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BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting the Plans for television and sound broadcasting in the European broadcasting area, Stockholm, 1961 ST61.

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Presentation on theme: "BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting the Plans for television and sound broadcasting in the European broadcasting area, Stockholm, 1961 ST61."— Presentation transcript:

1 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting the Plans for television and sound broadcasting in the European broadcasting area, Stockholm, 1961 ST61 Plan

2 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting 5.14 The European Broadcasting Area is bounded on the west by the western boundary of Region 1, on the east by the meridian 40° East of Greenwich and on the south by the parallel 30° North so as to include the northern part of Saudi Arabia and that part of those countries bordering the Mediterranean within these limits. In addition, Iraq, Jordan and that part of the territory of Syria, Turkey and Ukraine lying outside the above limits are included in the European Broadcasting Area. However Iraq and Saudi Arabia consider themselves party to GE89. ST61 Planning Area

3 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Planning Area European Broadcasting Area

4 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Bands Band I47-68 MHz TV (+FM in some countries), not concerned by RRC04-05 BAND II87.5-100 MHz TV only (only for some countries), not concerned by RRC04-05 BAND III174-230 MHz TV BAND IV470-582 MHz TV BAND V582-862 MHz TV

5 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting Originally: 39 199 stations Today:65 160 stations Digital: 362 stations RRC04-05:63 664 stations ST61 Plan stations

6 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan

7 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan Modifications No of modifications processed per year * (* 13296 published up to now in 2003 !)

8 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting Modifications to the ST61 Plan In the bands 47-68 MHz, 87.5-100 MHz, 174-216 MHz, 470-582 MHz and 606-790 MHz Administration seeks agreement directly with neighbors. Coordination distance from Annex 1. Reminder telegram sent if no answer within 10 weeks. If no reply in 2 weeks affected admin. is considered as having given agreement. Publication in Part B and entry into Plan.

9 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting Modifications to the ST61 Plan In the bands 216-230 MHz, 582-606 MHz and 790-862 MHz Notification sent to BR Publication in Part A 12 week comment period If agreement request publication by BR Publication in Part B and entry into Plan.

10 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan Time-limits for notification and comments ST61 "Exclusive bands 47-68, 87.5-100,470-582 & 606-790 MHz" ST61 "Shared bands 216-230, 582-606 & 790-862 MHz" Action by administrations or BR No. of days Paragraph of Agreement No. of days Paragraph of Agreement Administrations notify BR of their modifications 1.3 2.1.1 BR publishes SS0 days1.40 days2.1.2 End of normal comment period NA84 days 2.1.3 (12 weeks) If there is still disagreement, BR makes studies and informs the administrations concerned 1.1.4 Administrations request publication in Part B NA 2.1.4

11 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB

12 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB

13 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan BRIFIC SS SUMMARY ON WEB

14 BR/TSD Geneva 2003 RRC-04/05 Information meeting ST61 Plan modifications 2002-2003

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