to inherit pcmciamgr Hardware I/O managers implement the driver specific for their hardware Protocol for talking to hardware could be uni-directional or bi-directional. Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

161 Detailed Review (FSW cont)
Communication protocol TCP/IP based Satellite will have an IP address Satellite will have password/firewall security Use standard telnet and ftp daemons A broken FTP upload or download can be resumed on next pass Standard UDP broadcasts (H&S) can be received by any computer with a radio Use built-in socket connections for SCL Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

162 Detailed Review (FSW cont)
Science analysis - Cloud height algorithm Find common points on two images One is a height reference One is a rotation reference Triangulate the pixel changes Notify SCL if we image a significant cloud formation Science analysis - Topo map algorithm Cloud heights taken on grid points are combined into file Interpolation between points may be possible Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

163 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Detailed Review (SCL) SCL (Overview) A command comes in via a socket The RTE decides what to do with it: immediate command, run a script, run a FSW command The SCL model contains: Scripts to execute mission objectives Rules to fix problems The database contains records that hold sensor and derived information Telemetry is gathered from the database and sent to the ground Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

164 Detailed Review (SCL cont)
SCL model (DINO model needed) Scripts to execute mission objectives The ICD from each subsystem will enable us to create scripts to run their components Software needs commands, parameter, and timing information Rules to fix problems The System Team will tell us what can be done if a sensor goes out of limits Database definition Each sensors from every subsystem will have an entry Each value we want to calculate (derive) will have an entry Each piece of hardware will have a field to store operational status Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

165 Detailed Review (VMOCC)
VMOCC (overview) Get commands from users worldwide Deliver archived data (if it satisfies request) Create a schedule for the satellite Automatically initialize a radio (anywhere in the world) and send the command Accept telemetry from any radio in the world and integrate into VMOCC model Deliver requested data back to users Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

166 Detailed Review (VMOCC cont)
VMOCC (changes needed) Use TCP/IP protocol similar to CX (but without PPP) Ground database (MySQL) needed for telemetry being sent Ground SCL model (i.e. ground scripts and ground rules) to alert mission operators of problems STK model needed to get communication opportunities, science data, and an attitude visualization Web interface (i.e. webpage) needed for commanding and receiving data Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

167 Software Data Mang. and Testing
Data Management and Testing CVS for version control (i.e. code identification) archive code - protects against losing capabilities allows multiple users CVS will tag a baseline Release the release will always be available to anyone authorized to use it programmers can directly go from one release to work on another testers can go back to previous release to verify capabilities still exist Testers job to account and audit what goes into a Release Regression test all capabilities prior to each Release Tester's sign-off sheet to document functionality of each capability list all modules that need to be included All tests to be completed and satisfactory prior to each Release release if not, decide on de-scope or delay options per Release all documentation to be on-line CVS to control access to files under CM  Colorado Space Grant Consortium

168 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix L Structures

169 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Main Structure Mass: 5.54kg Height:12.5in Diameter: 17.76in Material: Al 6061 Similar design to Three Corner Satellite Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

170 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Nadir and Zenith Plate Iso-Grid Design Mounting plate for Lightband systems Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

171 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Side Panels Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

172 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Camera Box Pieces Outer Box -Holds camera at 30 deg angle -Allows access to USB port and power supply -Protects circuit board -Dimensions: 1.50 in. X 4.07 in. - 1/8 in. thick walls Camera Bracket -Secures camera in box -Supports circuit board Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

173 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Camera Box Pieces Con. Mounting Plate -Adapts to mounting holes in structure -Secures to Outer Box -Allows for camera lens to look out of the box Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

174 Complete Camera Box Complete Assembly Encloses camera
Mounts to earth facing plate Holds camera at 30deg angle Manufacturing done as a short component Full assembly of camera box Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

175 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix M Tip Mass

176 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
TM-EPS Block Diagram 3.7V, 4A-hr Li-MP Cell Sep Sw. #1 Sep Sw. #2 Inhib 1 Inhib 2 5V DC/DC Converter Sub- Systems Photosensor On/off sw. Inhib 3 Ground System lines Inhibit lines Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

177 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
Features - WISER 2400 Operates In the ISM band (2.4GHz – 2.495GHz), no FCC license required No driver on the host device is required for radio operation Radio operation is independent of the operating system on the host equipment or device as long as a RS232 port is properly supported Industry standard IEEE b-compliant wireless interface; Interoperable Client radios from other vendors ( in our case a Wireless LAN card) Plug and play device; Once configured using a utility software, the configuration settings and other information is stored in non-volatile memory Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

178 Specifications-WISER 2400
Frequency: ISM band (2.4GHz – 2.495GHz) Link Distance: ~1200 ft in open space Voltage, current: 5v, max 480mA (in transmit mode) Data rate: Capable of supporting up to 115K baud (possible limitation on the digital camera side to transmit data) Weight : 3.7ounces:the radio with case,1.7 ounces is the weight of the case Antenna type: Integrated dipole antenna (omnidirectional) with ~2dBi gain Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

179 Power Safety and Operations
Two-fault tolerant battery inhibit system No shunt diodes Battery case must contain any leaks and prevent shorts in the battery Fuse must be provided on ground leg of battery System will be un-powered until TM separation from DINO Must be able to launch with a charged battery If Ball cannot help, will have to use a multi-cell NiCd system Need shunt diodes on ea. cell All cell vents must be oriented upward during launch Operations System will switch on and off via a photo-sensor C&DH will turn the system back off if no images are to be taken on a given orbit Inhibit switches open until the tether is deployed Separation switches detect tether deploy Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

180 Trade Study of Tip-Mass Camera
Fuji MX-1200 Samsung 800K Kodak DC3200 Price $ (Refurbished) $143 (New) $ (New) Connection RS-232 Power 5V DC Port Dimension 4.3 x 3 x 1.3 3.3 x 3.1 x 1.25 4.45 x 3.1 x 2.1 Weight 200 grams 190 grams 215 grams Memory 4 MB SM Card 2 MB SM Card 2 MB(internal) Shutter Speed ½ to 1/750 sec ½ to 1/1000 sec ¼ to 1/500 sec Colorado Space Grant Consortium Back to Index

181 General Statistics Table
Component Mass (± x) Box Size Power Needed Current Draw Duty Cycles Comm Unit TBD 5 Volts 497mA – TX TBDmA – RX 100% Camera 68 g 1.625” x 1.8” x 5” ~150mA 50% Batteries g 1.25” x 4.25” x 4.25” 0 volts N/A Power Conditioning Equipment 80g 2” x 2” x 0.5” 3.7 Volts 100mA Tether Unit 1.01 kg 3.5” x 4.0” x 4.0” TOTAL 5.0 kg 3.9” x 9.0” x 9.0” 4 Amp hours Colorado Space Grant Consortium Back to Index

182 Deployment and Intelligent Nanosat Operations
Appendix N Thermal

183 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
THERMISTORS Power 9 (4 for GSE) Structures 5 Science 3 ADCS 4 C&DH 2 Comm Tip-mass Where are we going to put them? They will be put on sensitive parts of the satellite How many do we need? We’ll need about 27 Could change depending on placement of items and if items are added Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

184 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
THERMISTORS What will we use? Probably Getting it from BCcomponents Between 10K ohm and 100K ohm High resistance to draw less current Temperature range of -40 to 125 oC Fits within required temperature range Costs between $0.50 and $1.50 each Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

185 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
PHYSICAL MODEL The first step in our model is establishing and defining nodes: Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

186 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
MODELING SUPVIEW Each of the nodes are defined by corners which are described with respect to a reference point currently selected as the absolute middle of the DINO satellite This is then processed by a program called SUPVIEW provided by Bob Pulley at Ball Aerospace. By the end of the modeling process this model will be run for both the inside and the outside of the satellite and each of the compartments it contains Our error is generally about 10^ -6 Nodes and Corners SUPVIEW Fluxes View Factors Nodal Dimensions Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

187 MODELING ASSUMPTIONS: FINDB6 Orbit Starting Day (Spring Solstice)
Orbit Ending Day (1 year later) Universal time of launch (3600 Seconds) Altitude (350 km) Inclination (0-51) Period (1.525 hours) ASSUMPTIONS: FINDB6 This program simulates its orbit in efforts to establish how much energy each node is exposed to due to: SUN, EARTH IR, EARTH ALBEDO This is where the coldest and hottest cases are established with respect to Inclination range. FINDB6 INCIDENT ANGLES FROM SUN AND EARTH Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

Knowing incident angles of sun and earth on the satellite we can then estimate the amount of energy hitting each surface This is where we establish two separate models for the absolute hottest and coldest orbits our satellite can be a part of, which is based on beta angles Turns out the hottest case possible is actually a fully sunlit orbit, while the coldest is the case where the satellite spends most of its orbit behind the earth. ASSUMPTIONS: Solar and Earthshine Constants Beta angles Orbital Positions of Interest SUPVIEW, FINDB6 outputs ALBEDO Energy Fluxes per node per orbital position Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

189 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
MODELING REFLECT Knowing how much energy each node is exposed to, it is essential to determine how much of this energy is absorbed and how much is emitted out of the material. Node by node energy Emmited and absorbed FINDB6 Energy Emmitted Energy Absorbed Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

190 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
MODELING TAK III This is the final program that will predict temperatures for each node at any time during the orbit All information from previous programs are interfaced here into one model Node to Node conductance values are calculated based on heat capacity and dimensions of each material represented by nodes The internal model is combined with the external model however there are still two separate models for the hot and cold cases Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

191 Colorado Space Grant Consortium
PRELIMINARY RESUTLS NODES MIN MAX Top Side -76 C 20 C Bottom Side Earth Face -80 C Sun Face Leading Edge -77 C Airfoils (outside) Airfoils (inside) Trailing Edge NODAL TEMP. RANGES FOR HOT CASE With information presented today an internal model will be created which will give more accurate values and we’ll see that these ranges will change significantly Back to Index Colorado Space Grant Consortium

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