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Man-Sze Li IC Focus Enterprise Interoperability Research Roadmap SME aspects.

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Presentation on theme: "Man-Sze Li IC Focus Enterprise Interoperability Research Roadmap SME aspects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Man-Sze Li IC Focus Enterprise Interoperability Research Roadmap SME aspects

2 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 2 State of the Art Enterprise business relations – increasing cooperation Frameworks Sector specific specifications Service oriented computing and service oriented architectures - Web services, Grid services, and P2P services Commercial middleware solutions Semantic web services Domain ontology Modelling and notation languages Enterprise modelling Trust and contract management

3 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 3 Use of ICT by Enterprises

4 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 4 Problem Space Managing more rapid change/innovation Adapting to globalization Large integration/interoperability costs Difficulties in decision making (e.g., namely when to interoperate with other enterprises) Lack of business case for Enterprise Interoperability A change in the model of collaboration towards open innovation

5 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 5 eBusiness Value Creation Enterprise flexibility Barriers to enterprise collaboration An enterprise’s ability to exploit new business opportunities Cost of interoperability Time to market for new innovations Access to new markets (geographic and product/service space) Access to technologies, knowledge, skills and information Quality of ICT solutions, and ICT-enabled products and services Performance measurement Barriers to geographically distributed team work Access to innovation ecosystems

6 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 6 Principles for setting Grand Challenges The public interest dimension of Enterprise Interoperability as a strategic element of innovation ecosystems The needs of end-users of technologies and related services in enterprise networking, leading to research activities that have tangible impact above and beyond research SMEs as the backbone of European industry and the unique contribution of SMEs to innovation The need to open up the field of Enterprise Interoperability research by linking with other scientific domains and communities The need to reinforce and strengthen international co-operation in research, from ideas generation to collaboration at project and possibly even at programme level

7 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 7 Grand Challenges Knowledge-Oriented Collaboration Web Technologies for Enterprise Interoperability Interoperability Service Utility A Science Base for Enterprise Interoperability

8 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 8 What is at stake eBusiness / “Web 2.0”  ecosystems, open innovation and value creation Software and services markets  open, competitive, transparent and vibrant Next-generation software and services  software as a service  a scientific foundation: knowledge, methods, techniques and tools Future Internet (Future Networks, the Semantic Web, the Internet of Things …)  “critical infrastructure” for virtually all enterprises  a services layer to serve the needs of enterprises, esp. SMEs, and new paradigms of work and economic activities

9 M-S Li IST 2006 Networking Session on Enterprise Networks, 22.11.06, Helsinki 9 Future markets for enterprise interoperability will be substantially different from those of today A unifying theme for those markets will be innovation, and specifically business innovation A homogenous picture of a single technology pathway purposively proceeding towards interoperability is not likely Interoperability will not come built into software applications unless the silo approach to software provision is broken Software provision as a flurry of bursts and spikes of the “next new thing” does not serve the interest of the enterprise users Rethinking enterprises and industrial sectors is vital for considering the development of the future markets for enterprise interoperability Remarks

10 Further information roadmap_en.htm

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