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ISP 1600 for Winter 2005 Web.Edu: How Internet Courses Work Course web site: Fourth meeting February 3, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "ISP 1600 for Winter 2005 Web.Edu: How Internet Courses Work Course web site: Fourth meeting February 3, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISP 1600 for Winter 2005 Web.Edu: How Internet Courses Work Course web site: Fourth meeting February 3, 2005

2 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 42 Class names Initial the signin sheet Review of names Pictures (not a requirement but you may not like the alternative, will be repeated next two week

3 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 43 Web sites for this class Public ( o All handouts or static materials (syllabus, notes, exam questions, etc.) o Two links to Moodle (why two links?) Moodle ( OR DIRECT… =10) o Interactive, where you do something, such as discuss the course, turn in homework, etc. o More detail coming up

4 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 44

5 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 45 Moodle What is there: o Participants (list of class) o Online users (class members online now) o Chat o Edit Profile o Forums o Weekly Report o Study Schedule (turn in assignment by 2/3) o Recent activity (everyone, since the last time) o Under Administration, Activity report (yours) o Link back to course web site o More coming (grades)

6 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 46 Moodle: Activity Reports Outline:what you did Complete:what you read and did Today’s logs:graph Vs time, today All logs:graph Vs time, from start

7 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 47 Overview 1.What is in an online course? a. Almost always b. Sometimes 2.What is different about online courses? “Autonomy and Responsibility” a. The online discussion is the star b. If you start to feel you are out there all alone, and you run into any trouble, then you will probably do badly or drop out

8 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 48 Overview (continued) 3.Technical issues for online students a. This is what concerns most students (is my computer good enough, are my Internet skills good enough ?) but… b. There are a lot of things that might go wrong. Each one is rare.

9 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 49 About the Internet URL – Universal Resource Locater o “web address” for a web page o Home page – designed as beginning web page for a site HTML – Hypertext Markup Language – how web pages are formatted. Example: Wow! makes Wow! (bold) Can skip messing with tags using WYSIWYG HTML editor –Free example: Netscape or Mozilla Composer View Source to see HTML in Browser

10 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 410 About the Internet URL – Universal Resource Locater o Web pages are computer files formatted with HTML and having the extension htm or html o A web site is a group of related web pages.

11 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 411 About the Internet Four ways to get to a web page o Type in the URL o Click on a text or graphical link o History list (only on that computer) OK – Unorganized, can get pushed off if list full o Make a favorite (IE) or bookmark (Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox) (only on that computer) Better – can organize, keep on list

12 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 412 Internet: Make Favorite or Bookmark Go to page Click on menu item Bookmarks >> Bookmark This Page (Netscape, Mozilla, Firefox – “NMF”) OR Favorites >> Add to Favorites (IE) then (IE) accept name or change it

13 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 413 Internet: Make Favorite or Bookmark (cont’d) Advanced – move up and down on list or make folders, put bookmarks in them. Graphical – drag them around on then screen o (NMF): Click on Bookmarks >> Manage Bookmarks o (IE): Click on Favorites >> Organize Favorites

14 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 414 Internet: Download File Download: copy file from Internet to your computer Click on link to file (NMF)

15 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 415 Internet: Download File (cont’d) (IE) Will generally open file in IE, then pick IE menu item File >> Save As

16 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 416 Internet: Download File (cont’d) Double-click on drive / folder to see inside it

17 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 417 Recommendation Recommendation – each course a separate folder

18 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 418 Internet: Upload File Upload – copy a file from your computer to Internet. Here, in Moodle. Go to tool to upload or turn in assignment (Turn in Study Schedule) Click on Browse, see next screen

19 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 419

20 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 420 Internet: Upload File (cont’d) After that, click on Upload this file End of Upload

21 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 421 Life on the Internet It’s a jungle out there – more later o Don’t use easy passwords o Keep antivirus software up to date o Scams, phishing, hackers o Internet security suite – includes firewall, data safekeeping o Don’t click on free offers that are to good to be true

22 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 422 Life on the Internet (cont’d) It’s a jungle out there – more later o Don’t open email attachments from someone you don’t know o In a lab, log out whenever you can

23 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 423 Online life at WSU Activate your WSU email (“”) If you do not use it, forward it to an account you do use o Do this in Pipeline with account button Conduct at least one test of forwarding – many people mistype email address Keep forwarding up to date!

24 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 424 Chapter 1 - Quiz Best answer – an online student… a.Can get a degree without leaving bedroom b.Can save a lot of education time and money c.Has no interaction with others d.Has to be really computer-smart e.All of the above f.None of the above

25 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 425 Chapter 1 - Quiz Is each true or false? 1.Anyone can succeed as an online student 2.All distance education requires a computer 3.Best online programs from best colleges 4.You will get the same credentials online 5.If you have a degree, you can forget about online education

26 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 426 Chapter 4 Who provides Distance Learning? Everyone, and the list is growing o Public & private two-year and four-year colleges, and consortiums o For-profit private mixed and online colleges o Privately-developed courses taught by others o Trade schools At least 100,000 courses, 4,000 institutions

27 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 427 Chapter 13 – Working the System Can be more personal Requirements: available in advance (WSU?) Technical support – what types? Access? Variety of methods, online to f2f Online students: must be more (inter)active More work for students, and for faculty o Students: share more information o Faculty: lay assignments out clearly, interact

28 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 428 Chapter 13 – Working the System Netiquette o Keep messages short o Meaningful subject line o Respect other opinions (may be part of course) o Focus on ideas, not person o Be careful with sarcasm and humor – smilies ☺ o Acronyms can be a problem o Electronic file compatibility o May be institutional or faculty rules

29 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 429 Chapter 13 – Working the System May be online evaluation o Institution o Course

30 2/3/05Web.Edu, Class 430 For next week Web Hub? Read Chapter 13, “Working the System” One or two posts to “Course discussion” Catching up o Post in “One interesting thing” o Weekly Report 1 o Work schedule

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