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Creativity for Progress Competition 2009

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1 Creativity for Progress Competition 2009

2 About this competition THEME “Rural areas are failing to retain and attract skilled people and graduates, resulting in economic stagnation. How will you remedy this?”

3 About this competition ●Ideas for a better life for those less fortunate ●Prize money = R900 000 Sponsored by Sanlam ●Amongst Academic institutions

4 About this competition ●Excellent opportunity Student groups Faculties ●The winning concepts Practical Implementable (practical and not theoretical)

5 About this competition ●Prize money Winning facultyR150 000 Winning student groupR100 000

6 Why this competition? Sanlam is thinking ahead to find practical solutions to the socio-economic challenges facing South Africa.

7 How does it work?

8 ●Student teams in collaboration with their faculties Project or business proposal Innovative solutions aligned with the theme: “Rural areas are failing to retain and attract skilled people and graduates, resulting in economic stagnation. How will you remedy this?“ Example Knowledge industry workers (Artist, lecturers IT,etc.) Creating economy (shops, factories) and employment and attracting investors Agriculture,Police Training Colleges Artisans (electricians, plumbers, carpenters,boilermakers,mechanics) etc.

9 How does it work? ●First round Intra-Varsity Winning faculty per university (Campus Winners) Judges University and Sanlam Team ●National heats Inter-Varsity Four semi-finalists Judges Compiled by the Sanlam Group ●Final round Semi-finalists compete Winner will be determined

10 Prize money ●Total prize money for 2009 R900 000 ●Inter-faculty winners Winning student group per university:R10 000 Winning faculty or university:R10 000 ●Semi-finalists Winning student group per university:R30 000 Winning faculty or university:R50 000 ●Finalist Winning student group per university:R100 000 Winning faculty or university:R150 000

11 Expected Competing universities ●Central University of Technology ●Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University ●Rhodes University ●Stellenbosch University ●University of Cape Town ●University of Fort Hare ● University of Johannesburg ● University of KwaZulu-Natal ● University of Limpopo/North ● University of Pretoria ● University of the Free State ● University of the Western Cape ● University of Witwatersrand

12 Competition Rules

13 1.Application for entry Opens 16 March 2009 Closes 04 May 2009 2.Completed business cases must be handed in 04 September 2009 Campus coordinator 3.Intra campus adjudication round completed 25 September 2009 4.Only electronic (email) version will be accepted Microsoft format 5.Proposals to be emailed to your campus coordinator, and cc'd to: and

14 Competition Rules 6.20 minute PowerPoint presentation for: Panel of judges Both the intra (local) and inter varsity (national) adjudication rounds 7.Teams 4 -6 members 8.A weighting will be awarded for: Business proposal Presentation of the proposal to the panel 9.The business proposal Practical (not theoretical) Implementable Explained concept/idea Implementation plan with a budget Original – no old proposals will be allowed

15 Competition Rules 10.Submissions are restricted to between 3500 to 5 000 words in total (I.e. no appendices). 11.Teams should demonstrate some familiarity with the scholarly literature and avoid undue dependence on the Internet. 12.Adjudication panels will be compiled, per university Intra varsity Sanlam and University coordinator Inter varsity Sanlam Group Marketing Department.

16 Competition Rules 13.All references must be noted using the Harvard Method of referring to sources. 14.An assignment declaration form must be completed by the team and handed in as part of their business case. 15.Sanlam will not be providing any finance for research interventions or be liable for any costs running up to the final business cases. 16.In order for a university to qualify for this competition, they should have a minimum of 10 teams entering. 17.Sanlam Life shall acquire, without any obligation or liability whatsoever to any competition participant or any third party, all rights in law, including, ownership, intellectual rights and copyright in and to the business proposal/idea submitted.

17 Competition Rules ●Team entry form to be printed and faxed to: Frank Louw at (021) 957 1346.

18 Competition Rules ●Assignment declaration to be printed and faxed to: Frank Louw at (021) 957 1346.



21 Timelines ●Application for entries: Opens 16 March 2009 Closes 04 May 2009 ●Business cases handed in: By/on 04 September 2009 ●First round adjudication: To be completed by 18 September 2009 ●Announcement of campus winners: 25 September 2009 ●National-level adjudication: 09 October 2009 ●Announcement of semi-finalists: 10 October 2009 ●Final round adjudication: 20 October 2009 ●Announcement of winners End October 2009


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