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ENTER. MOVING AROUND THE PAGES Home Exit Forward Back Teachers Page Exit.

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2 MOVING AROUND THE PAGES Home Exit Forward Back Teachers Page Exit

3 TEACHERS PAGE Brainstorm with the children the kinds of food they like to eat. Discuss the importance of eating fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. Explain that the minimum daily allowance to be healthy is five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Ask if any of the children feel they are achieving the target, or if they are not!

4 Exit Identify fruit and vegetables as an important part of our diet. Identify the different food groups. Look at the different kinds of fruit and vegetables that can be eaten. Encourage the consumption of fruit and vegetables on a daily basis. LEARNING OBJECTIVES

5 Aim For We should all try to eat 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day to keep us healthy and active. Exit

6 Aim For Look at all this food – what a feast ! Can you click on all the items of food that are fruits or vegetables? Exit







13 Aim For These foods left do not count towards your aim for 5 fruit and vegetable target. Click on the foods to find out more about them. Exit

14 Aim For Snacks These foods give us useful energy and other nutrients too. BUT be sensible not too many, not too often ! Exit

15 Aim For Protein These foods help our bodies grow and repair themselves. It is important for cell growth and strong muscles! Exit

16 Aim For Starchy Carbohydrates These foods give us energy. We need to eat plenty of them. Exit

17 Aim For Milk and Dairy foods These foods help our bodies to grow and repair themselves. They also keep our bones and teeth strong. Exit

18 Aim For What else counts? Click on the foods to see if they count towards your AIM FOR 5. Tomatoes RaisinsBaked beans Pizza Apple pie JuiceSweet cornTinned peaches apricots Exit

19 Aim For Well done ! This food counts towards your aim for 5. Exit

20 Aim For Are you ready to take the Aim for 5 Challenge? Exit Yes please! No thank you

21 Aim For Never mind. See you next time. Exit

22 TEACHERS NOTES This work sheet can be given to the children to fill in at home. Discuss with the children the kinds of food they eat in a typical day. Model a day’s intake of food highlighting the fruit and vegetables eaten. Once completed discuss whether they are hitting the target of 5 and if not how and where they can improve. Exit

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