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Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 1 Informaticiens Sans Frontières (Software Without Borders) Silvano de Gennaro - CERN.

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Presentation on theme: "Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 1 Informaticiens Sans Frontières (Software Without Borders) Silvano de Gennaro - CERN."— Presentation transcript:

1 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 1 Informaticiens Sans Frontières (Software Without Borders) Silvano de Gennaro - CERN

2 2 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva Mission To adopt, recommend, develop, distribute and maintain affordable and durable standards, software solutions and packages targeted to fulfill the basic ICT needs in developing countries.

3 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 3 Goals  sustainability of ICT projects  operations cost reduction  independence from western S/W manufacturers  transfer of competence, education

4 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 4 Sustainability  Local resources must be able to evolve with technology innovations and keep the pace with new H/W and S/W trends  Local administrators must have a perfect understanding of the technology and rely upon a solid, affordable and available support system

5 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 5 Affordability  H/W cost is decreasing, S/W is increasing  Connectivity is expensive in isolated areas  Global ICT costs are not adapted to local financial resources

6 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 6 Solutions  Develop an integrated SW environment based on OSS and free of charge  Negotiate special contracts with S/W vendors  Integrate such solutions into a unique standard distribution kit for developing countries

7 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 7 Why Open Source?  Independence from proprietory software  Latest ICT trends  Multiplatform  Web services, XML, Java  Wide expertise available (shared values)  Growing “Free Software” Society

8 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 8 Why Linux?  Lower costs, improved reliability, stability, flexibility, choice  Reduced management time  Being in control of solutions and budget  Linux is maturing rapidly  Several implementations (Red Hat, SuSe, Debian)  Desktop applications available (Ximian)

9 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 9 Implementation  Linux Integrated Free Environment Kernel Remote management extensions Sys calls interface for Win/MacOS products Server applications Cybercafe’ administration package OpenOffice Teaching kits (incl. illiterate)

10 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 10 Potential partners  Linux International (LI)  Linux Professional Institute (LPI)  Free Software Foundation  Simputer  WWW Consortium (W3c)  CERN  UNV, UNITeS, UNDP etc.  IAVE, OneWorld …  …

11 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 11 Potential sponsors  Sun  IBM  Oracle  NOVELL  …

12 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 12 ISF position ISF Civil Society Civil Society UN agencies UN agencies Science Technology Institutes Science Technology Institutes Universities SW manufacturers SW manufacturers USERSUSERS Competence Solutions Support Competence Solutions Support

13 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 13 OSS world  Operating Systems GNU/Linux (Debian/GNU, RedHat, Mandrake, Slackware, SuSe, Caldera, OpenLinux, TurboLinux,…), FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeDOS,...  Protocols, Middleware, Security, Network, Tools Bind, Eddie, OpenLDAP, IPChains, NetFilter, Free S/WAN, VNC, NetSaint, MON, Webalizer, MRTG, Nessus, OmniORB, Mico, Orbit, Shaper, AOLSrver, Webmin,…

14 Silvano de Gennaro - WSIS 2003 - Geneva 14 OSS world  Servers Apache, Jigsaw, Squid, Samba, Sendmail, Exim, Qmail, Wuftpd, Proftpd, Majordomo, Sympa, Inn, Postfix,…  SQL/Database MySQL, mSQL, postgreSQL, Exodus, Triton, Yoda, Interbase,…

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