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ISO/TC211 Geographic information/Geomatics
Overview of ISO Series ISO/TC211 Geographic information/Geomatics 1
The Scope of ISO/TC Standardization in the field of digital geographic information. Establish a structured set of standards for information concerning objects or phenomena that are directly or indirectly associated with a location relative to the Earth. These standards may specify, for geographic information, methods, tools and services for data management (including definition and description), acquiring, processing, analyzing, accessing, presenting and transferring such data in digital/electronic form between different users, systems and locations. The work shall link to appropriate standards for information technology and data where possible, and provide a framework for the development of sector – specific applications using geographic data.
Using geographic information to advance world sustainability
Qualified decisions need information – geographic information an important part Geographic information from various sources needs to be integrated and interoperable Geographic information needs to be discovered, used - and reused Spatial data infrastructures provides an unified approach these issues Standards are an essential and necessary part
SDIs supporting user needs
User Applications drawing on & supporting SDIs regional, multi-national, global E Government E Commerce Disaster Management Meteorology Health Monitoring Market Development and many others… national Global local Standards supporting Infrastructure & Applications
The infrastructure content
Core Data Other Thematic Data Meteorological data Cadastral Flood Zones Transportation Demographic Hydrography Landcover Government Units Biological Geodetic Control Economic Elevation Social Imagery
ISO Central Secretariat
ISO/TC 211 National body National body Liaison body National body National body Liaison body National body National body Liaison body National shadow committee
ISO/TC 211 organization Geospatial services Imagery
Chairman Olaf Østensen Secretary Bjørnhild Sæterøy Norway AG Strategy Chairman AG Outreach TMG Henry Tom, Hans Knoop Andrew Jones HMMT TF 211/204 Chris Gower John Herring WG 4 Morten Borrebæk Norway WG 6 Douglas O’Brien Canada WG 7 Antony Cooper South Africa WG 8 John Rowley UK WG 9 Hiroshi Imai Japan Geospatial services Imagery Information communities Location based services Information management 5
ISO/TC 211 disbanded working groups
Working group 1 Framework and reference model Working group 2 Geospatial data models and operators Working group Geospatial data administration Working group Profiles and functional standards
Who are we ? ...member list Active members (P-members), 28 countries
Australia Austria Belgium Canada China Czech Rep. Denmark Finland Germany Hungary Italy Japan Republic of Korea Malaysia Morocco New Zealand Norway Portugal Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Serbia and Montenegro South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom United States of America 3
Member list Observing members 30
Argentina Bahrain (corr.) Brunei Darussalam (corr.) Colombia Cuba Estonia (corr.) France Greece Hong Kong (corr.) Iceland India Isl. Rep. of Iran Ireland Jamaica Kenya Mauritius Netherlands Oman Pakistan Philippines Poland Slovakia Slovenia Tanzania Ukraine Uruguay Zimbabwe 3
External liaisons (23) CEN/TC 287, Geographic information
CEOS, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites DGIWG, Digital Geographic Information Working Group EPSG, European Petroleum Survey Group FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN FIG, International Federation of Surveyors GSDI, Global Spatial Data Infrastructure IAG, International Association of Geodesy ICA, International Cartographic Association ICAO, International Civil Aviation Organization IEEE Geo_science and Remote Sensing Society IHB, International Hydrographic Bureau ISCGM, International Steering Committee for Global Mapping ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 4
External liaisons JRC, Joint Research Centre, European Commission
OGC, Open GIS Consortium, Incorporated PC IDEA, Permanent Committee on Spatial Data Infrastructure for the Americas PCGIAP, The Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific SCAR, Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research UN Economic Commission for Europe, Statistical Division UNGEGN, United Nations Group of Experts on Geographical Names UNGIWG, United Nations Geographic Information Working Group WMO, World Meteorological Organization 4
Internal liaisons ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 2 Coded character sets
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24 Computer graphics and image processing ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 32 Data Management and Interchange ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 35 User interfaces ISO/TC 20 /SC 13 Space data and information transfer systems ISO/TC 23/SC 19 Agricultural electronics ISO/TC 46/WG 2 - Coding of country names and related entities ISO/TC 82 - Mining ISO/TC 184/SC 4 Industrial data and global manufacturing languages ISO/TC 204 Transport Information and Control Systems 4
The process NWIP AWI WD CD DIS FDIS IS -3 6 12 24 33 36
Ballot Ballot Ballot Ballot Working group/Project team NWIP AWI WD CD DIS FDIS IS New work item proposal Approved work item Working draft Committee draft Draft International Standard Final Draft International Standard International Standard -3 6 12 24 33 36 timetable in months (in theory!)
ISO Series ISO 6709:1983, Standard representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographic point locations ISO Reference model ISO – Overview - deleted ISO/TS Conceptual schema language ISO Terminology ISO Conformance and testing ISO Profiles ISO Spatial schema ISO Temporal schema ISO Rules for application schema ISO Feature cataloguing methodology
ISO 19100 Series ISO 19111 - Spatial referencing by coordinates
ISO Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO Quality principles ISO Quality evaluation procedures ISO Metadata ISO Positioning services ISO – Portrayal ISO Encoding ISO – Services ISO/TR Functional standards
ISO 19100 Series ISO/TR 19121 Imagery and gridded data
ISO/TR Qualifications and certification of personnel ISO Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO/RS Imagery and gridded data components ISO Simple feature access – Part 1-3 ISO Profiles for feature data dictionary registers and feature catalogue registers ISO Geodetic codes and parameters ISO Web Map Server Interface ISO Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO Sensor and data model for imager and gridded data
ISO 19100 Series ISO 19131 - Data product specification
ISO/RS Location based services possible standards ISO Location based services tracking and navigation ISO Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO Procedures for registration of geographic information items ISO – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO – Data quality measures ISO Metadata – Implementation specifications ISO Technical Amendment to the ISO 191** Geographic information series of standards for harmonization and enhancements ISO Schema for moving features ISO Web Feature Service ISO – Filter Encoding ISO Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data
Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
Real World Universe of Discourse defines Conceptual Conceptual formalism provides concepts Model for describing basis for one or more formally represented in Conceptual Schema Language(s) Lexical Languages Conceptual Schema is digitally represented by provides formal Graphical Languages language for representing data ISO Geographic information – Refence model
Classification of standards
Foundation standards Basic standards Tools Generic content Generic services Content standards Reference data Thematic data Services standards Implemented services global regional,national,local
A decomposition of SDI Organization Content (data) Access, technology
Education Standards
Organization and education
ISO/TR Qualifications and certification of personnel Standards Access, technology Content (data) Organization Education ISO – Reference model ISO – Terminology ISO – Conformance and testing ISO – Profiles ISO/TR – Functional standards ISO – Procedures for registration of geographic information items
Documentation Standards Access, technology Content (data) Organization
Education ISO Conceptual schema language ISO Spatial schema ISO Temporal schema ISO Rules for application schema ISO Feature cataloguing methodology ISO Spatial referencing by coordinates ISO Spatial referencing by geographic identifiers ISO Quality principles ISO Quality evaluation procedures ISO – Metadata ISO Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data ISO/TR Imagery and gridded data ISO Schema for coverage geometry and functions ISO Imagery and gridded data components ISO Profile - FACC Data Dictionary ISO Geodetic codes and parameters ISO Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework ISO Sensor and data model for imagery and gridded data ISO Data product specification ISO Generally used profiles of the spatial schema and of similar important other schemas ISO – Data quality measures Documentation Standards
Service related standards
Access and services ISO Positioning services ISO – Portrayal ISO – Encoding ISO – Services ISO Simple feature access – Common architecture ISO – SFA – SQL option ISO – SFA – COM/OLE ISO Web Map Server Interface ISO Location based services possible standards ISO Location based services tracking and navigation ISO Multimodal location based services for routing and navigation ISO – Geography Markup Language (GML) ISO Metadata – Implementation specifications Standards Standards Access, technology Content (data) Organization Education
Agreement ISO/TC 211 - OGC Why cooperation ? common objectives
similar work programmes complementary approach joining resources gives strength avoiding inconsistent standards - de jure / de facto / industrial … and more Agreement … has led to establishment of a cooperative agreement between Open GIS Consortium and ISO/TC 211, others have followed: DGIWG, IHO
OGC President David Schell:
”Our strategic relationships with other standards organizations have helped us steer the best course relative to broad technology trends, helped our OpenGIS Specifications gain acceptance, and helped other organizations fill gaps in their approaches to spatial processing. Most notably, our relationship with ISO TC/211 has evolved to become a model for cooperation between industry consortia and de jure standards organizations, setting a precedent that shapes our relationship with TC/ ”
OGC specifications = ISO 19125-3 = ISO 19125-2 = ISO 19128 = ISO 19136
Title Rev OpenGIS® Simple Features Specification for OLE/COM 1.1 OpenGIS® Simple Features Specification for CORBA 1.0 OpenGIS® Simple Features Specification for SQL OpenGIS® Catalog Services Implementation Specification 1.1.1 OpenGIS® Grid Coverages Implementation Specification OpenGIS® Coordinate Transformation Services Implementation Specification OpenGIS® Web Map Service Implementation Specification OpenGIS® Geography Markup Language (GML) Implementation Specification 3.0 OpenGIS® Web Feature Service Implementation Specification OpenGIS® Filter Encoding Implementation Specification OpenGIS® Styled Layer Descriptor Implementation Specification = ISO = ISO = ISO 19128 = ISO 19136
Example INSPIRE architectural model
User applications EC, MS, national bodies, citizens Clients Internet web-browser GIS software Management Inf. Syst. Access to transformed data, pictures, maps, reports, multi-media content Metadata search and retrieval for data and services Middleware Service chaining: search, display, access, e-commerce, …. Geo-processing Services Direct data access Catalogs Metadata update Other data e.g., administrative, statistical, env. reporting Content Repositories Servers Coverages Features Distributed Geographic reference data Data content
INSPIRE architecture and standards
User applications Clients ISO /WMS WFS, WCS, WTS ISO 19119 ISO 19125 ISO 19128 OGC Web Registry Services Middleware ISO ISO ISO ISO Dublin core ISO 23950 Catalogs ISO WFS ISO ISO 19135 Distributed Content Repositories Servers ISO ISO ISO 19108 ISO ISO ISO 19112 ISO ISO ISO 19123 ISO ISO 19109
Future challenges ... Finalize current programme
Establish registries for Terminology (already provisional) Feature catalogues Geodetic codes and parameters Develop globally standardized feature catalogues Global Map? Land Cover Classification More detailed geographic information
Future challenges ... Continue cooperation with our liaison organizations Market the results Training and education – capacity building Address new requirements
Thank you ! ISO/TC … building the foundation of the geospatial infrastructure, brick by brick ...
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