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Law Jeopardy!!!! Final Exam Review. Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3FoundationsHodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation on theme: "Law Jeopardy!!!! Final Exam Review. Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3FoundationsHodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Law Jeopardy!!!! Final Exam Review

2 Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3FoundationsHodgepodge 100 200 300 400 500 Right Side of Room CenterLeft Side of Room Final Jeopardy

3 Question: Unit 1 100 Points Name two of the five rights protected in the First Amendment

4 Answer: Unit 1 100 Points What are Religion, free speech, free press, assemble, petition

5 Question: Unit 1 200 Points Crime that would result in a jail term of one year or less and a fine of less than $1,000 is classified as a

6 Answer: Unit 1 200 Points What is Misdemeanor

7 Question: Unit 1 300 Points If a Supreme Court Judge disagrees with the majority they will write a

8 Answer: Unit 1 300 Points What is a Dissenting Opinion

9 Question: Unit 1 400 Points Set of rules or regulation by which a government regulates the conduct of people within society

10 Answer: Unit 1 400 Points What is Criminal Law

11 Question: Unit 1 500 Points Lowest level of courts that hear testimony, consider evidence and decide the facts in a disputed situation

12 Answer: Unit 1 500 Points What are Trial Courts

13 Question: Unit 2 100 Points Killing in which there is no intent, just extreme recklessness

14 Answer: Unit 2 100 Points What is Involuntary Manslaughter

15 Question: Unit 2 200 Points Deliberate and malicious burning of another’s property

16 Answer: Unit 2 200 Points What is Arson

17 Question: Unit 2 300 Points The conditions that make an act unlawful

18 Answer: Unit 2 300 Points What are the Elements

19 Question: Unit 2 400 Points What criminal conduct does rape fall under?

20 Answer: Unit 2 400 Points What is Crimes against a person

21 Question: Unit 2 500 Points Failing to perform an act required by law is known as a crime of

22 Answer: Unit 2 500 Points What is Omission

23 Question: Unit 3 100 Points Ability for law enforcement to enter a building in the case of a fire is known as

24 Answer: Unit 3 100 Points What is Emergency Situation

25 Question: Unit 3 200 Points Defense used saying law enforcement convinced a person to commit the crime

26 Answer: Unit 3 200 Points What is Entrapment

27 Question: Unit 3 300 Points As a juvenile you are not sentenced, you are given

28 Answer: Unit 3 300 Points What is a Disposition

29 Question: Unit 3 400 Points Pretrial proceeding at which the prosecutor must prove that a crime was committed is

30 Answer: Unit 3 400 Points What is Preliminary hearing

31 Question: Unit 3 500 Points Main reason for our jail system is to --- criminals.

32 Answer: Unit 3 500 Points What is Rehabilitate

33 Question: Foundations 100 Points Administrative unit of government that creates and enforces laws

34 Answer: Foundations 100 Points What is an Agency

35 Question: Foundations 200 Points Branch of government that makes laws through rulings

36 Answer: Foundations 200 Points What is Judicial

37 Question: Foundations 300 Points Separation of power between the federal and state governments is known as

38 Answer: Foundations 300 Points What is Federalism

39 Question: Foundations 400 Points In opening statements, closing statements, and examining witnesses which lawyer gets to go first

40 Answer: Foundations 400 Points What is Plaintiff / Prosecutor

41 Question: Foundations 500 Points Act or process of resolving a dispute between two or more parties where a third party comes in and assists

42 Answer: Foundations 500 Points What is Mediation

43 Question: Hodgepodge 100 Points If under 17 instead of committing a crime you have committed a(n)

44 Answer: Hodgepodge 100 Points What is Offense

45 Question: Hodgepodge 200 Points In a criminal trial the defendant must be found how guilty

46 Answer: Hodgepodge 200 Points What is Beyond a reasonable doubt

47 Question: Hodgepodge 300 Points Taking of money from someone to whom it has been entrusted

48 Answer: Hodgepodge 300 Points What is Embezzlement

49 Question: Hodgepodge 400 Points A formal request to postpone the date of a trial

50 Answer: Hodgepodge 400 Points What is a Motion of Continuance

51 Question: Hodgepodge 500 Points Who is Ingham County’s Prosecuting Attorney.

52 Answer: Hodgepodge 500 Points Who is Stuart Dunnings III

53 Final Jeopardy – Make your Wager, No NOTES or BOOK

54 Final Jeopardy Question In the following order, what rights are protected in the 2 nd Amendment 4 th Amendment 8 th Amendment

55 Final Jeopardy Answer 2 nd – Right to bear arms 4 th – Protection from search and seizure 8 th - Protection from cruel and unusual punishment Wager

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