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RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 1 Regional Information Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for.

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Presentation on theme: "RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 1 Regional Information Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for."— Presentation transcript:

1 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 1 Regional Information Meeting and Workshop related to the RRC-06 for the Administrations of the Arab Group of countries Coordination and Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan A. Méndez BR/TSD/TPR Damascus, 16-18 August 2005

2 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 2 Clarify the concept Share BRs experience during the Planning exercise Present a summary of the IPG-1 decisions on Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan Present the data format for notification Objectives of this presentation

3 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 3 Searching for a definition of Administrative Declarations RRC Report Chapter 1 RRC Report Chapter 5 ( –Reduce incompatibilities –Negotiation/agreement between administrations –Possible request for assistance to the BR

4 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 4 RRC Report Searching for a definition of Administrative Declarations (cont.) Adm A Req 1 Adm A Req 2 declares compatibility/ incompatibility Adm A Req 1 Adm B Req 2 RRC Report (Same concept between requirement / recorded assignment)

5 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 5 RR - Definition of Coordination Coordination –Area –Contour –Distance Article 9 – Process of seeking an agreement of other administration RR

6 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 6 Comparison between Administrative declarations and Coordination Notifying ADM A states that ADM B had agreed that As notified requirement does not affect any of Bs recorded assignments (analog BT / other services) Notifying ADM A states that it accepts interference to their requirement xxx caused by recorded assignment or requirement yyy from ADM B Administrative declaration Coordination information

7 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 7 Administrative declarations for the Planning exercise Addendum 1 to CR 229 (24.05.2005) –Provisional solution (requirements) –Guidelines –File format –15 days after publication of requirements

8 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 8 Some statistics from the Planning Exercise 35notifying Administrations 50incoming emails <5outgoing emails <10telephone calls and unregistered emails 4 daysTotal processing time 150 000valid input administrative declarations for the exercise Percentage of errors: LESS than 1 % of the declarations received!!!!

9 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 9 1.Encourage ALL administrations to submit declarations 2.Keep the notification procedure as simple as possible 3.Avoid bottlenecks in submission BRs goals for the next phase

10 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 10 IPG-1 Decisions -Annex 14 Review of the results of the first planning exercise -Annex 18 Review of Time Schedule -Annex 21 Report from ad hoc Group 2 on administrative declarations

11 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 11 IPG-1 Decisions (cont.) Additional run of the Planning Exercise Administrations may submit additional administrative declarations Date limit: 22 August 2005 Format: add.1 to CR/229

12 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 12 When to submit (for Draft Plan)? –Before 27.01.2006 (see also time schedule) Who can notify? –Authorized contact person What should be notified? –ALL declarations, even if there are no changes with respect to those submitted for the planning exercise How to prepare the notification files? –Using a text processor or Excel (equivalent) software Basic questions on administrative declarations

13 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 13 Draft Plan - Time Schedule (source IPG-1 report annex 18) Activity/event Duration DeadlineAction by Production of the draft Plan Reference situation date 31.10.2005Administrations Last submission of input data prior to the second session of the RRC 31.10.2005Administrations Validation, correction and publication of input data 3 months 31.01.2006BR and administrations Submission of administrative declarations 27.01.2006Administrations Production of the draft plan 1 month BR assisted by experts See resolve 1a) Meeting of the Inter-sessional Planning Group; submission of the draft plan to RRC-06 February 2006 IPG Publication of the draft plan28.02.2006BR Analysis of the draft Plan by administrations2 months Administrations Submission of additional administrative declarations 20.03.2006Administrations Publication of additional synthesis results 31.03.2006BR Beginning of the second session of RRC May 2006 [1] [1] The Bureau will publish individual requirement files as soon as they are validated (under the understanding that the fields relating to the conversion from analogue to digital will not be completely validated) with the intention to publish all requirements by 13 January 2006. The validation of the remaining fields will be done by 31 January 2006, i.e. the final date for the publication of the complete requirement file.

14 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 14 Annex 21 of IPG-1 Report To remove constraints from the Synthesis process To cover cases between different or same administration Valid if date declaration > date of requirement Definitive Recording not yet defined (issue submitted to RPG) Scope of pre-coordination

15 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 15 Primary tool for indication of agreement! COORD_A and COORD_O only when single channel requested Annex 21 of IPG-1 Report (cont.) New mechanism

16 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 16 One single file per administration Declarations should be submitted by both administrations –BR validates and eventually excludes BR publishes the files on the Web Changes in requirements need new declaration Procedure for submission Annex 21 of IPG-1 Report (cont.)

17 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 17 How to prepare notification files? Administrations own software Text processors Excel software BRs software tool under preparation

18 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 18 Administrative declarations Sample file (Excel format)

19 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 19 Administrative declarations Sample file (delimited text format)

20 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 20 References -RRC Report (revised version) -IPG-1 Report (plus IPG-1 documents) -BR Circular Letters (CR/…)CR/… -ITU Web site ( R/conferences/rrc/rrc-04/intersession/index.asp) -BR Contact address:

21 RRC - Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan – Damascus, 16-18 August 2005 21 Summary Still possible to submit administrative declarations for an additional run of the Planning Exercise –Date limit: 22 August 2005 –Format: add.1 to CR/229 Administrative declarations for the Draft Plan should be in accordance with Annex 21 of IPG-1 Report Pre-coordination: Key element for a successful Plan

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