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UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Licensing and Copyright for education and research Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer Chief.

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Presentation on theme: "UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Licensing and Copyright for education and research Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer Chief."— Presentation transcript:

1 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Licensing and Copyright for education and research Dr Paul Ayris Director of UCL Library Services and UCL Copyright Officer Chief Executive, UCL Press President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) Chair of the LERU community of Chief Information Officers e-mail:

2 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Licensing for education  Overseas campuses  MOOCS/SPOCS 2.Text and Data Mining for education and research 3.Conclusions 2 Plaster Relief by John Flaxman, Flaxman Gallery, UCL

3 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Licensing for education  Overseas campuses  MOOCS/SPOCS 2.Text and Data Mining for education and research 3.Conclusions 3 Plaster Relief by John Flaxman, Flaxman Gallery, UCL

4 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Overseas campuses/MOOCs/SPOCs/ CPD Short Courses  The explosive growth in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and their global reach has opened up a new door to education. We need to make sure it is a door to our universities and colleges  International Education: Global Growth and Prosperity (July, 2013)  stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/229844/ bis-13-1081-international-education-global- growth-and-prosperity.pdf stem/uploads/attachment_data/file/229844/ bis-13-1081-international-education-global- growth-and-prosperity.pdf 4

5 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Overseas campuses - UK case studies  Students need to register centrally  JISC Collections in UK use Model Licence  EXCLUDES students registered at a Partner Organisation 5 A Box of Useful Knowledge (Brougham Papers, UCL Library Services)

6 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Issues for overseas campuses  Students at partner institutions need to be covered by a Extension to the Licence  Decision Tool - http://www.jisc- on-Tool---Users-at-Partner- Organisations/ http://www.jisc- on-Tool---Users-at-Partner- Organisations/  Most publishers (not all) accepting concept of small uplift to allow access 6  But publisher may not have right to grant access to resources in every country  Most (not all) publishers use JISC Model Licence  Some publisher licences exclude overseas campuses  Some publishers want to handle Additional Users on an institution by institution basis without the JISC Model Licence University College London

7 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Issues for MOOCS/SPOCS  No agreement on how to provide licenses  Registering students centrally is a challenge for Short Courses (2-3 days)  Some MOOC providers arrange licensing for content they provide  CCC (Copyright Clearance Centre (US licensing body) has MOOCS licencing solution. This puts the burden of fee payment back on the MOOC students, rather than university:  7  Open Access CC licences work well for MOOCS  International agreements needed to identify requirements of universities and their students  Commercial providers need to be engaged at an international level to agree Terms and Conditions  Who is responsible for leading these discussions? Solutions?

8 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Licensing for education  Overseas campuses  MOOCS/SPOCS 2.Text and Data Mining for education and research 3.Conclusions 8 Plaster Relief by John Flaxman, Flaxman Gallery, UCL

9 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Text and Data Mining (TDM) – what is it?  TDM derives information from machine-read material  It works by copying large quantities of material, extracting the data, and recombining it to identify patterns  Essential aspect of Science 2.0 or Open Science 9 LIBER TDM Factsheet at and%20Data%20Mining%20Factsheet.pdf and%20Data%20Mining%20Factsheet.pdf

10 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES TDM  Less TDM activity is undertaken in Europe than other parts of the globe, partly because of European copyright frameworks  Publishers offering licences for TDM which many researchers deem restrictive  EU TDM Expert Group has argued for an Exception for TDM in EU copyright laws 10 LIBER TDM Workshop, London 2013  Or a broader change in the form of an open norm or an interpretive instrument

11 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Contents 1.Licensing for education  Overseas campuses  MOOCS/SPOCS 2.Text and Data Mining for education and research 3.Conclusions 11 Plaster Relief by John Flaxman, Flaxman Gallery, UCL

12 UCL LIBRARY SERVICES Conclusions  International agreements needed to deal with new licensing issues for Higher Education  EU copyright reform needed to support education and research 12 University College London

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