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The Facts of Life: Should parents talk to their kids about the dangers of fat? Presented by Carolyn Will.

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Presentation on theme: "The Facts of Life: Should parents talk to their kids about the dangers of fat? Presented by Carolyn Will."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Facts of Life: Should parents talk to their kids about the dangers of fat? Presented by Carolyn Will

2 Health Diary: TV show on PBS Olga Luaces, mother of three overweight children, said, ”I used to go shopping and I’d buy what they liked, you know. I didn’t realize the harm I was doing them.” Episode #408 October 2001

3 I wanted to find out Where parents saw themselves in the obesity equation. What behaviors are they role-modeling? What are their attitudes with regards to their influence on their kids exercise and eating habits?

4 Results will be used for Story ideas in freelance news writing for newspapers and magazines. Identifying a business opportunity to create support materials for parents, youth organizations or health care centers.

5 Fact of Life: “We are raising the most obese and the most sedentary generation of children in American History.” Former U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher Medical Cost: $76.6 billion per year directly related to obesity (Centers for Disease Control 2001) Emotional Cost: Children who are overweight suffer from depression and low self-esteem. (NIH June 2003)

6 Fact of Life An obese 7-year-old has a 50% chance of remaining obese as an adult. An obese teenager has a 70% chance of remaining obese as an adult.

7 Research Question Are parents uncomfortable talking to their kids about healthy lifestyle issues pertaining to eating habits, physical fitness and body weight?

8 Parent surveys distributed at three K-8 schools Schools reside in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Survey included 22 questions. Parents completed surveys and returned it to school in the sealed envelope provided. Each school given jump ropes and playground balls as an incentive.

9 Results 758 surveys were distributed. 304 completed surveys were returned for a 40% return rate. Most parents identified themselves as Caucasian, African American or Hispanic. Majority of the families low in low-to-middle income brackets

10 Survey questions covered four areas: Physical activity level Eating habits Parent’s attitudes about their kids’ eating and exercise habits Parents comfort level in talking about weight

11 How often would you estimate your child(ren) engages in physical activity while at home? 1. __ Daily 2. __ 4-5 times a week 3. __ 2-3 times a week 4. __ Once a week 5. __ Less than once a week Survey question

12 How often would you estimate you engage in physical activity as a family? 1. __ Daily 2. __ 4-5 times a week 3. __ 2-3 times a week 4. __ Once a week 5. __ Less than once a week

13 Physical activity level at home 36% of kids active daily 11% of kids never physically active at home 6% of parents say they are active every day with their kids. 50% of parents say they are never active with their kids

14 Survey question Have either you or your spouse/partner been told by a health care provider that either of you should lose weight? 1. __ Yes 2. __ No

15 Survey question Are any of your considered overweight by his/her pediatrician? 1. __ Yes 2. __ No

16 Obesity rates of families surveyed 26% of adults said they had been told by their physician to lose weight 10% of children are considered overweight by their pediatrician.

17 Survey Question How often do you sit down as a family to eat dinner together? 1. __ Daily 2. __ 4-5 Times a week 3. __ 2-3 Times a week 4. __ Once a week 5. __ Less than once a week

18 46% of the families surveyed eat dinner together every day.

19 Survey Question When preparing the family meal, what do you consider to be the most important factors? Please rank the top three. 1.__ Nutritional value 2. __ Cost of the meal 3. __ Foods that the kids like to eat 4. __ Convenience or speed with which food can be prepared

20 38% rank nutrition as the most important value for family meal.

21 Survey Question What do you think has the greatest influence on your child(ren)’s eating and exercise habits? (Please check one.) 1. __ Parents 2. __ Peers 3. __ School 4. __ Media 5. __ Other

22 83% of parents surveyed identified themselves as the most influential factor affecting their child’s eating and exercise habits

23 Survey question If one of your children had a weight problem, would you feel comfortable talking about it with him or her? 1. __ Yes, extremely comfortable. 2. __ Yes, probably comfortable. 3. __ I don’t know how I would feel. 4. __ No, I don’t think I would feel comfortable. 5. __ No, I absolutely would not feel comfortable.

24 51% of the parents said they felt extremely comfortable level talking to their kids about their weight.

25 Survey question Would you find written materials useful in helping your family lead a more physically active lifestyle? 1 __ Yes 2. __ No 42% of the parents responded with a “yes.”

26 Fact of Life: Obesity is the number one health threat to our children. This research shows: 83% parents surveyed believe they have more influence over their kids eating habits than their peers, the media or school. 49% parents have a level of discomfort addressing weight with their child. Nearly half would like parent discussion guides.

27 Research question Are parents uncomfortable talking to their kids about healthy lifestyle issues pertaining to eating habits, physical fitness and body weight? For nearly half the parents surveyed, the answer is “yes.”

28 What needs to be done next? Reach parents through news channels with information they need to address issues of weight, fitness and eating habits with their children. Write and develop parent discussion guides as a new business opportunity.

29 Questions?

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