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The INDEHELA network: An example of eHealth Research and Educational Capacity Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Lyn Hanmer South African Medical Research.

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Presentation on theme: "The INDEHELA network: An example of eHealth Research and Educational Capacity Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Lyn Hanmer South African Medical Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 The INDEHELA network: An example of eHealth Research and Educational Capacity Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Lyn Hanmer South African Medical Research Council Medinfo 2013 eHealth Research and Educational Capacity in Sub-Saharan Africa 22 August 2013 1

2 INDEHELA description Two current INDEHELA projects One current INDEHELA partner INDEHELA as an example of effective collaboration in eHealth capacity development. Presentation on behalf of current active participants in INDEHELA Multiple authors as indicated in the slides. 22 August 2013Medinfo 20132

3 INDEHELA description Informatics Development for Health in Africa a long-term initiative (roots before 1990) aims to strengthen the capacity of the participating African higher education institutions to contribute to the socio-economic and human development in their countries, particularly in the scientific field of Health Informatics (HI) and the practice of e-health. … by means of international collaboration. 4.5.20123Mikko Korpela

4 Current INDEHELA projects – 1 INDEHELA-ICI INDEHELA-ICI: Institutional Collaboration Instrument for Informatics Development for Health in Africa Focuses on developing the capacities of three African HEIs in Health Informatics and e-health education in three areas: 1.Staff development 2.Educational capacity development 3.Administrative capacity development. Partners: Finland: UEF and Savonia; Africa: OAU, UEM, CPUT Expected timeframe: 3-5 years (two funding periods) First funding period: 18 months (till end of 2012) Mikko Korpela4

5 Partners 2 Continents 4 Countries – 6 Universities Finland University of Eastern Finland Savonia University of Applied Sciences South Africa Cape Peninsula University of Technology (IT Department) University of Western Cape (School of Nursing) Mozambique Eduardo Mondlane University Nigeria Obafemi Awolowo University 5

6 Resource Persons (main) University of Eastern Finland Prof Mikko KORPELA Prof Kaija SARANTO (Health) Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Kuopio Dr Pirkko KOURI (Nursing) Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria \ Prof Hettie Abimbola SORIYAN (Information Systems) Prof Omolola Oladunni IRINOYE (Nursing) Eduardo Mondlane University, Maputo, Mozambique Prof Emilio MOSSE (Computer Sciences) Prof Gertrudes MACUEVE (Computer Sciences) Dr Humberto MUQUINGUE (Public Health) Dr Joao Carlos MAVIMBE (Public Health) Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town, South Africa Prof Retha de la HARPE (IT) Prof Bennett ALEXANDER (IT) University of Western Cape Prof Yinka ADEJUMO (Nursing) 6

7 INDEHELA-ICI project, cont. Expected results by end of 2012 (first funding phase): Academic staff development: 6-10 junior and 3-5 senior academic staff have been identified Each junior member with a feasible postgraduate degree plan / proposal Supervisors appointed, African-Finnish co-supervision / mentoring groups Educational capacity development: Each African partner HEI has the curriculum and a timed plan for implementing its Masters and/or certificate programme First modules have been designed, the teaching / learning methods set, and at least one pilot module implemented in each African partner HEI Administrative capacity development: Project Coordinator / Project Officer / Administrator with good organizing skills has been identified and employed in each African partner HEI Legal and financial project administration practices created within each HEI and at the international level Personal development plans approved for each project officer Mikko Korpela7

8 INDEHELA-ICI project, cont. 4.5.2012 Mikko Korpela 8

9 South-South, North-South and South-North Collaboration: Health Informatics Capacity Development through South-South, North-South and South-North Collaboration: Health Informatics Qualifications Retha de la Harpe, Ass Prof, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa Mikko Korpela, DTech, Docent Research Director, UEF, School of Computing, HIS R&D, Kuopio, Finland Adjunct Prof, CPUT, Dept of IT, Cape Town, South Africa Honorary Prof, NMMU, School of IT, Port Elizabeth, South Africa The Role of Higher Education in Capacity Building in Developing Countries HISA Conference, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 3 July 2013

10 Rationale for Health Informatics Fundamentals Stand alone module to introduce Health Informatics It is aimed at persons who already have a basic qualification It does not assume any discipline specific prior knowledge It exposes the person to the main knowledge areas that represent health informatics It provides a basis for further specialisation in one or more knowledge areas It can be used for Continuous Professional Development It is possible to take specific topics and incorporate these into other modules 3 July 2013HISA 201310

11 Expected Learning Outcomes At the end of this subject the student should have the basic knowledge and skills in ICT as it is needed and used in medicine and healthcare to be prepared for a career in Health Informatics in academic, healthcare, government or industrial settings. The specific outcomes to achieve the above are: Identify and describe the elements of the Health Informatics Field Distinguish (comprehension – confirming use of knowledge ) between the different health informatics knowledge areas Explain the relevance of informatics in healthcare service provision in both global and local contexts Indicate how ICT could facilitate healthcare service provision Describe health informatics as a profession 11

12 Health Informatics Fundamentals at CPUT Offered as a semester course in 2012 Part of the BTech degree (NQF Level 7) Content created from materials developed at the HEI-ICI workshops by the senior resource persons Different lecturers taught the different topics 20 Full time and 8 Part time students registered for it during 2012 This resulted in an increase in post graduate students doing health informatics related research 3 July 2013HISA 201312

13 Current INDEHELA projects – 2 ISD4D research project A Holistic Information Systems Development Approach for Societal Development Funding from the Academy of Finland for 4 years from Sept 2011 2 workshops per year, ZA and MZ alternating Mikko Korpela13 Community, citizens Services Skilled workers, methods Needs Relevant socio-tech info systems? Healthcare providers Care Mgment Technology providers Support Design Universities Education Research Socio-tech systems International collaboration Societal development? African country Relevant socio-tech methods?

14 The holistic ISD4D approach Mikko Korpela 14

15 The possible role of Finnish HEIs in community development in the South 23.5.2012Mikko Korpela15 Community, citizens Services Skilled workers, methods Needs Service providers Care Mgment Technology providers Support Design Universities Education Research Products and services International collaboration African country Finland Higher education institutions Engagement Direct impact Government

16 INDEHELA partner: CPUT CPUT: Isolated Limited research No supervisor No funding Cape Peninsula University of Technology - New merged institution - Vocational training SA Government Interventions Changes to landscape: Education Healthcare INDEHELA network provides opportunities to interact & collaborate with others who share the same views and values to conduct research without being prescriptive to benefit someone. 4 Countries In SA: 4 Universities + MRC + Staff & students + other faculties Benefits: It provides Context Focus Research framework Research methods Experiences Knowledge base Better funding opportunities 5 PhD’s 5 Masters Many 4 th years NRF funding Papers

17 INDEHELA as an example of effective collaboration Health Informatics and eHealth research as the basis for collaboration: Well-established and developing theoretical framework based on action research Ongoing and developing contributions to Health Informatics research. Strong focus on national capacity development: Students, teachers and supervisors, administrators. Strong focus on sustainability and mutual strengthening: Mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships North-South South-South South-North. Funding from Finnish Academy - and the South. 22 August 2013Medinfo 201317

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