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Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Spin Physics in NOMAD OUTLINE 1.Spin Problem of the Proton … for Pedestrians How to attack the problem? Why strange hyperons? Strange Particles Production 2.Other Spin Phenomena 1.NOMAD: experimental Observations and Analysis Procedure 2.Theoretical Description and Open Questions 3.Conclusions Introduction Data analysis
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Hyperon's Production and Polarization in Neutrino Nucleon Interactions OUTLINE 1.Spin Problem of the Proton … for Pedestrians How to attack the problem? Why strange hyperons? Strange Particles Production 2.Other Spin Phenomena 1.NOMAD: experimental Observations and Analysis Procedure 2.Theoretical Description and Open Questions 3.Conclusions Introduction Data analysis
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Spin Problem of the Proton … for Pedestrians N S Spin being a relativistic object is qualitatively presented as a rotation of point-like particle… …circular charge flow is equivalent to a current circuit, thus a particle should have a magnetic moment Can we understand hadron’s magnetic moments which are bound states of u,d,s,… quarks? Yes! 1.Let us build QM wave functions of hadrons in terms of quarks 2.Given magnetic moment of each quark provides us an estimation of magnetic moment of a hadron 3.Compare to the data
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Building SU(6)=SU(3) F x SU(2) S non relativistic wave functions of octet baryons: p, n, +, 0, -, 0, 0, - Cyclic permutations…)
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR q = e q /2m q e q is quark charge m q is quark mass q is quark spin operator Taking m u = m d = 336 MeV, m s = 510 MeV we can reasonable well describe the data: SU(6) prediction Magnetic momentformulavalueexperimentExp/SU(6) 1 1.028 1 0.91 0.004 1.12 0.02 0.87 0.01 1.33 0.06 1.05 0.12 Magnetic moment of a baryon (B) can be computed as: (B) = QM operator of the hadron’s magnetic moment reads: B = q q q,
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Thus we can conclude that a non relativistic SU(6) model is adequate to describe the baryons magnetic moments through magnetic moments (proportional to the spin) of constituents quarks. It is natural to ask: “what is the quark’s contribution to the Proton Spin?”
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR 1.Evidence for point-like partons in the proton came from late 60s from SLAC e-p scattering. 2.R. Feynman formulated quark-parton model (QPM) of proton. 3.Gell-Mann created Quantum Color Dynamics (QCD) theory describing interactions between partons. How proton is made? …quarks, kinematics and all that k = (E,k) k’ = (E’,k’) Kinematic variables: In QPM x is a fraction of the proton momentum
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Deep inelastic cross-section is expressed via: Proton structure functionQuark (gluon) distributions in QPM F 1,F 2 unpolarized g 1,g 2 polarized q(x), G(x) unpolarized q(x), G(x), polarized Longitudinally polarized leptons off longitudinally polarized nucleon are to probe spin structure of the nucleon: g 1 (x,Q 2 ) = ½ i e 2 i q(x) Experimentally measured: … known from hyperon decays QCD corrections = [1/12 ( u- d) + 1/36( u+ d-2 s)]C ns + 1/9( u+ d+ s)C s …proton spin carried by quarks
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Model independent Bjorken Sum Rule reads Corrections: QCD Final target mass Higher twist effects Theory Experiment 4% difference and well agrees within errors Bjorken Sum Rule is OK! Ellis-Jaffe Sum Rule (assuming s=0 and exact SU(3) ) is violated… Quark’s contribution to the Proton Spin u+ d+ s = 0.27 0.04 Naïve SU(6) gives: u p = 4/3, d p =-1/3, with u+ d+ s = 1 s p = 0 Ellis-Jaffe expected: u+ d+ s = 0.579 Theory Experiment …if G=0
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR A.Efremov, O.Teryaev. G.Altarelli, G.Ross. R.Carlitz,J.Collins,A.Mueller showed that a possible gluon polarization gives: q q - s /(2 ) G Proton Spin Sum Rule: ½ = ½( u+ d+ s)+ orbital momentum of partons + G G=2 is enough to explain the data with s=0 and u+ d+ s = 0.27 … Important questions: 1.Are gluons polarized? 1.Are strange (and sea) quarks polarized? 1.Is there a spin problem for hyperons? “Prompt” measurement in (anti) neutrino (quasi)elastic scattering, strange hyperons polarization Today COMPASS and HERMES attack G problem
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR s can be measured directly in (anti)neutrino (quasi) elastic scattering… (by W.Alberico,S.Bilenky, C.Guinti) This is challenging experimentally! Strong force in 0 - channel ( , ) Negative proton strangeness should give a negative Lambda polarization in target fragmentation region Polarization in DIS is sensitive indirect tool to probe s Expected spin anti-correlation J.Ellis, et al. suggested a qualitative model for negative strangeness in the proton
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR R.L.Jaffe suggested to measure polarization in the quark (current) fragmentation region. …if spin problem for proton then on the same foot spin problem for and other hyperons. Naïve SU(6) predicts: u= d=0 s=1 Spin Problem for predicts: u= d -0.2 Contributions from * and are of great importance: Yields of strange hadrons and resonances has to be measured polarization is being measured in: 1.e + e - at Z 0 pole (LEP) 2.Lepton nucleon DIS (E665,HERMES,COMPASS) 3.(anti) neutrino nucleon DIS(old bubble chambers, NOMAD) Why ? p - weak decay provides information on polarization vector
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Parity conservation forbids to produce longitudinally polarized Lambda hyperons if beam or target are unpolarized. However Lambda hyperons can be transversally polarized (orthogonal to the production plane). Unpolarized hadron hadron DIS Transverse polarization in HERMES No transverse polarization found in old bubble chambers experiments No transverse polarization found in e + e - at Z 0 pole
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Hyperon's Production and Polarization in Neutrino Nucleon Interactions OUTLINE 1.Spin Problem of the Proton … for Pedestrians How to attack the problem? Why strange hyperons? Strange Particles Production 2.Other Spin Phenomena 1.NOMAD: experimental Observations and Analysis Procedure 2.Theoretical Description and Open Questions 3.Conclusions Introduction Data analysis
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Hyperon's Production and Polarization in Neutrino Nucleon Interactions OUTLINE 1.Spin Problem of the Proton … for Pedestrians How to attack the problem? Why strange hyperons? Strange Particles Production 2.Other Spin Phenomena 1.NOMAD: experimental Observations and Analysis Procedure 2.Theoretical Description and Open Questions 3.Conclusions Introduction Data analysis
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Why Neutrinos? 1.are naturally polarized particles 2.interact with left handed quarks and right handed anti-quarks 3.interact with quarks and anti-quarks of specific flavor Neutrinos Thus… Neutrino beams are clean and power tools for the Spin Physics
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR A (short) history of neutrino detectors Anti- +p e + +n e + +e - 15 s after: n+Cd +... Reactor anti-Neutrino detection by Reines and Cowan (1953)
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR A (short) history of neutrino detectors Neutrinos come to CERN CDHS CHARM CHARMII BEBC CHORUS NOMAD
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR NOMAD had wide neutrino beam mainly made of muon neutrinos NOMAD simulation chain
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR V 0 Mass resolution V 0 yields (in %) Yields in data are 40-60% below than default JETSET
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR V 0 integral yields in NOMAD compared to previous measurements
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR V 0 differential yields in NOMAD KsKs LambdaAnti Lambda x F = 2p L /W*
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Strange resonances in NOMAD Resonance/V 0 in data and default JETSET: Factor 1.5–2 difference Resume: Before doing a polarization Analysis tune JETSET After JETSET tuning MC is well describing strange particles in NOMAD ready for polarization study! K* + K* - *+*+ *-*- -- … by Artyom Chukanov (see his PhD)
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Polarization Analysis
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR General Results polarization General Results polarization _
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Lambda Polarization Vector in Target and “Current” Fragmentation Regions
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Strong dependence on W 2 Controversial theoretical descriptions at x F >0 …
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Longitudinal Lambda Polarization – Theoretical Description d d u u d d u d s u s _ q q q _ q _ J.Ellis et al. model Current direction Negatively polarized d d u
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Spin transfer from: a)quark fragmentation In SU(6) model In Burkhardt-Jaffe model b)Di-quark fragmentation J.Ellis et al. model SU(6) model c)heavier strange hyperons decays Simulation chain: JETSET7.4 with NOMAD tuned parameters LEPTO6.1 (a bug corrected): adequately describes all unpolarized distributions in the NOMAD data Spin transfer from: a)quark fragmentation In SU(6) model In Burkhardt-Jaffe model b)Di-quark fragmentation J.Ellis et al. model SU(6) model c)heavier strange hyperons decays Spin transfer from: a)quark fragmentation In SU(6) model In Burkhardt-Jaffe model b)Di-quark fragmentation J.Ellis et al. model SU(6) model c)heavier strange hyperons decays Spin transfer from: a)quark fragmentation In SU(6) model In Burkhardt-Jaffe model b)Di-quark fragmentation J.Ellis et al. model SU(6) model c)heavier strange hyperons decays
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR qqq Rank from diquark Rank from quark Tagging scheme for a hyperon Which contains: R qq =1 (A) R qq 1 & Rq 1 (B) R q =1 (A) R q 1 & Rqq 1 (B) Remnant diquarkStruck quark
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Conclusion: Current energies of all experiments in game today are too low to access quark fragmentation to hyperons… The diquark fragmentation is dominant
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Fixing free parameters of the model
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Compare to NOMAD data: Absolute value OK Functional Dependencies OK Proton/neutron targets No
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Compare to HERMES (ep @27.5 GeV) Compare to E665 ( p @470 GeV) Small statistics yet… …Waiting new data by COMPAS, HERMES, NOMAD
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Transverse Polarization
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Transverse Polarization
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR d d u d u u d u u d u u q _ q d u u q _ q q q _ d u u q _ qq _ q L SzSz s s _ PTPT PTPT A qualitative picture for polarization vs P T
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Before my conclusions… Starting from a hypothetical particle by Pauli, passing through an almost undetectable particle by Bethe and Pierls nowdays neutrinos provide a precise and powerful tool for Particle physics. NOMAD worked on: 1.Neutrino oscillation exclusion region 2.Strange particles production and polarization 3.Charm particles production, m c measurement 4.Diffractive physics 5.Bose-Einstein Correlations 6.Many Others… NOMAD is still working on: 1.Sin W measurement 2.Quasi Elastic cross section and M A measurement 3.K * spin alignment 4.Strange Particles and Spin Physics in Neutral Currents (Z 0 boson exchange) 5.Penta Quark Search by Vladimir Lyubushkin by Artyom Chukanov
Pisa, INFN, October 21, 2003 Dmitry Naumov, LNP JINR Conclusions 1.Measurement of hyperon’s and meson’s yields is a milestone for Monte Carlo generators tuning… 2.Spin Problem of the Proton is still not resolved finally while much more better understood today. 1.COMPAS (CERN) and HERMES (DESY) attack this problem 2.NOMAD data favors that s quarks in the nucleon sea are negatively polarized… shadowing the valence quark spin of the nucleon 3.The transverse polarization of strange hyperons is clearly observed in NOMAD (for the first time in neutrino experiments). 1. the polarization originates in the string fragmentation 2.There is no good theory of this polarization 4.Many other exciting and top level things can be done within neutrino detector like the NOMAD and some of them are under investigation
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