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A NALYSIS : “D ULCE ET D ECORUM E ST ” Step one: Read aloud as a group Step two: Read independently and respond to comprehension questions below. Step.

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Presentation on theme: "A NALYSIS : “D ULCE ET D ECORUM E ST ” Step one: Read aloud as a group Step two: Read independently and respond to comprehension questions below. Step."— Presentation transcript:

1 A NALYSIS : “D ULCE ET D ECORUM E ST ” Step one: Read aloud as a group Step two: Read independently and respond to comprehension questions below. Step three: Interpretation and analysis. Read through again, mark an “ S ” for lines that connect to the ideas of Surrealism and a “ D ” for lines that connect to the ideas of Dada Dada = protest of war/nihilism ; Surrealism = uncovering the unconscious mind


3 M ANIFESTOS A manifesto is a document which sets forth the principles and goals of an organization. Typically, a manifesto is designed to be widely distributed to the public, and it serves as an official declaration. Often, a manifesto is political in nature, as is the case with the Communist manifesto, although a manifesto can also be employed by artists and other collective groups as a medium of communication. In many instances, a manifesto is highly revolutionary, and is designed to stimulate public dialog.Communist It is hoped that after reading a manifesto, members of the public will seek out more information about the group that wrote it, creating a growing awareness of and support for a movement.

4 C REATIVE W RITING Option A: Create your own manifesto! What ‘revolutionary’ message do you want to send to the public? How will your manifesto ‘get people going’ and start a conversation? Be bold! Option B: What was Kirchner’s dream? When studying the unconscious mind, many psychologists examine dreams The surrealist painting “Self-Portrait as a Soldier” can be interpreted as a scene from a dream Write a narrative of Kirchner’s dream in which this image was produced – what was happening in his dream?

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