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Health, Nutrition, & Exercise

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1 Health, Nutrition, & Exercise
By: Emily, Lauren, & John

2 What is good health? Health is the condition of your physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being. Good health starts with making good choices. And good choices lead to good health habits.

3 What habits does a healthy person express?
Exercising Living Healthy Lifestyle Eating Healthy Expressing Positive Attitudes Using Preventive Healthcare

4 How much exercise should a person do to maintain health?
People should exercise at least 3-5 times a week for 30 minutes. The more exercise, the better!

5 How can unhealthy behavior be prevented?
Unhealthy behavior can be prevented by practicing the nine life skills. Assess your health. Make good decisions. Set goals. Use refusal skills. Communicated effectively. Learn to cope. Evaluate media messages. Practice wellness. Be a wise consumer.

6 What are some health risks?
Heart Disease Diabetes Obesity Sports Injuries Other Diseases

7 How can people reduce health risks?
Exercise more often. Eat healthier. Wear protective safety equipment. Go to doctor.

8 How can people exercise more often?
Join a gym. Get an exercise partner. Set aside time for exercise in daily schedule.

9 What types of food should you eat to be healthy?
To be healthy people should eat the following foods on a daily basis: 6-11 servings from bread, cereal, rice and pasta food group 3-5 servings from vegetable food group 2-4 servings of fruit 2-3 servings from milk, yogurt, and cheese group 2-3 servings from meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts food group Fats, oils, and sweets should be used sparingly. ****Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily.

10 Healthy Food Guide

11 What are some unhealthy eating habits?
Eating too much candy or sweets. Eating greasy food all the time. Eating too much fast food. Skipping meals. Eating junk food all day and not a nutritious meal.

12 What is good nutrition? Nutrition is the study of how your body uses the food you eat to keep you healthy. It affects the way your body carries out normal body functions. Nutrition affects your daily activities. Practicing good nutrition gives you the energy you need to play with your friends, study for school, and be physcially active.

13 References Google Images:

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